Skeeters syndrome AKA mosquito allergy

This topic was created in the Health forum by Whorpio on Thursday, July 2, 2020 and has 11 replies.
Anyone else have this?

Where mosquito bites swell to the size of a tennis ball for a week and leave a bruise that sticks around up to a month afterwards?

Got bit on the eyelid last night and now I look like Rocky Balboa. Any tips to make the swelling stop? Ice pack has helped some. I also took Allegra last night but it evidently didn’t help.
Posted by WarAngel

Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.

I’m not a fan of Benadryl as it makes me tired and only lasts 8 hours. So I take 24-hour Allegra that is non-drowsy and doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier.
Yup. I currently have about 5 on my back, that are KILLING me.

I tend to use benadryl for mine. But I notice if I get one on my face, it usually doesn't swell as bad or itch as much. Takes about 24 hours for the huge swelling to go away.
Posted by LittleStar_II


Do you have O- blood?

Just curious.

But yes, I get them about 3”x3” bites. I have some skin autoimmune genetic disease thing though so I get rashes and inflammation very easily.

What I do is alternate Lidocaine and Anti-Itch cream and ice a couple times a day.

You can also take Benadryl or an anti-histamine until it goes away.

Typically it goes from normal to swollen in about 3 days and by day 4 it dissipates.

But it’s very painful and hard to the touch and itchy as a mofo.

I have A- blood.

I have some cortisone cream I guess I’ll try applying.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by WarAngel

Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.

It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.

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Wow...that is terrible...dodgy medication hey? 🥴😐
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by WarAngel

Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.

It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.


Pharmacologically, it's one of the safest drugs we've got in the tool box.
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Serious side effects

Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life-threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:

decreased memory

impaired thinking



fast heartbeat


Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by WarAngel

Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.

It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.


Wow...that is terrible...dodgy medication hey? 🥴😐

Yeah I felt pretty dumb but I’m fairly clumsy off meds too. 😂
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Were you hallucinating before taking it?
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by WarAngel

Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.

It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.


Wow...that is terrible...dodgy medication hey? 🥴😐

Yeah I felt pretty dumb but I’m fairly clumsy off meds too. 😂

Were you hallucinating before taking it?

No. LOL just after
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That’s really bad.
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by WarAngel

Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.

It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.


Pharmacologically, it's one of the safest drugs we've got in the tool box.


Serious side effects

Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life-threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:

decreased memory

impaired thinking



fast heartbeat


click to expand
Says who?

It wasn’t for Little Star and are they just making up the side effects for fun?
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by WarAngel

Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.

It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.


Pharmacologically, it's one of the safest drugs we've got in the tool box.


Serious side effects

Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life-threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:

decreased memory

impaired thinking



fast heartbeat



Says who?

It wasn’t for Little Star and are they just making up the side effects for fun?

He means safe in that those side effects aren’t going to happen to the majority of people not that those side effects aren’t dangerous.
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....but could affect the minority?
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by WarAngel
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by WarAngel

Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.

It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.


Pharmacologically, it's one of the safest drugs we've got in the tool box.


Serious side effects

Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life-threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:

decreased memory

impaired thinking



fast heartbeat



Says who?

It wasn’t for Little Star and are they just making up the side effects for fun?

He means safe in that those side effects aren’t going to happen to the majority of people not that those side effects aren’t dangerous.

....but could affect the minority?

Yeah in the scheme of things compared to say cancer chemo drugs that cause a lot of havoc or immunosuppressant drugs that can make you susceptible to other issues, it’s not going to be likely to give people side effects that can cause more harm than good.
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Thanks, all the same, I’ll stay clear of it ....