Posted by LittleStar_IIWow...that is terrible...dodgy medication hey? 🥴😐Posted by WarAngel
Have you tried Benadryl? It's very safe.
It’s not. I walked into a door because I hallucinated it was open and almost broke my nose.
😂click to expand
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Posted by Black-MambaPosted by LibraSupremePosted by Black-MambaPosted by LibraSupreme
I grew up really popular and I love to travel to rid myself of it. Lib sun /Scorp moon who people thinks I'm an extrovert but I favor my alone time. I'm only on dxpnet and Twitter is a phantom acct. I hate Facebook, Instagram or anything that deals with people who have the audacity to interact with me. I only interact with people who share my hobbies and those who don't try to ride my fame.
are you really famous I just don't believe it
Not to hijack the thread but yes I was only famous to fans of a certain sport here in the Big 12 south. CC my darling if you knew my name it would bring validation. I hate to boast but here in Texas enough people disgrace me with it by living in the past. My best miracle was not making it professionally. Thank God
are you like old still living in your college football experience?click to expand
Posted by exoskeleton_
i think social media is great for businesses, organizations, artists, etc for free promotion and promoting others, making things more personable with clients, sharing information and updates, etc. that is if intentions are genuine.
the problem is when people use social media as a distraction from their own lives, obsess over their digital self image so much they forget who they are, and envy how they perceive others lives to be. i know people personally who've bought fake likes and followers and it's like lol for what? there's no integrity and authenticity in that. all this causes so much damage to mental health and real life/in the flesh relationships.
peeps just need some moderation and constraint and to separate their ego gratification from it, fuck the bullshit.
Posted by xy_sighPosted by exoskeleton_
Exo, I found this song too sad but it feels unfamiliar. It feels like being at sea all alone or early morning covered in to expand
Posted by TheApparitiondef agree many social media users forgot who their intended audience are and forgot their mission so to speak, lost sense of boundaries.Posted by exoskeleton_
i think social media is great for businesses, organizations, artists, etc for free promotion and promoting others, making things more personable with clients, sharing information and updates, etc. that is if intentions are genuine.
the problem is when people use social media as a distraction from their own lives, obsess over their digital self image so much they forget who they are, and envy how they perceive others lives to be. i know people personally who've bought fake likes and followers and it's like lol for what? there's no integrity and authenticity in that. all this causes so much damage to mental health and real life/in the flesh relationships.
peeps just need some moderation and constraint and to separate their ego gratification from it, fuck the bullshit.
I should probably start off by saying that I largely agree with many of the points that you've made (to varying degrees); however, with that said...
I think that it is also important to, at very least, mention and acknowledge that there is a difference between personal networks and professional networks, as well as that there is a difference between social media and social networking.
The reason I believe this is important is because of the very points you were making and how they apply to the overall dynamic.
Yes there are different markets available and yes that availability does extend to different audience, BUT but I think overall what you were getting at (and please correct me if I am over speaking or am inaccurate) was essentially that the lines invisible lines of separation have largely become blurred. Also That many of the networks which were once separate or that had been geared towards a specific audience no longer do so (or do so to a lesser extent). It is because of this that the overall dynamic has become more 'chaotic' (for lack of a better word).
I would imagine that by simply finding a way to reaffirm some kind of distinction would be extremely helpful, for if a person willfully knows that there is a distinction, where it is they are visiting, and which dynamic they are willfully choosing to distract themselves with that alone would likely greatly improve the 'mental health' of people across the board.
I mean... I want to believe that anyway, but I am forever the devil's advocate, so there is definitely that little voice in the back of my head telling me that it wouldn't work anyway because the boundaries wouldn't be respected which would ultimately put us right back where we are. *shrug*
It's worth a shot. The dynamic has already chaotic and crazy. I don't think trying to fix it could/would make it too much worse if it were unsuccessful; to expand
Posted by xy_sighyou'll know when you're ready.Posted by exoskeleton_Posted by xy_sighPosted by exoskeleton_
Exo, I found this song too sad but it feels unfamiliar. It feels like being at sea all alone or early morning covered in fog.
yea, it hits hard. there's a bit of light and hope in it though.
That's true. It hits different.
"Do I want to move on or not?"click to expand
Posted by SassyKiwi
What placements, energy or aspects cause this?
I just cannot stand today’s average person who is either busy with being obsessed with social media, on a billion dating or phone apps, gossiping or being nosy, envying others, busy on their phones or mindlessly browsing when they are being paid to work, etc. The average person has lost basic decency and the desire to be efficient and impactful in life. I myself am not perfect but I don’t do any of that shit and just want to know where these similar individuals reside.
I personally have Cap and Aqua energy that I think make me extremely intolerant to such people. Ignoring their existences help keep me sane.
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