Stem Cells ..........

This topic was created in the Health forum by P-Angel on Friday, April 4, 2008 and has 10 replies.
It is debatable my many .... taking stem cell from aborted embryos .. how do you feel about this?
seeing as michael j fox needs them, i feel a lot for the topic.
unless you or someone you care about could benefit from this most people can't really understand the importance....
I was born with a result I have a host of health problems, and potential problems, to deal with.... about two years ago I went blind in my left eye due to a retinal detachment, after a failed sugery that included a vitrectomy, and reattachment of my left retina with a scleral buckle, I am completely blind in my left eye with no hope of recovery, the eye has a cataract over the pupil and is slightly shrunken, thankfully not to the point that anyone actually notices it unless I mention being blind and point it out to them. I also have to contend with possible kidney failure in the near future, a shorter life span,the possiblity of having limbs amputated later in life, and the possibility that I can't have children because pregnancy/labor could kill me. I'm all for stem cell research. People don't understand how uimportant it is because they look at me and think I look like a perfectly healthy, beautiful young woman...and they think diabetics are old and/or fat, missing toes, and looking sick....but I'm as sick on the inside as an 80 year old grandmother.
Stem cell research could do a lot for a lot of people.
well, i have similar problems, but i don't feel sorry for myself. i just keep it movin'...
no one said anything about feeling sorry for myself...except you.... believeing that stem cell research could help me and a lot of other people; even save my life, is not "feeling sorry for myself"......
i didn't say you were feeling sorry for yourself, i said i DIDN'T feel sorry for MYSELF. not comparing myself to you. no need to jump to the defensive.
basic reading comprehension skills are fundamental.
right..... as if your allusion to my post in conjunction with what you wrote didn't imply you were once again talking shit about me....
please don't try to use "big words". your head might explode, as your brain is clearly not accustomed to exerting such effort.

and who wants to clean up that mess?
oh yeah....insulting my intelligence really makes you look good......
well, i am not a doctor, so i can only talk from my experience.
i prefer holistic treatment. i go to accupuncture, and take vinegar in my tea. i have herbs, and am fond of flax seed. i eat only organic foods, and use only natural products. it helps me out alot.