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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
Do leo's always have to be right??
My leo always does!! Even when he is wrong lol
We hardly get any one on one time together 4 kids full time jobs part time school yada yada??_. So that we make each other a priority once a month??_ last night while out on our date night??_ He comments that he spends more time with me then anyone and takes an active interest in my life by asking me daily how my day was??_.. I respond to that saying yes you do and I appreciate that I just think that these date nights are important because the little bit of time we do get together in the evening after the kids go to bed he is usually on the computer??_ I continued to say??_ that??s ok with me because I know that you need your down time too.. that is why these nights are good then we have together time??_ well this really bothered him??_ got all moody??_ was he moody because he knows im right??? Or was it something else?? He is still distant today and a bit cold??_. I didn??t mean to offend him or make him think I have an issue with him being on the computer because I don??t but he things I do??_ How do I get him to understand that I really didn??t mean to offend him I feel quite bad about this. I just want happy harmony at home. I hate hard feelings being out there.
and yours while you're at it... this way I Can go more in detail
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
Aug 11 1972 his
Dec 21 1978 mine
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
i will also say 99% of the time he is right.. smart guy i love him lots... however this one was a total misunderstanding... im cool with him doing what ever he wants in his down time... i am blunt i probably said it wrong... probably sounded like i was being a boob.