Calling all Leo men

This topic was created in the Leo forum by shorty1978 on Friday, February 14, 2014 and has 10 replies.
I know you people are probably all tired of my story and are thing to your selfs Treetrucking move on already!! However some leo male advise would be great.
My Leo man in his 40??s!! hasn??t spoken to me in 4 days now and sleeps on the couch and doesn??t come home until im in bed to avoid me. he is angry because I hurt his ego. I told him I needed more affection im going through a personal hard time and felt he isn??t there for me. this made him very angry because he things I am not seeing all the good stuff he does do to support me emotionally. I pushed a bit he didn??t want to talk but I keep talking. Im a Sag I want resolution. I did appoligize for not respecting that he didn??t want to talk but he is still not speaking me??_ my question for you is
I text him on the 3rd day of not talking I said that we have 2 options we can either talk and make up or forget anything happened and go back to being happy! What do you think?
His repose was what I think is there is more then 2 options! When I asked him if he was saying he is breaking up with me!! he told me to get into the habit of thinking before I speak. Told me no more communication and not to wait up for him.
We are still not speaking and when he does its mean and short.
If he wasn??t implying me moving out then what did he mean by this bold statement?
If he does not care hearing you out, then why the fuck should you?
Ignore his ass!
For one thing, I would have put his azz in his place, I don't give a damn, if I'm telling my man that I need him for something that is reasonable, I don't see why the Leo has a problem with that.
Your good, the moment the Leo would have talk to me like that we would have it out, trust me on that part, then I would have kick his azz out the house, he shouldn't have talk to you like that.
Not to be mean here, but grow a back bone here, he clearly knows he can get away with this behavior, and you seem weak to him, there for the respect is gone
My ex Leo and I are still friends, but I be damned if I let him talk to be that way, cause when I get it in, he starts laughing like OK she can handle me,
Think like this, you dealing with a LION, either you stand up to the king of the jungle, but you must know what your doing or your gonna get pounced OR you walk away and say fuck it, I can do better, OR LASTLY, You bow down to the King and take the order he has given and deal with it
You didn't hurt is ego. If anything he is upset because your are not handling your problems and are expecting an increased amount of support because of it.
Everyone has problems including leos, however leos tend to handle their problem to ease the burden from others, this is what even makes up appear strong.
Your leo will be there but he wants you to handle your problems or make proven attempts.
The facts are you stated that you "need more affection" because you are going through things.A leos mind is that if you handle your problems "you would see the affection and effect" basically you are discrediting the leos efforts due to your failure of handling your own problems.
The next thing unfortunately you cannot restrict a leo at anything so the "2 option" thing will not sit well with a leo, leos believe is are always more options.
Well we had a talk.. he is upset that this is not the first time that I have made him feel unappreciated. That I don??t see all the other things he does and I focus on one thing and then get worked up and then we fight about it. He said he doesn??t feel that he cares about me when this happens and that he gets to a point where its to much to take and he just shuts his feelings off!! We talked I apologized told him how I want the chance to prove to him that I have had some time to think and do see how I do this and how I don??t even want to do this again. He said he needed time to thing about it wasn??t sure he could let it go. Over the past two days we haven??t talked about it but life has been sorta back to normal he has come around a bit and was very affectionate last night but then cold again today??_ doesn??t return my texts during the day anymore but is decent to me at home.
As a leo do you say these things out of anger or do you really mean it ? It seems to me like he still cares about me but I guess maybe he is torn because he is scared to believe it??_ he feels his judgment was bad about me that maybe im not the person he thought I was.
However we did have fantastic sex that was very tender and loving.
Ummm, where is your self respect
He is treating you like shit just because you wanted something that was fair to ask of your man, and he is giving you his azz to kiss
And your rewarding his behavior with sex like its ok to treat you like this, I'm afraid to tell ya this but, your Leo is done with you
He doesn't respect you
We need to start a support group for Sagittarian women, who has been hurt, or who is being mistreated by Leo men.I am seeing this alot. I am noticing a trend with how they treat us compared to other women, and it is not right. The crazy thing is, we love them very much, but they never recipricate the feelings...Be careful, even though the Leo may have fallen out of love with you, he will still bed you...Trust me on that!Try what Iam doing with my Leo. It is called the rubber band effect. By doing this, you will see if in fact he is going to come after you. All that you need to do, is do nothing.....Meaning, No calling no texting,NO SEX,I repeat, NO SEX, And stir the energy in your direction. Flip the script. Now you are going to have to be really strong, with the no contact part.But this is neccassary! Ok, you guy live together, No problem....Treat him like a brother, until he can give you what you need...Romance.Once he sees that you are pulling away, and if you mean anything to him, he will straighten up, If not, at least you will know where you stand with him...Sorry for the long post, but I want to tell you that if you need anyone to talk to, I am here. Heartbreak sucks, and we all ne someone to get us through, and for those who are tired of you posting for advice,tell them to build a bridge, and get over it!This chick on here told me that I was desperate, because I kept posting about my Leo, and needed advice. We can help eachother through our pain, and if you want to post everyday about your Leo experience, DO SO!!!We Sags tend to need a little more egging along before we can actually free ourselve of a relationship gone sour, because our love for Leos are that powerful...
Thank you so very much Easha. THis was a very thoughtful post i really do appriciate it. Its not easy to just walk away from a man you love when you live together and there are kids involved. Things in our situation have improved somewhat. I did ask him last night if Things have gotten better because the last we spoke he said he didn??t care for me anymore!! He said that he didn??t say that!! that I hear what I want to hear and that drives him crazy!! But your right things have been better but I hear from him during the day less he takes for ever to get back to my texts if he does at all and he hasn??t approached me for physical contact I have to go to him??_ your right I will try your approach and see what happens. I know someone said here he is done with me because he doesn??t respect me but the thing is I know by his actions this man cares for me deeply, and I do have very much self respect. I also have respect for my children and his and to him and know that calling a relationship quits with out giving all your effort is not the right thing to do.
Then the You as the OP just contradicted yourself
You just stated your problem with this Leo your with
Now your saying it's not a problem and he cares?.???
Then why comlain about the Leo then?
Then why did you post this thread in the first place if this man cares and you feel that he cares, then you being your children involved when kids should never be the reason for anything but love and respect, not to keep a relationship going
From what you stated about your Leo he doesnt respect you Period, Why? Because you have to play games to see if he cares when you should already know
Too many contradictions