Calling all Leo men


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comfy yet sexy.. smile
I used to love high heels..but as I age (lol) I just kind of tend to look for something comfy (but yet stylish..)
of course, I still love high heels .. since I'm really short..hobbit short lol..sometimes I just want to feel a bit taller Winking
here are some pics of d'orsay flats..

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summer d'orsay flats..? :o
I love the shiny ones.. smile I like shiny stuff when it comes to shoes or clothings..
Sounds like both the Cap and Virgo were playing games.
My Cap friend is married to an Aries and she told him the same...that he can have someone on the side as long as she doesn't find out about it. My mothers ex Cap, who she still talks to, said his Libra wife told him the same.
Both the Libra and Aries are well taken care of. The Aries does her own thing as well, I believe, so it works for them all I guess.

again, summer.. smile
I like mint(-y) colors.. smile
and that jelly d'orsay shoes.. unique!
the silver one at the right corner is cool, too..
Posted by LilliLou

hehe- love your cheeky comment PR- scorp baby making time!!!
yeah... I am still in 2 minds over this friends thing- I grilled him about it and he kept pestering me... but I just think that it is too easy to fall back into the bad old patterns of behaviour right...?
Funnily enough my leo ex had a virgo merc and that seemed to work quite well, we'd talk for hours!! the other lazy leo is the leo merc (and he does my head in... he emailed on the 20th last month to ask for my address and still nothing!??!!!)
Steam is a good thing in a chilly winter

Hmmm, that is quite.....odd. I have yet to meet a Leo Sun that didn't have a "see, position, pounce" type of attitude.

As for the friendship, I know it didn't work with me. The only ex I've been able to be friends with after the dust settled was a Gem and a Virgo. The Leo Sun I was seeing years ago was my first love, so I couldn't do the friend thing after our separation. I couldn't do it personally.
Easy to fall back into old patterns? Well, it really depends on the person in question and whether or not there are unresolved feelings

these are sort of things that can be found in my shoe closets.. smile
being a winter type (personal/season color - I'm a cool winter), these are, like, designed for me! lol..
Posted by CapTenn
Quite the opposite. She is 10 years older. It was hard for me to believe she was that out of touch as well, but nonetheless true.
My Mercury is in Capricorn. Not sure of the significance though. I'm lost past the Sun sign, and no pro like the rest of you.
Maybe you can explain Merc traits in Cap for me? I'm curious.

Ahh-- well, Mercury is how you communicate.
And your Merc sign will always be close to your Sun-- they will never be more than 28?? apart.
So it's possible that hers was in Leo, which I have to say, does not understand the morose humor of Caps.
I have it, myself *grin*-- but I was raised by a Cap sun (with Cap moon), so I'm accustomed.
"Hey, Daddy-- how are you?"
*big sigh* "Oh, you know-- life's a bitch, and then you die-- what can I say?" *laughs*
Straight Face

Here you go: Mercury in Capricorn
And if you're interested in the other: Mercury in Leo


some cute(-y), girly d'orsay flats.. smile
not my favourite, nor do they work for me well like the above.. but some twist here smile
d'orsay flats are usually oozing 'sexy!' .. because they show quite lots of skin (of your foot that is.. smile)
but these are on the cuter side..
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by LilliLou

hehe- love your cheeky comment PR- scorp baby making time!!!
yeah... I am still in 2 minds over this friends thing- I grilled him about it and he kept pestering me... but I just think that it is too easy to fall back into the bad old patterns of behaviour right...?
Funnily enough my leo ex had a virgo merc and that seemed to work quite well, we'd talk for hours!! the other lazy leo is the leo merc (and he does my head in... he emailed on the 20th last month to ask for my address and still nothing!??!!!)
Steam is a good thing in a chilly winter

Hmmm, that is quite.....odd. I have yet to meet a Leo Sun that didn't have a "see, position, pounce" type of attitude.

As for the friendship, I know it didn't work with me. The only ex I've been able to be friends with after the dust settled was a Gem and a Virgo. The Leo Sun I was seeing years ago was my first love, so I couldn't do the friend thing after our separation. I couldn't do it personally.
Easy to fall back into old patterns? Well, it really depends on the person in question and whether or not there are unresolved feelings

click to expand

hmmm...???... curses my blooming leeb venus...