help!! insight on leo leo reationship

This topic was created in the Leo forum by curlsgurlz on Monday, September 23, 2013 and has 6 replies.
Can someone help me understand my leo leo chart his: 8-17-1992 mine: 8-5-1985. Thank you for any help smile
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Posted by curlsgurlz
Can someone help me understand my leo leo chart his: 8-17-1992 mine: 8-5-1985. Thank you for any help smile

Not without countries of birth we can't.
MineSun 24??50'??LeoMoon 09??28'??AriesMercury 07??08'??LeoVenus 12??36'??VirgoMars 14??21'??GeminiJupiter 18??26'??VirgoSaturn 14??16'??AquariusUranus 14??36'??CapricornNeptune 16??39'??CapricornPluto 20??04'??Scorpio
His: Sun 12??40'??LeoMoon 02??45'??AriesMercury 22??36'??LeoVenus 03??10'??CancerMars 07??05'??LeoJupiter 11??58'??AquariusSaturn 21??32'??ScorpioUranus 14??04'??SagittariusNeptune 01??12'??CapricornPluto 01??58'??Scorpio
Hope this helps

Sun . . . . . 24??50' Leo
Moon . . . 09??28' Aries
Mercury . 07??08' Leo
Venus . . . 12??36' Virgo
Mars . . . . 14??21' Gemini
Jupiter . . .18??26' Virgo
Saturn . . . 14??16' Aquarius
Uranus . . .14??36' Capricorn
Neptune . 16??39' Capricorn
Pluto . . . . .20??04' Scorpio
Sun . . . . . . 12??40' Leo
Moon . . . . 02??45' Aries
Mercury . . 22??36' Leo
Venus . . . . 03??10' Cancer
Mars . . . . . 07??05' Leo
Jupiter . . . 11??58' Aquarius
Saturn . . . .21??32' Scorpio
Uranus . . . 14??04' Sagittarius
Neptune . .01??12' Capricorn
Pluto . . . . .01??58' Scorpio

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