how do leo men express their love?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by chikohot on Friday, August 5, 2005 and has 36 replies.
I am an aries girl who is dating a leo man for the last three month. He always tells me that he thinks about me a lot,but never told me he loves me. Is thinking about someone a lot considered some one is in love with the person?please help...
Hi, i think leo men, do not jump into the love stating thing too soon, if he likes you and thinks about you alot.. then i dont think there is a need to worry... they are causios types but will speak there feelings in time.
ROAR!!!!...may not b a man but leos do protect their hearts for awhile at my xperience with a leo man...he has never told me how he feels until he was on the brink of losing me..then he told me...GOOD LUCK!!!! keep the faith...(or jus ask him how he feels)....
thank you guys for you response. As ariea girl mentioned, I do not think I have to worry about it,but if he is not in to me then I do not want to wast my time. Is it ok to ask if he loves me or not, I think I like him a lot,but do not want to tell him first eaither...........
u never know what could happen if u do tell him...mayb drop a few hints ....ya know, feel him out....(not literally...u know what i mean...hehe)
Hmm, i think if you ask him if he loves you, he might run a mile, even if he really does...
Its early days, no rush at all, enjoy life and the people you meet, mr leo will show you how he feels rather than say it...
I will like to know aries girl why you did think if I tried to ask him he maight run a mile? (just like to learn more,that is all.) Since I am an aries, I do not have too much patient to sit around. I am talking to a couple of guys ,but do not want to start any thing with non of them before I know what Mr leo is all about. All in all, he is nice,he calls as he promised,and very carfull about what he says and what he does when he is with me. I had told him I miss him a lot a couple of times and now decided not to tell him that any more. That is because I did not want him to think I am crazy about him already. Is that a bad move?????????? please give me some advise....
Hi, i don't think Mr Leo is able to open his heart at such an early stage.. but if you really want to know where you stand, ask him, you have nothing to lose..
My Mr Leo is very kind,passionate, considerate, i am older than he is, my daughter is 11yrs and he always has time for her, no matter what.. a hell of alot more than her own father..
He was married and his wife decided she was too young to settle down, wanted to enjoy life so he left him.. he was so hurt.. its taken him a long time to move on.. we are only together 2 months, and i have to say meeting him was the best thing i could have done..
I have told him i am mad about him, i dont mind if he needs more time to let out his feelings.. im in no hurry..
not sure if this helps at all..
I don't know about you, but I like to see a woman that "Roars!" in the bed.
Well i been dating a leo for 3 months at first he use to joke a lot with me then he started saying he miss me a lot and 2 weeks from knowing us he started telling me he loves me ... he tells me a lot of times and i think that leo guys are really romantic smile
well im sorry to say that i got dumped by my leo guy after 3 months yesterday... he cooled off about 2 weeks ago after he brought me to his brothers wedding and introduced me to his whole family as his girlfriend...
Now he thinks things are getting very serious , and he doesnt want to mess me about.. meaning he wants to or already is dating someone else...
Leo guys called Derek are shits... stay away
I am sorry ,Aries girl about your story........
Why would he introduce you to his family as his girlfriend and he says that things are getting very series? Do you think that his family members has some thing to do with his decesions?
Hi again, no i dont think it was anything like that.. to be honest i told him i was mad about him, and then soon after he started to cool off towards me.. im really annoyed, especially since he lives 20 houses away from me, and he has to drive past my house to get home..
He is the first guy i have let my guard down with in years, and it stinks really.. i thought he was different...
I think he doesnt want to get tied down with anyone girl.., enjoys the single life..
My ex-boyfriend was a Leo & he told me he loved me after a month. He was really needy & clingy, though.
Well I am a Leo female dating a Leo guy and I can tell you that leos fall in love very quickly we never take our time if you are waiting after 3mths then chances are your not the one, because when we meet someone we really like we will fall quickly gifts will start rolling in words i love you will come quick as well.
how do leo men express their love?
They hop around in gymnastic form yelling 'Look at me! I love you!' lol Tongue
They hop around in gymnastic form yelling 'Look at me! I love you!' lol

Well,Hello guys
I have been dating this guy(whom is a leo) for six month.He tells me that I had captured special place in his heart and he adores me,but never told me he loves me. I scared of the word love or do you think he actually is not in love. He calls me almost every day and I enjoy talking to him,but I am confused. What do you guys think?
I meant is he scared of the word love not I scared of the word.
sorry about that
As a LEO MAN, I'll tell you this: We are protective of our hearts, and keep it protected. If we are truly interested, you better believe that you will know it by our actions (aries girl was correct). If you want to know, ask away (correct again, aries girl) I am very fickle when it comes to dating-- either show interest, or be dropped immediately! I value honesty and bluntness (tactfully)
Once we use the L word, you'd better believe we mean it, and you'll never stop hearing it.
Yes, we can be doting, and percieved as being clingy, we are intense when it comes to the matters of the heart, and if you are not open to it, you'd better do something fast, because if you are not interested, you are an accident waiting to happen.
We are either the best or worst. No middle ground from us! We have our mood swings-- and things don't always work out for others when it comes to us (my apologies to Aries girl)
Oh and BTW Aries girl:-- My name is a variation of Derek (spelled differently) The name itself--despite how its spelled means King- and how fitting!!
Chacha: He likes you alot-- keep being 100% with him, and you'll hear the words-- We mean what we say when we speak it, and he has to make sure that not only does he mean it, but that you know what he means when he says it.
Time is not an issue on when we say it-- its said with a full heart when its said whether its been 1 day or 1 year. Scary, huh? Well, that's just the way we are.
Welcome to the boards OTL.About time a male leos heresmile,you will notice alot of questions elsewhere that people aren't giving "distinct" answers to except for the female leos.
Yes, I have "arrived" and openly accept your welcome, Tiamat. I will do my best to represent for all male Leos.
I am a Libra woman and I can almost always spot a Leo man. There is just something about them...arrogance perhaps a certain charisma. I don't know what it is, but I do know I like them!!! I am also seeing a Leo man (for almost a year) but I think we both don't want to be the first to say the "L" word. Our story is a little complicated. We'll see.
i just started gettin into zodiac signs buh i read that leos r not that compatible with cancers. y is that? i hope its not ture cuz i am very attracted 2 a leo man smile
wat is it that leo men dont like bout cancer women?
Hi chikohot.
I am a Leo and I can say that ONE TRUE LEO's advise is spot on. Personally I try to protect my heart with all my strength for as long as possible because I know I can fall in Love very quickly when I like someone. As for verbally expressing my Love I take a long, long time in doing so and I only do it if I am positive the other person feels the same but my actions speak so load that I find unnecessary to say "I love you". Anyone can say this but few can express it as we do. If he loves you he should be buying you small gifts or flowers every now and then for no reason at all or trying to do stuff for you without you even asking and treating you very well when he is with you like if you were the only women in the world when you two are together. Do not listen to what he says or to text messages or phone calls (I hate these things so, so much...) just notice how he treats you when he is with you, if is is doing anything similar to what I described in my last sentence than he loves you or is falling for you.
my leo was like a few described...he said I love you right away but what I can add to this post as I look back on it, I soaked it up, it felt nice and it felt genuine so I never second guessed if he meant it or not, he was saying I love you day one, so I agree with others, if he's not saying it right away well he may not feel your the one, my leo said the words I love you right away but well giving his heart, that's a different story, he was not so forthcoming, so I got a lot of the male ego thing in the beginning, it wasn't an easy jump, although he was saying I love you, well I have to admit his behavior wasn't always stellar, NOW that I have been with him for some time and have gotten to see his soft, fragile side I realize he was protecting himself but at the time I was like wtf is up with this dude, a little bit I have learned is leo's can and tend to trust very easily and are very loyal people, he was very protective of his heart but once he (in his own words) realized I was worth his time he gave me his heart, he showed me how fragile he can be (yes some leo's will cry when overwhelmed with love)leo's have a GIFT for expressing love, it's absolutely beautiful, it's worth the ego and pampering you may do within the relationship, leo's are the closest thing to GOD and you can't help but feel the love and experience the love when around a leo.
I guess to clarify, if leo man isn't saying I love you right away then he may be on the fence with his feelings, doesn't mean he doesn't love you persay because yes they do protect their hearts, very it's jus best to ask, no he will not run, leo's aren't afraid of love and definitely not afraid of loving someone, leo's breathe and live for love, love being in love, so ask...
My leo boyfriend is not the typical leo man. I know he has his guard up very high! We have been seeing each other for about 4 months. I recently told my leo boyfriend that I was really starting to care for him and ever since he's stopped calling me like he used to and when I call him he says he will call me back...I only told him this because he started being alot more affectionate towards me. He stopped calling me the very next day! Does that mean he never really liked me in the first place or is he still guarded? Did he really just lose interest that fast? Leos help!!
I am a cancer, Proverbs smile
Yeah, just give him space. The beautiful thing about Leos is that we play the typical game that you see on television movies. You give us space and if we like you a lot, we always come back. Can't say the same about the other signs but that's been my experience with Leos.
my leo...does all this .. minus the little gifts and flowers it has not happend yet... but when i text or call him and i am affectionate he only says awwwwww... and thats it but when im with him he is like a little kitty all up my ass
Ok I am a Sagittarius woman in love with a Leo man. Everytime I tell him I love you, I get luv ya, which to me is like telling a good friend or sibling you love them. I know he loves me by his actions and how he treats me. So why doesn't he say I love you instead of luv ya?