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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
get back here choco. you can run but you can't hide from me. mu ha ha
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Sep 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 287 · Topics: 19
not even the new borns "i m told" are innocent.
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Sep 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 287 · Topics: 19
i m a bit more quite these days.
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Sep 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 702 · Topics: 22
how much longer are you willing to play the game? it's better if it's unintentional .. but if it's intentional .. i don't think it's acceptable ..
do you want a relationship or a part-time relationship? .. how does he treat you? is he playing the game right, knowing all the rules? .. is he a husband/bf material? .. from everything i read in here .. seems like your boy is not a good catch at all .. not worth it .. time, effort, energy ..
maybe by turning tables .. like ignoring him .. by being busy with alot of things (excluding him) .. letting him feel the distance .. that you have changed .. let him take a dose of his own medicine .. then move on .. i just hope you'll never look back .. most likely he'll come up with his own illusion .. that you don't love him anymore .. or maybe he's not ready yet .. ready for what? .. when will he be ready? .. perhaps he's waiting for the time .. when he's ready to stop worrying .. poor kid ..
this love story sounds more like a story for teenie-boppers .. *sigh*
Bravo Eldorado! ?This used to be a place where people dreamed of coming. It used to be a place where the roads were "paved of gold" and the land of opportunity and freedom. All of these things became fantasy?.
Sorry guys, but I have to interfere. I just love reading your communication sometimes. It's relaxing to step into the group of real and honest people who are just so normal and free in their opinions? and fights, which is human too.
Well, America was built up by Europeans. I am referring to the matter of evolution, technology. Not all of you know that your name came from European background, as I have learned. America gained from the wise brains but, unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. The new generations turned to be pure Americans and so America is now lacking of wise brains due to the improper educational system at schools, as well as at homes. If every child was led the right way, the Police in the US could save a lot of money. But I am interfering too much into politics. Sorry. Yes, European economy will overpower America. Enough of serious contemplation! Let's get back to?. maybe sex ? the delight of life.
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Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
"Yes, they are self-centered and very selfish. They dont give, you must demand and take from them."
Lady M thatz not exactly the case but yes, U have rightly nailed the symptoms. Itz just that we don't understand and U have to speak it out. Nonetheless people shudn't be allowed to get away with this excuse of being ignorant ( because thatz selfish ) - there has to be an effort to assimilate.
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Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
Watz the point in apologizing if U can't decriminalize Urself. Yes, itz a crime when in a relationship U bring situation to such a point that the other person is deeply hurt and U are overcome with guilt-ridden grief. A string of apologies and no visible improvement in conduct is no genuine consolation. Maybe itz easy to befool women with this ? Or is it that women have allowed themselves to be befooled since ages ?
In my opinion, U are pampering and spoiling the person ( in the current context mostly Aries ) if U are not punishing those who refuse to listen ( for their own good ). Truthseeker has done the right thing. Personally, my heart will ache to death if am caught is such a situation, but the right solution must be implemented to set right examples.