I am a Leo Man ask me anything!

This topic was created in the Leo forum by theleoman on Saturday, November 27, 2010 and has 340 replies.
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Im here to help those who have questions about Leo's! Ask away!
Great post !
Posted by 69virgo

hurt by a leo?
dont worry i have a big "c-o-c-k" pun intended lol
lol awww cute
I'll play. Do leo men ever go back to old lovers?
Posted by little_sparrow
I'll play. Do leo men ever go back to old lovers?

of course e do especially if a majority of the relationship has been a good one...we are very understand however may be reluctant to get burnt twice. just dont wait too long approach your leo
Posted by 69virgo
She just asked if yall go back to past relationships?..you talking about don't wait to long to approach your Leo..get off your throne buddy.if you gone answer questions do it correctly.

leos dont like to drag things on if your interested in getting back let them know asap.
and for you MR. i see you missed your chance lol just kidding
Posted by gemtaur
Ok, I've got one: I want a Lion but I usually end up with a pussy. Why?
*I crack myself up*
^^^ Know why??? Bc I'm forced to, you refuse to play this game properly Leo. I am appalled by your abysmal portrayal of the zodiac's soap opera kings and queens Tongue
Get nasty. then we laugh. fight. and make up. shelve the regal, bring your DRAMA, get down and dirty.
69, teach the child...but don't be getting all smart-ass, self-satisfied hoity toity Virgo bout it
I come to the Leo thread for drama and all I get is disarming charm. Pitiful. Just pitiful.

you have be charmed now i rule hahaa just joking lol we dont really like drama
Posted by PandorasBox
I have a question for you!!
During sex what exactly crosses your mind? Please, feel free to provide a play by play (although Im sure I dont have to reassure you that we would all love to know the deets).
Does it feel like a show? Like you are the King? Di you just hear little bells in your ears? Or perhaps a squadron of half naked cheerleaders cheering and rooting you on? Tell us all my beloved kitty cat..

A leo may be quiet in bed , but they are saying the most vulgar things in their head some things may sound offensive in the moment which is why it may not be said. leos love sex and although we have vulgar thoughts it may not come arcoss like that while we are having sex.
Posted by gemtaur
Ok, I've got one: I want a Lion but I usually end up with a pussy. Why?
*I crack myself up*
^^^ Know why??? Bc I'm forced to, you refuse to play this game properly Leo. I am appalled by your abysmal portrayal of the zodiac's soap opera kings and queens Tongue
Get nasty. then we laugh. fight. and make up. shelve the regal, bring your DRAMA, get down and dirty.
69, teach the child...but don't be getting all smart-ass, self-satisfied hoity toity Virgo bout it
I come to the Leo thread for drama and all I get is disarming charm. Pitiful. Just pitiful.

in terms of leo being a kitty part. Leos are relaxed for the most part untill called into action they you will see awhole other side that you may wish you never brought out. so be happy when your leos a kitty its better you keep him
Posted by 69virgo
You aint that special guy...really..don't nobody fucking care!

At least he can form a sentence!
Posted by PandorasBox
only a Leo would think the world wants to know everything about um!!


When there are no Leos around the girls are bitching about there not being enough Leos. When a Leo comes foward he's immediately defined as an attention whore.
Posted by gemtaur
lol! You are LOVED yourself my dear PB smile
Leoman: You mean Leo men have HORRIBLE tempers. lmao You have to package it like it's a birthday present, don't you? Tongue
Enfant, we're having FUN. It's all tongue in cheek.
Now, will you PLEASE get down & dirty or do you want me to unleash my Aries moon?!
Let's do that kind of drama, not male catfight drama. Ok? I'm dying here.
LION RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRRR not KITTY meow. We're all waiting for some chest beating and FIRE, not hair pulling and name calling. Capiche?
Can I get an Aries in da house? Geez.Someone? Anyone?!

what i mean is leos will step up to the plate when most signs wont. we are the most patient of signs and can take a lot before we snap on you. As you see your begging me to get down and dirty its easy to brush it off
Posted by theleoman
Posted by PandorasBox
I have a question for you!!
During sex what exactly crosses your mind? Please, feel free to provide a play by play (although Im sure I dont have to reassure you that we would all love to know the deets).
Does it feel like a show? Like you are the King? Di you just hear little bells in your ears? Or perhaps a squadron of half naked cheerleaders cheering and rooting you on? Tell us all my beloved kitty cat..

A leo may be quiet in bed , but they are saying the most vulgar things in their head some things may sound offensive in the moment which is why it may not be said. leos love sex and although we have vulgar thoughts it may not come arcoss like that while we are having sex.
click to expand

That's been my experience with the (one) Leo male I was involved with.
(welcome back theleoman - I was wondering when you were going to grace us with your presence again Winking )
my leo man drives me kaaaaarazeeeeeeeeeee ....what the hell does he want??? if I fawn over him a lil bit too much he juts off for a few days with no communication ...when i call him (not alot) he dosent answer ... when hes ready for me ,he calls me and im there on the spot..I get pissed at myself for it too> when we are together ....he has me alll floatin ,the sex is otherwordly ..hes a mysterious beast ,I just want to know how to capture and maintain his piqued intrest.????
Posted by SweetLibra
Leoman - I've had experience with one Leo so far. And he was kind of kinky in the bedroom. I was telling some girlfriends about my experience and they agreed that they had similar experiences with Leo men. Are all Leo's kinky in bed? And what can a girl do to stand out from the rest?

When leos know you for awhile , you will start to see the kniky side come out especially if thats what you want, if it is drop small hints, leos aim to please. ask the leo if he wants to to get undressed. Even skip that part and get undress and go under the covers the leo will follow. If he starts taking his clothes of be sure to follow as well. dont do the chasing game with a leo
What to stand out from the rest , be really girl y in bed, sensual, sexual and lingerie or cute panties work
Posted by rocktressa
my leo man drives me kaaaaarazeeeeeeeeeee ....what the hell does he want??? if I fawn over him a lil bit too much he juts off for a few days with no communication ...when i call him (not alot) he dosent answer ... when hes ready for me ,he calls me and im there on the spot..I get pissed at myself for it too> when we are together ....he has me alll floatin ,the sex is otherwordly ..hes a mysterious beast ,I just want to know how to capture and maintain his piqued intrest.????

leos are very mysterious and they like to be. talk more about his plans for the future in terms of goals and dreams, if your gonna fawn over him fawn over his work ethic ask him if there is anything that you can help him with. he may not need help they like to work on their own but they like to know people have their back, which is giving him a reason to be around you more.
if hes not ansering he may be thinking if this is the right mover or not , leos like to be sure they sometimes take awhile to make those types of decison because they want to make the right one.
While on the phone and your trying to meet with him tell him you want to come over just to relax with him, leos hate stress be sure not to bring any too him
Posted by SweetLibra
Thanks for the advice Leoman. Don't know if I'll get a chance to use it though. I have a similar Leo to the one Rocktressa is describing. He's either really hot or really cold. I notice he is cold when I try to let him know how I feel about him. He will retreat for a couple of days and make himself out of reach. And this confuses me. This causes me (Libra) to start overanalysing everything and makes me wonder if he is really being honest with me. I'm told that Leo's are straightforward people and only say what they mean. I have freaked out on him a couple times because I can't figure him out. When he is in one of those moods he won't return my messages. Then if I get pissed and send him a massage that threatens to walk away from the relationship, he responds right away with excuses as to why he didn't respond in the first place and to tell me he doesn't want me to go away. I can't get this Leo to tell me straight up what he feels. It's like we're doing a dance all the time. He will say he doesn't want me to go away, but when I ask him what does he want, he can't answer. He's a really sweet guy most of the time and we have a lot of fun together, but I'm growing tired of the childishness. I don't understand why he behaves this way sometimes. Do you think that because I have gotten overly emotional with him before that he is having doubts about me now? I'm not a dramatic type chick, but he seems to respond quicker to dramatics than anything else. What gives? or have I just encountered one of those unevolved Leo's I keep reading about? Thanks for the insight in advance.

I was about to ask you how old he is? he just may be an unevolved leo.. leos learn from the past alot the older the less drama where they come to realize that not what they want
Posted by SweetLibra
Thanks for the advice Leoman. Don't know if I'll get a chance to use it though. I have a similar Leo to the one Rocktressa is describing. He's either really hot or really cold. I notice he is cold when I try to let him know how I feel about him. He will retreat for a couple of days and make himself out of reach. And this confuses me. This causes me (Libra) to start overanalysing everything and makes me wonder if he is really being honest with me. I'm told that Leo's are straightforward people and only say what they mean. I have freaked out on him a couple times because I can't figure him out. When he is in one of those moods he won't return my messages. Then if I get pissed and send him a massage that threatens to walk away from the relationship, he responds right away with excuses as to why he didn't respond in the first place and to tell me he doesn't want me to go away. I can't get this Leo to tell me straight up what he feels. It's like we're doing a dance all the time. He will say he doesn't want me to go away, but when I ask him what does he want, he can't answer. He's a really sweet guy most of the time and we have a lot of fun together, but I'm growing tired of the childishness. I don't understand why he behaves this way sometimes. Do you think that because I have gotten overly emotional with him before that he is having doubts about me now? I'm not a dramatic type chick, but he seems to respond quicker to dramatics than anything else. What gives? or have I just encountered one of those unevolved Leo's I keep reading about? Thanks for the insight in advance.

I was about to ask you how old he is? he just may be an unevolved leo.. leos learn from the past alot the older the less drama where they come to realize that not what they want
well thanks Leoman ,actually shortly after I posted on this fourm ,he texted me to let me know he was a bit depressed and wanted to make some changes in his life.Hes 39 and for the most part an evolved leo (except for when he gets all playful and boyish like) which I adore,so anyway I texted him back telling him I would give him valuable insight on some issues if he deemed me worthy,so a few hours later he called me back (which is kinda unusual for him being as he dosent care much to talk on the phone) not to mention it was about some personal issues he has been having. I listened to all he was fretting about and went on to tell him how much of a wonderful attentive father he was to his kids, to the point that I found myself very attracted to him with the way he adored his children not to mention that he is supa sexy,smart,funny hard worker and harder lover.I could almost see him smile on the phone as he thanked me for noticing his fatherly abilities,now to get to the point of my first post on here ...... I go crazy with my leo because its like SWEETLIBRA says hes hot cold hot cold and most of the time im feeling like Im the one doing majority of the chasing(almost like being the man chasing the girl in the relationship). I get like You SL and get upset cause of no reply or communication or response back and next ya know im texting kinda mean messages feeling ignored, sad to say but he replys quickly with a response if its a negative text. Ive learned to not send negative text but to send em out in a funny way where it shows im upset but I put it in a comedic tone so he dosent completely cut me off. I think that how he just opened up to me about his personal issues is a big step foward and that it means he must really love me to open up like that, besides he always reminds me that when he dosent talk to me for days thats its just him getting stuck in his head and not to take it personally. OH the crazyness of it all ..I guess its all worth it cause when we are together I feel like I am the only woman in the world. sheesh!! look how easily I melt after just talkin to him lol but. I know in my heart that soon I will win him over completely and hell be pudding in my Taurus hands lol
If your like me SL it sounds like over analyzing .. me and my girls sat up and discussed in detail about our men .. when i gave them clear points of my confusion about my leo ... my friends said that it sounds like he really does love me but that hes just scared after being in a pent up relationship for 6 years so its kinda scary for him to just jump full blown into sumthing with me . I find him giving me the utmost attention while we are together and yet when we part he unintentionally ignores me .. hell say the most romantic words to me only to pull back the next day or seem to be aloof. so i get where u r coming from.. Yes i do sometimes try to wash my hands of him but, try as i might I cant not answer when he does call me .. I too have done alot of research on the leo male and it appears that the majority of them have these same characteristics. If u think hes worth the battle then continue to love him as u have and believe me he does notice. iM PROBALLY NO GOOD FOR ADVICE ON THESE CREATURES EITHER CAUSE IM HAVING MY DOUBTS TOO CAUSE I NEED CONSTANT LOVE AND AFFECTION LIKE I GIVE IT .LEO MAN WHERE R U ???? WE NEED YA
i think i offended a leo. i once had a relationship with this leo guy...and now, he have a gf. now, this gf of his sometimes sends me annoying messages. every time she does that, i am sending sms to the leo guy telling him about it. and so of course, they would fight that some times would end up the girl will be threatening him to break up with him. just recently, his gf sent me an email with an attached photos of mine, (she opened a new email account using his bf's username) like she was telling me that i know already how you looked like though her message is only LOL. at first, i was in doubt to call or tell it to him because he might ignore me. but since i really want him to know the behavior of his gf, i called him. the phone rang 4x and he answered, but he hanged up on me. i called him 4 or 5 times. to my dismayed, i sent him an sms. it goes like this:
ME: Good evening! i just want to tell u something. i don't care if u will reply back or not, what important is, i have relayed the message to u. u know what?! ur gf snet me a message on my hotmail, with attached photos of me and with the message LOL last Thursday (18 Nov. 2010), but i just opened my email this morning. this is the email add that she used *email address* when is she going to stop this thing? I don't know where sher got my photos. I am not looking for any trouble here. if its about the avi pic in some social networking site, i already changed my avi pic long time back, so she should stop annoying me, right? and yeah, she used mr. romantic as her username. thank u for reading my message and thank u for hanging up the phone on me. That's all! good night! i hope u have sweet dreams. and most of all, MAY GOD BLESS YOU!
cont'd...i thought that he will not reply back, but he did.
HIM: i'm so sorry but i didn't know was u. and i'm with my father and brothers. its not good talk front of them and if leave they will know a girl on phone plzzz forgive me but you know things work hear.
ME: ah, ok. now i know. i thought that i did some thing wrong. u know i want to send to u the email she sent me, but i guess she has an access on all of ur account.
HIM: no, u can send. i already have my account bank. *email address*
ME: ah, ok! so, u changed the password or what? that is why she made another account and she used ur name. but to be honest with u, i have doubt of forwarding it to u to ur email. perhaps, she will reply back and do the same thing. and it looks like she's telling me "now i know how u look like! LOL!"
ok for u to see for urself i will give u my email add where she sent it and the password: *my email account and my password*. tell me if u already checked it or not. thanks.
HIM: i will cheek tomorrow.
ME: ok. let meknow if u already checked. thanks so much for ur time. i'm sorry if i disturbed u awhile ago. good night. sweet dreams.
so, a day after that. i received a sms from him telling me:

Posted by theleoman
What to stand out from the rest , be really girl y in bed, sensual, sexual and lingerie or cute panties work

HIM: hello! how r u today? i just try to sign in by email u give me but no use. so could u send email that she send to u.
ME: hi! i am fine. yeah, u couldn't sign in bcoz i changed the passwod because the hotmail is asking me to change my password the new password is ________.
HIM: yes, i cheek. but how did she find ur new email. and how did she get these pics?
ME: i don't know where she found my pics, i think from my other social networking acoount. but i already deleted all my photos of me there. regarding the new email, remember when she sent me a mail on my social networking site account? i forwarded it to ur email using my new ne that is why she knows. i think ur gf is a psycho freak! she's insane! i am sorry for what i have said about her. i think u should check her in in a mental hospital or she should see a psychiatrist.
and after me sending this sms to him, he did not reply back. he even told me before that his gf is crazy! i think i offended him. ha! ha! what do u think?
unfortunately the hot/cold behavior may NEVER go away.....
i know for me personally, as a leo woman, even if i'm solidly "with" someone, i'm not always 100% "on" with that person. it's not something i do intentionally. it's more of an emotional defense i suppose. when i feel too vulnerable i will tend to get a bit distant to try to protect myself a bit.
i can also start to shut down romantically if other areas of my life are causing me a lot of stress and i start to feel depressed. but i snap out of that quickly.
this is why it takes a secure person to be with me, and maybe other leos too. that person has to trust in me and my feelings for them. they have to know how to comfort me when i'm feeling most weak and vulnerable. if they can do that, and have patience with me, then i know they're worth every iota of energy i put into the relationship. and i think most partners, in my experience, can see and feel this shift from my being wary to my being totally into them again.
question: how about if you are a leo male and the girl you were head over heels in love with (and i mean, the girl you thought to be "the one," the girl who was the love of your life AND your best friend) hurt you in an indescribably horrible way... but you know her to be a genuinely caring person who was going through a bad experience when she acted out and hurt you (unintentionally)... would you ever forgive her?? how would you treat such a situation?
Posted by rocktressa
I listened to all he was fretting about and went on to tell him how much of a wonderful attentive father he was to his kids, to the point that I found myself very attracted to him with the way he adored his children not to mention that he is supa sexy,smart,funny hard worker and harder lover.I could almost see him smile on the phone as he thanked me for noticing his fatherly abilit

no problem, leos love success and it will always be a batter to we feel in our hearts that we are successful stand my him its all he needs and he will be yours
Posted by rocktressa

hmmm its its household duties , or moving something.. regardless sometimes leos procrastinate on things they think can wait.. they really want to do it but may not feel its so important they also may feel they have time to do it and they eventually will
Posted by IsabelScorpia
question: how about if you are a leo male and the girl you were head over heels in love with (and i mean, the girl you thought to be "the one," the girl who was the love of your life AND your best friend) hurt you in an indescribably horrible way... but you know her to be a genuinely caring person who was going through a bad experience when she acted out and hurt you (unintentionally)... would you ever forgive her?? how would you treat such a situation?

leos are very understanding about life and situations that people go through , which also makes them very forgiving in time. Sometimes we forgive right away and its possible that hes has already forgiven you but will act it out like he hasn't, the last thing a leo wants you to think is that you can take him lightly
Hey you, you said ask anything, so here goes, oh and lovely to meet you. I met a leo, we dated for a while,then stopped because i wasnt ready to be intimate. He left to travel, came back, seeing each other again, then he leaves for london for three months, comes back, been talking every day, for a month and a half. My question is, he rings all the time, we text all day and night every day but nothing,Im not an idiot, but what the, I dont understand, what he wants. Hes told me twice in the last week, he loves me, he asked if i would marry him and have his children, seriously, why is this man bothering with me, do leos just like to toy with people, please dont take that the wrong way, just asking for an opinion. Cheers.
Posted by theleoman
Posted by rocktressa

hmmm its its household duties , or moving something.. regardless sometimes leos procrastinate on things they think can wait.. they really want to do it but may not feel its so important they also may feel they have time to do it and they eventually will
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well leo man its not chores or moving...its more like making plans with me then not keeping them??? dont get me wrong Im not a fool (although I do find myself very forgiving of his flakiness) I believe he really does mean to c me but gets caught up in his head alot. He is fresh out of a 6 year break up. Read my previous post. I aint making excuse but hes just really flaky about keeping his word. Im so confused over his rampant hot cold behvior. Im crazy about him cause when we are together he is wildly passionate about me and has me on a cloud but then kinda takes away the brownie points when we part company for lack of communication. thank u for your responses ....they have been insightful
Posted by kitty69
Hey you, you said ask anything, so here goes, oh and lovely to meet you. I met a leo, we dated for a while,then stopped because i wasnt ready to be intimate. He left to travel, came back, seeing each other again, then he leaves for london for three months, comes back, been talking every day, for a month and a half. My question is, he rings all the time, we text all day and night every day but nothing,Im not an idiot, but what the, I dont understand, what he wants. Hes told me twice in the last week, he loves me, he asked if i would marry him and have his children, seriously, why is this man bothering with me, do leos just like to toy with people, please dont take that the wrong way, just asking for an opinion. Cheers.

Hmm during the time you you said you dont want to be intimate did he ever question if your your cheating or seeing someone? we tend to over analyse things things sometimes and he might be trying to figure out about that time in his head if you were telling the trtih out not? was it going to be your first time have being intimate with anyone?
When you say "he rings all the time, we text all day and night every day but nothing," whats the nothing part mean?
Posted by SweetLibra
LEOMAN, I've noticed since you started this thread, that you have disappeared on us leaving us with baited breath for your insightful answers to our questions. And yet we come back,only so we can wait some more...

Hmmm to answer a few of your questions. It takes a Leo a long while to get over break ups so I can only imagine him breaking up with someone that was headed towards a relationship hes most likely devastated but his pride and ego wont let it show although it may slip out, hes may be more hurt then he is putting on.
His pride ( not love) may be thinking he can get back with her.He may even want to know there a chance but he probably would never get back with her as he would have the fear of getting hurt again. This will is were your getting the hot and cold experiencing im sure.
Hes not going to be ready for a new relationship just yet, but leos dont like to be alone and he appreciates you being there is growing close to his heart and you may not even notice. If you really like him stick by him slowly the focus will turn more towards you and he starts to realize hes with someone more caring.
Leos hate breaks up , because they hate failing at things as well, and probably wont break up of over just anything small it would have to be big. So be prepared for a long term term type of relationship and avoid causing unnecessary arguments.
Leos can be talkative of the phone and quite in person , when hes quite with you hes at peace and just wants to relax and escape with you , hes is probably thinking about you and the time you are having right then and there. They like alone time with you, they will transform and become the life of the party in group settings where they feel all eyes are watching being alone with you he can escape the spotlight
Posted by rocktressa
Posted by theleoman
Posted by rocktressa

Hmm once you say hes just out of a relationship explains the hot and cold part, leos take a while to get over a relationship he will come around and com home to you if you stick by him, hes probably talks alot about that relationship or may talk about it indirectly its because its still bugging him , he really wants to get over that relationship but only time will heal him. When hes with you he will forget all about it. When he has his alone time is probably consuming him and is a big distraction. I will read over your other post for more detail
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Posted by SweetLibra
Thanks TRIFLE for sharing the insight. My leo did express that he was feeling vulnerable with me at one point, but I never thought to relate that to our issues we were having and I kind of just thought it was an excuse. And he also had some personal issues he was dealing with that popped up while he and I were seeing each other. I tried to help him as much as I could and tried to let him know that I would be there for him even if just as a friend. But I guess being a stubborn prideful Leo he decided to just withdraw from me instead. I also think he got spooked by how much he liked me so soon. Sounds silly I know. Everyone talks about how Leo's are loyal and straightforward with their feelings, but I don't believe all of them behave that way. My guy may still be a little unevolved, and searching for himself.

What personal issues did he have if you dont mind sharing?
Posted by rocktressa
my leo man drives me kaaaaarazeeeeeeeeeee ....what the hell does he want??? if I fawn over him a lil bit too much he juts off for a few days with no communication ...when i call him (not alot) he dosent answer ... when hes ready for me ,he calls me and im there on the spot..I get pissed at myself for it too> when we are together ....he has me alll floatin ,the sex is otherwordly ..hes a mysterious beast ,I just want to know how to capture and maintain his piqued intrest.????

to trap a leo , be sure to give him his lion share anytime he wants it hey will love you forever, leos are usually in long term relationships and dont like to bounce around. they want to have one woman he can make his prey. Always wear tight clothes, never ever let your appearance go and be very girly in bed.
Get in bed take off clothes keep on panties go under sheets
he seems to have a lot going on as i mentioned being there would be the best thing, hopefully my other replies to your posted will help you have a better understanding from a leos point of view
Hey Mister Leo, sorry if i seem a bit unclear. The two times we were dating he did ask alot if i was with any one, but i truely wasnt. He went to london for three months, without so much as one word from him. i met someone started dating him then left that guy. Then Leo returns, and we start talking daily for the last month and a half. Like I said, he told me twice last week he loves me, and asks if i want to marry him, he knows im no longer with this other guy, but keeps questioning me. What i meant also was, why does he ring all the time, text every day and night, but we dont actually see each other, should i assume, i am just his friend now, do you act this way with your friends???This has been going on for six months.Thank you, for your thoughts.
Hi Miss sweetlibra, thanks for the reply, but you actually, seem to be in a relationship with your guy correct? I dont have any idea, what i mean to this man, and yes, the other day, i offered my help and assistance, when he needed it, no thank, no nothing, i havent heard from him in two days, what the ??????
So Sweet Libra, what your saying, is whether your a friend or girlfriend, they treat you the same, phone calls, texts every day, how confusing. Does your man take you out for dinners, and treat you like a girlfriend.
Rocktressa and SweetLibra described my situation! Big Grin Spot on.
What's wrong with this guys, seriously?
My Leo is EXACTLY as some of you described.
We've been together 6 months now and it had to be me putting a label on our relationship. He disapperas when he wants and then when he remembers I exist, I am suppose to be here all pretty and available for him. To make him open up about feelings, about us, etc..it is a nightmare. Like some of you said, he only responds or reacts when I do something drastic. I tried to break up with him already twice, as it is very frustrating. Told him that being his gf was very lonely...but then he insists and insists for things not to be over, for everyhting to be back to the same within 1 day.
I don't feel I have a bf with this guy and to be fair, I trully believe he will end up alone if he doesn't change.
That said, I can't change him, so I might be brave enough to leave him at once :p
What I find bizarre is that they are supposed to be all romantic and direct (?!) didn't know they were so complex. Better, complicated!
Posted by maryjane
Rocktressa and SweetLibra described my situation! Big Grin Spot on.
What's wrong with this guys, seriously?
My Leo is EXACTLY as some of you described.
We've been together 6 months now and it had to be me putting a label on our relationship. He disapperas when he wants and then when he remembers I exist, I am suppose to be here all pretty and available for him. To make him open up about feelings, about us, etc..it is a nightmare. Like some of you said, he only responds or reacts when I do something drastic. I tried to break up with him already twice, as it is very frustrating. Told him that being his gf was very lonely...but then he insists and insists for things not to be over, for everyhting to be back to the same within 1 day.
I don't feel I have a bf with this guy and to be fair, I trully believe he will end up alone if he doesn't change.
That said, I can't change him, so I might be brave enough to leave him at once :p
What I find bizarre is that they are supposed to be all romantic and direct (?!) didn't know they were so complex. Better, complicated!

how long apart was his last relationship before you?
Hello TheLeoman,
More than a year.
I know in a way he cares for me, but the way he shows it is not enough and I told him.
It is like he just takes me for granted all the time. Never has time to take me out for dinner, but has time to meet his mates. And then when he doens't want to go out, I am suppose to be at his place. When he wants it, how he wants it.
Don't know what to do. Really loosing patience here.
some of you who are asking about hot and cold behavior of leos.. in my experience i have never known leos to be hot and cold. i've been pursued by some and i have been friends with some and when they really wanted something they went after it FULL FORCE. i think back and forth behavior by anyone is caused by uncertainty or insecurities (such as past hurts and an unreadiness to be in another relationship or commit). Just a thought!

Makes sense to me, IsabelScorpia!
Posted by IsabelScorpia
some of you who are asking about hot and cold behavior of leos.. in my experience i have never known leos to be hot and cold. i've been pursued by some and i have been friends with some and when they really wanted something they went after it FULL FORCE. i think back and forth behavior by anyone is caused by uncertainty or insecurities (such as past hurts and an unreadiness to be in another relationship or commit). Just a thought!

as a leo man this is true , its a reason why im asking some members how long apart was the leos last relationship, you got it on the dot as the may have insecurities
Posted by maryjane
Hello TheLeoman,
More than a year.
I know in a way he cares for me, but the way he shows it is not enough and I told him.
It is like he just takes me for granted all the time. Never has time to take me out for dinner, but has time to meet his mates. And then when he doens't want to go out, I am suppose to be at his place. When he wants it, how he wants it.
Don't know what to do. Really loosing patience here.

leos can be in decision mode for a very long time even if your in a relationship because they love doing all that stuff, they also like to see how loyal you are too him once he feels its right he will shower you will all the love.
If you really like him makes sure he knows it and it doesn't have to be with gifts, words mean so much to a leo as well .
Be sure that you dont give him any doubts that your not happy or that you may leave him, if you really want to keep him because that will just put more doubts in his head.

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