
This topic was created in the Leo forum by purrrfect on Sunday, March 11, 2007 and has 17 replies.
Read my mind.

chocolate we have to get him to post his picture. He asked for a thread and here it is. smile
Don't be jealous anti.
you either DK. Thinking you're king of the Leo board and all ha!

He thinks I'll forget. This is just a friendly reminder.
anti has a picture? chocolate if he was a gentleman he would show you his first. Don't fall for it. He has Libra rising I'm sure he can be persuasive.
chocolate me either. He must be hot though because he has women chasing him all over the damn board smile
High DK smile
...u better not come between bling and his girl....
Won't try. Just an observation.
DK needs to share what he's on. lol
*waits for kris*
*tweaks DK*
You'll need to go to the cancer board for that hun.
But they can make a mean sandwich. You should go and ask them smile
I know kris is around here somewhere. I should probably stop annoying him huh lol
haa! I so will never underestimate you again. Ever.
ohh i wanna see him too!!!!!

and why does everyone claim antibling all the time? hmph.
kris is cute when he pretends to be mad lol aw.
chocolate won't save you. She wants to see too.

....I am not talking to you mean lioness !!! ....
What did you say? Sad *sniff*
LOL Kris...you know you love it Tongue
I don't think he is either.
Ahh kris knows I love him and don't really care if he puts one up or not. Just thought I'd give him some attention. smile