Leo & Scorpio

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Roy here??? on Monday, July 17, 2006 and has 43 replies.
Any leo's and scorpio's hook ups. I'll like to know how's the sex?
Do some digging around. There are several topics regarding Leo/Scorp relationships in the Leo forum. Try the 2nd page. This seems to be a common theme so it shouldn't be hard to find. Good luck!
appreciate that purrty.
I'm not seeing one who is all that myterious. Could be the sag in his chart. You should understand the Sag part sagitTAUries. Or relate by having a fire sign for a moon placement. Emotional displays are easy to come by, aren't they. Would you say that was usual for a bull?
mysterious* oops
two very powerful signs....I have heard that sex is grrrrreat.Especially when a leo girl and scorp boy join in for sex.
How old are you???And do you even know what sex is cause...if ya did you'd know its not somethin to be that interested in no matter if its good or notWinking
I see that this is a typical combination on the board but from the outside, it doesn't seem like a great combination. Scorpios are certainly reliable and generous but it would seem that in a relationship, the Scorps overall gloomy demeanor and intense conversation would cast grey skies over what is normally a bright and sunny Leo disposition, no? Well, perhaps the Leo woman Scorpio man combination would be better? I just really couldn't see a Scorpio woman making a Leo man happy...
Don't forget the power struggles! Both of them want to dominate. It isn't pretty. (Watching my scorp best friend and her leo husband from the outside.)
Male scorps are cool though.
Two in the family? That's insane!
DB, based on your posts, you don't seem that much like a Scorpio...
It's interesting that you brought up those placements. I was doing some research the other night and I was surprised at how much influence Mars can have on your sign, including your love life. My Venus is in Cancer which you'd think would make me really relationship-oriented but with a Mars in Gemini, apparently the combination makes me extremely committment-phobic (which I am) but I was still surprised. So your Gem must love the Sag in you, given that it's a relatively light-hearted and fun placement, no?
Leowithcap that is what little leo was ... leo with Venus in Cancer and Mars in Gemini.
I think DB comes across pretty scorp actually.
Little Sparrow - Really? What are your thoughts on a Leo with that type of placement based on your experience?
I love Sags...wish I had more of that, Gemini, and Libra in my chart, haha! Seriously though, DB...if you're having a serious convo with your fiancee, do you become very deep and introspective like Scorps are or do those placements lighten up the mood and stop you from delving so deeply into the convo?
She was refering to herself having the venus in caner and mars in gemini...
I know. I was saying that she had similar placements with a guy I was dating and talked about here. I just thought it was interesting.
**** Little Sparrow - Really? What are your thoughts on a Leo with that type of placement based on your experience?
Do you really want to know? lol!
In all fairness, I didn't date him when he was at his best. I dated him when he was coming out of a serious relationship and a bit of a mess.
Do you remember the Sesame Street with near and far ... the little monster running back and forth waving his hands in the air .... that was what it was like.
A lot of his manic behavior probably was the result of losing a long-term relationship and being suddenly free, but I couldn't take all the push-pull. He was completely unreliable. I couldn't depend on him to follow through on what he said which ended up being poison to the relationship.
(He also has a STRONG Scorp placement ... so much so one of my friends predicted at least one major scorp placement that was later confirmed. We suspect he also has an ascendant in Scorp but have no way to confirm. And I find the same thing happens with Scorpmen when we try to connect romantically.)
As for me and little leo, we actually had a pretty good chart. If anything, too much passion in the chart to make it last long. We did connected emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually and still miss him a little. Unfortunately, the timing was bad and the one thing I need is stability which he could not supply at all.
I'm not big on finishing things either...but I think that's the Leo laziness coming out. Perhaps fire signs are easily put out? Hard labor is an earth sign's job Winking
I could set up Queenie with little leo ... he needs someone with patience.
I was going to change it to a public service announcement re: the environment. Save Water. Shower with a Friend.
*** btw im right in the midst of dealing witha scorp..
My whole life is dealing with scorps. lmao!
If the ascendant was different ... that is 7yrScorps chart. lmao!!!! 7ry has Gemini ascendant. HAHAHAHA!
All I can say is ... good luck. You are going to need your patience. Winking
I am his confessor and his fixation. smile
*** she's just giving you a hard time
Actually, I'm not. It is the same chart.
Oh, that scorpio...hmmm
yep ... Mr. 7yrs.
Where do you live pluto?
I just want to make sure we aren't talking about the same person. I doubt we are ... but ... if we are ... and you guessed where he was born and didn't confirm ... he wasn't born where you would think he was born and that would throw off the ascendant.
Look at me acting like a Scorp. lol!
PM me then. I want to make sure it isn't the same person.
You seem to know a lot about astrology to be using the houses like that pluto. I have that placement too minus saturn.
She's a virgo afterall...
Yes, with Aqua moon no less....
well that would be pretty funny if it was true...
I know! It would be hilarious. I AM the best person to give advice on him. lol!
Well, I already know his birthday. lol!
Actually, I double checked ... 7yr has an ascendant in Libra NOT gemini. I had my am and pm mixed up on astro.

So what seems to be the problem with your scorparooo?
It isn't the same person. We are all safe. lol!
Tell me more about Pluto in the 1st? How do you see it affecting you?
Doesn't your aqua moon provide you with more than enough air?
never mind, I guess you were quoting
*shakes head..you mean there are two of them out there...lol
yeah! no kidding!
I am more relieved for your sake. I listen to him and hold his hand when he needs me too, but I do not claim ownership of his heart or soul.
After 7yrs, he claims he needs more time and we will be together soon. I haven't seen him in three years or dealt with him on a consistent basis in four. *shrugs* Whatever feelings I once had, are long, long, long gone.
...what else dya wanna know?....
Well, I guess I was just wondering about the type of changes you go through. Pluto here can really put someone through the wash sometimes. Would you say you saw a pattern in your life where one minute you knew who you were and the next a self destruct button gets hit?
lol I'm on my way back out. I had to take a moment to interrupt because what you said sounded interesting.
..personal transformation...
There were the key words I was looking for. Well, it's very nice to meet you pluto. I have aqua moon as well. Hopefully we can chat astrology sometime in the future if you're still around.
..i had something special inside me that made me a survivor....
Yes, well said : )
leo man and scorpian lady having sex...... their are hoooot.....
leo and scorpio are great...........