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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
Hey Guys & Gals
Just would like a bit of information on my leo man. I am just curious. I have read so much about leos and have a leo best friend however my man seems so different then other Leo men.
Yes he loves to be the center of attention. When we first started dating he once said as long as you always let me be right we will be fine! He wasn??t kidding lol but that??s cool cause he usual is right lol. Anyway he is thoughtful, sweet, kind hearted, hard working, great dad, caring partner all that stuff that is said about Leo??s where I find things strange is he is not verbally affectionate AT ALL! He is extremely sarcastic and often insulting but I have gotten to know his way and realize that he jokes like that only with people he cares about and is close to and doesn??t ever really take it to far its more of a playful school yard boy has crush on girl thing. However doesn??t say I care about you, love you none of that. It??s a rare occasion when he will verbally express feelings??_. Are all Leos this way or is mine a odd duck? He also hates to cuddle lol. He will for me when he feels I need it he is a good sport but he doesn??t like it at all!! He gets distant from time to time but I believe that is because he focuses on something im not always priority and that??s ok too.
Anyway im rambling his chart is below let me know what you think.
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Time unknown
Sun Leo 19.04
Moon Virgo 18.43
Mercury Leo 12.36 R
Venus Cancer 4.20
Mars Leo 27.52
Jupiter Sagittarius 28.47 R
Saturn Gemini 18.16
Uranus Libra 15.17
Neptune Sagittarius 2.29 R
Pluto Libra 0.21
Lilith Scorpio 18.53
Asc node Capricorn 25.58
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
Thanks so much for your reply.
I don??t want to change him in the least he is great just as he is. I more just wanted to understand it. I felt like maybe he was different from other Leo??s because I hear they are clingy and affectionate but he is not however I know he loves me in his actions I can see it in the way he looks at me.
Im a sag. Im pretty laid back about most everything so we make a good pair he always needs to be right and im pretty easy going and flexible so he can have it lol. Ya sure its nice to be told sometimes I want to hear it pretty badly who doesn??t right. He acknowledges that and will say something like thank you for being you or ???I have pretty high standards.. you should take that as a complement because I chose you?? lol pretty sure that??s his way of saying he thinks im awesome lol.
This was more of a question of curiosity hearing peoples view on things not to change my unchangeable and awesome guy.
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
Moon in Virgo is a serious moon that behaves less overtly, and cares more for "the little things" in the way of affection, than Grand Gestures???. Putting away the laundry and running errands for you is "I love you", just as much as verbalizing it. Venus in Cancer - he has his deep, affectionate, nurturing side, and you see that every so often. Its as true as it is rare. Treasure it. Old Man Saturn - the planet of *limits and restrain* . . . his is in Gemini, so he'll be involved in his little projects; nothing superficial, and they aren't big talkers.
This was all very accurate.
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
lol thanks I plan on it. The past 2.5 years even with the ups and downs have been a blessing.
How about the Leo mood swings? sometimes out of the blue he will be distant, change of behaviours sorta cold then he just snaps out of it. i figure its when he is tired or has a lot on his plate and i take the brunt of it because he is closest to me. when these moods come on i step back give him his room reasure him im here and move on with it.
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Jul 08, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 314 · Topics: 23
I think you know the answers to your own questions, zodiac babe! Just stroke his ego a bit and tease him and maybe liven the mood a little and the truth along with his playful side will come out! Good luck~ feistypisces777
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Do people really say 'I love you' though? Even to their kids? I don't think I've ever heard either one of my parents say it to me or eachother, there are many other ways to show it, and even say it verbally-- but "I love you" in those precise words sounds more like they'd be trying to convince themselves of that, lmao!
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
My parents were very loving, I never missed those words. Never thought about it either.
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Yeahh but what's that mean anyway when you say it in the passing? It dosn't really mean that, it's just another way of saying "see you later".
I need serious advice...or maybe medication!
I met a Leo on a website and from day one he called me EVERY night for 2 months... we talked about 3 hours a night. At first he was inquisitive and playful...then very flirty and things got romantic between us. After a month he still called every night but became more and more distant...quiet...unresponsive. We had a fight one night in month 3 about that I could not talk to him for a few days as I had an exam and I called him on his behavior that he last month he was yelling a lot and criticizing me...opposite of before...every since then he quit calling for awhile...I then did most the calling and his bad communication stopped but really basically all communication stopped...unresponsive even more...over the time he became more distant - even when he called me he did not have anything to really questions and one word responses...We don't live in the same first I could not meet and we set a future date BUT when the date came around after 5 months he was still very grumpy and angry and said he did not want company....more time passed and no flirting at all now for some time...We still talk about every 3 and it has been 6 months and min is every 3 days and lately he kept the conversation very short or said he had to go because of another call he had. We agreed if either of us met someone we would tell the other.
He then started telling me of all these girls hitting on him...then now is very talkative lately about one he is interested in and is going on dates with...and calling me to tell me every time they went out and what happened and asking my advice as he is not used to not sleeping with women right away. I said if he met someone, I will not call him anymore,....and he said to "still call and he will pick up the phone every time no matter what"...why is he doing this???? I still have deep feelings for him but now a lot of magic is gone after all the BS for months... I can be friends and talk to him as such...the last call he was asking me about women as apparently the one he is interested in is a lot like me...taking things slow. Anyways.. I just don't get it as I thought we were an item but something changed between us and seems we cannot get it should I just consider us friends now? In talking the last time.. I revealed a lot of what he did wrong with me and I know he was listening although we were technically talking about her.
I know this sounds so screwed up but I am
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Apr 26, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 983 · Topics: 24
Ok maybe i have just had a complete different experience with Leo men. My ex husband use to tell me he love me all the time. Through are whole marriage he would always be very uplifting. My leo ex boyfriend was the same way, also always so uplifting never negative.