You know what you are right to a point, we do commit, it's the staying committed that we don't do very well, whether it be 1 year or 10 years etc, at some stage we feel the pull for freedom, excitement and adventure.
And oh my God:Quote; " I also read that Gemini is the sign that gets upset the most over sad stories, like Oliver twist...sad childhoods seem to really get to them..."
You really hit the spot with this one, I am not a crier, the only thing that gets to me is stories of children that are hurt or have been hurt in some emotional way. Yep sad childhood stories really resonate with me, more than anything. If a guy where to open up and share his childhood story with me, I would be his forever: Maybe that's the way to catch and keep a Gemini.
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Aug 28, 2012Comments: 26 · Posts: 1462 · Topics: 40
Water isn't known to be random just for the sake of being random.
Quote: Sometimes it's like one twin is telling me something, and the other is upset that I listened to the first twin lmao.
Haha so Gemini. I suggest you get on with your life, wait for him to call, don't make the first move even if it takes days and when he does tell him that "he was right, timeout was a good idea of his" when he wants to see you, go and keep it light and don't try to plan another date, when he asks to see you again, make sure you tell him that you think that once a week is enough at the moment so you can both get a better perspective on the relationship. Gem's will want you more if they think you aren't trying to ball and chain them, freedom is important to them. Give him his freedom and soon he'll want to spend his free time with you.
Don't be worried that it means he will go and find someone else, because if he was to do that, then he would do it anyway, so he's not the type of guy that is ready for a relationship. Just trust and find something you enjoy doing that takes your mind off him.
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Cute story I haven't shared (I think I shared the story with my Aries Ex plenty of times).
First real boyfriend. 9 years old lol Aqua. He was a friend's cousin. We'd all go to do math at the Children's Palace which is basically a building of classes of kids who have nothing better to do with their weekends but indulge in different skills. I remember that year the first McDonald opened in Romania. So one afternoon he goes "hey do you want to go grab one of those new things..hamburgers?". I'm like "Ok". He grabbed my hand and we walked down the street totally adorable. Next weekend we made official and by official I mean..he had this collection of small plastic figurines of dinosaurs and he gave it to me "It's not much but it's all I have and I'm serious about you". I think we were together for 6-8 months. During the summer he asked me to go to his grandparents village and spend the brhe two months there, which we did. On the train he was singing to me that Backstreet Boys's song "I want it that way": You areeee my fireee, my one desireeee. To this day I still care about that shitty band because of that.
We'd play with all the kids in the village and he'd always pick me in all teams, despite not picking his brother. The brother would go "He's picking his girlfrieeeeend over meeee" temper tantrum..must have been an Aries lol.
Then we broke up. I don't remember why exactly but it was over some thing we didn't have in common..maybe it was some cartoons. Good reason for a break-up back then.
But yeah, back when everything was genuine and innocent.
GeminiVixxen is right, you have to leave it alone.
Saying that he said he loves you, is just kidding yourself. No one who loves you would disrespect you in that way. A guy I know I feel didn't respect me enough to return a message I sent him, two weeks later and he's blowing up my phone because I've moved on, I don't have the time or patience to train someone, either you are going to be a good fit and we 'get' each other or your not. Keep it simple. Actions speak louder than words (It's always said but never sinks in, believe it).
...that today I ate -lots- of chocolate spread and then worried & debated about using the tablespoon of mirin I needed for a dish because the brand I bought yesterday contains glucose syrup. We (being non diabetic) wouldn't want to risk high blood sugar, eh?
Your turn.
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
Okay I'm sorry but the reaction post to that is soooo fucking stupid. Why are bringing animals into this lol ^.^?
Like the chick ordered so obviously she don't 2 fucks about what that poster is saying.