prrringLeo...can I get a breakdown??

This topic was created in the Leo forum by SASSYARIES on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 and has 2 replies.
I can only say this, if it wasn't for you guys and this board, my relationship/friendship w/ my Leo wouldn't be what it is today. Don't get me wrong the 'Moods' he goes through, can be the hardest but, I just let it go and let it be his mood, not minesmile Like now, It's been two days of him completely withdrawing from me...only to be followed by him telling me a week ago, I'm feeling the change in me!! I know that I love you, I love the person you are!! We understand each other and compliment each other so well.....His family is the most important thing to him and he wants ME to be part of his family. Everyday, week, he opens up to me more and more. He's been working with his dad doing construction right now cause he is waiting for a call, the call to assign him to his new rig!! He doesn't show it but, he is impatient to begin with and the waiting hasn't been easy....He tells me, I am soooo ready to get out of here!! That comment alone tells me, how it is affecting him emotionally and how the mood is about to come on!!!! I keep my guard up and I'm glad I have cause, it helps on the days when he is "roaming", needing his space!! Thinking, thinking, thinking, Like you say, "he never stears far from home" and when he comes back, it's as if these past few days never existed!!! We don't live in the same town (he's two hours away) so I don't see him everyday but I live for those text messages that always put a smile on my face. Right now it is just one in the morning and if I'm lucky I may get one at night....OH, I'll just wait it outsmile
PL, Is this the correct information below??
Me ~ Aries
Sun - Aries
Moon - Virgo
Mercury - Aries
Venus - Aries
Mars - Taurus
Jupiter - Leo
Saturn - Aries
Uranus - Virgo
Neptune - Scorpio
Pluto - Virgo
Lilith - Taurus
Asc node - Aries
Him ~ Leo
Sun - Leo
Moon - Virgo
Mercury - Leo
Venus - Virgo
Mars - Taurus
Jupiter - Aries
Saturn - Cancer
Uranus - Libra
Neptune - Sagittarius
Pluto - Libra
Lilith - Pisces
Asc node - Scropio
WOW...amazing!! Thanks so much for your time!!
You speak a lot about our souls naturally connecting and that is sooo true. I feel like he is my soul mate and I haven't felt that connection with anyone since my ex-husband. Even though we are apart, I feel like we are, inseparable!!! This is our 2nd attempt to this relationship!! The first time around, it was pretty much self distruction for the both of us. He freaked himself out and ran. I let him go!!! I do remember calling him and letting him know, "You don't have to call me back and I'm not here to call you ever name in the book, that's not me and not what you want to here. I try to leave every relationship/situation a better person than I was when it started, so I guess here I am being the better person and I want you to know, I'm not your enemy, I want to be your friend, call me anytime you need me, even if it's just to talk". He came back around six weeks latersmile It's just so easy between us even after that 6 weeks of absence!! He like to joke around and I thow it right back. I told him, lets be friends, we've never been friends!! I want to get to know everything about you!! We talk everyday until the moods surface or he needs a little break and that's ok...cause now there is this little respect level and understanding of where we stand, just straight up honesty!!! "His mars in taurus is slow and methodical"....His calmness about everthing, give me's really weird but I guess it's cause in my heart and in due time, we will be together...100%