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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Southern .. I lived with a guy for 3 years and we never "talked" about what we wanted in the future.
It was perfect and beautiful, as each moment passed ... when it was over, we walked away.
Did we love each other? Absolutely, no question .. but, it didn't HAVE to be more .. we weren't looking for more, we were only looking for it to be wonderful, fulfilling as each day passed.
Had we been focused on the future .. we would have missed what was taking place in the moment .. if we had been thinking about what was expected in the future, then the present would have failed miserably because today is NOT tomorrow .... however, if we embrace today for everything it is worth, then tomorrow will be even more beautiful because when we look at yesterday .. we have awesome memories of being together .. whereas, if we were worried about the future, then our memories would have been about fret and worry of what might be, instead of what is.
To date, with this outlook ... I haven't been burnt in a relationship because I have no expectations except what they are right now ... who they are tomorrow WILL indeed change, so how can I possibly expect them to be this same person 10 years from now? That's impossible, for every moment you spend today, changes the person you will become.
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"Baggage .. that's inconcievable to Pisces."
mmmm.....wouldnt necessarily call it baggage. I would call it being a little smarter next time around and learning from past mistakes. Maybe it's the Virgo in me but, if you keep doing the same action over and over again and you keep getting the wrong response, wouldnt you change your action to get the response that you want?
"My husband feels the same way .. he couldn't care a less whether I'm in love with him, or not ... just so long as I present his concept of what love is suppose to mean. Is this a Virgo condition, then?"
No not at all. Virgo's care very deeply about whether a person is in love with us or not. With a Virgo, there are no shades of gray. We are in love with you or we are not. And the same goes for the other party. You are in love with me or you are not. It all depends on your definition of love vs. his definition of love. The way that he expresses love vs. the way that you express love. Once a Virgo is in love or is experiencing love, we dont/can't let go. We dont know HOW to let go. Feelings are not something that Virgo's just turn on and off with a switch. (until we are totally fed up)
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
Yeah I've been there and done that too. And that was most likely triggered by the sag (my Dad and older brother & sister are Sags). My Hun is usually very open to discussing differences in opinion as long as everything is respectful and not too confrontational. We have agreed to disagree more times than we have succeeded in changing the others opinions, but whatever works! What I'm having to deal with is him presenting something then running away because he's scared he's going to get an answer he doesnt want, so I have to wait until he's brave before he'll listen to my reply.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Sun in Pisces and Moon in Aquarius
Water Sun/Air Moon
emotionally expressive, restless, reflective, charming,
perceptive and objective, versatile, easy going,
insightful, understanding
Sun and Moon by aspect
Similar to the inconjunct in that the two signs share
little in common. More predictable than the
inconjunct, the semi-sextile Sun Moon combination
has many inconsistencies and contradictions. This
tends to lend the individual perceptiveness to self
and others.
Your Moon in sign describes your emotions. Especially your emotional
reactions. The sign your Moon is in gives a clue as to what you need to
feel emotionally secure and right within yourself.
Note: Moon in sign can be greatly modified by other indicators in an individuals chart.
Moon in Aquarius
A person with Moon in a Aquarius has a wide streak of rebellion in them. They hate being told how to think or who to be. They are strong believers in equality and having the freedom of choice in all matters. A Moon in Aquarius person needs to feel free. Anything that smacks of being tied down or obligated sparks their independent spirit and they'll either fight or run. Most often they fight as their sense of integrity is prominent and they believe in being true to themselves. Aquarius Moon people are excellent champions of the under dog, the less privileged and the needy. They are incredibly idealistic and would love to make the world over in their image. With strong organizational abilities and powers of unique observation, they often make influential and long lasting impacts on those around them. They have a tendency to come off as emotionally cold and detached. Their emotions are only truly aroused when surrounded and supported by liked minded people.
You are rational, intuitive and imaginative. Your senses are well-balanced and accurate. The passions of Moon in Aquarius people are passions of the mind. You are interested in ideas, philosophy and higher learning. You enjoy the sciences, as well as art music and literature. You are well-rounded intellectually, for you have a wide range of interests in many different fields and associate with a large number of varied people. The unusual in people, in places and projects is what interests you most. You seek a fine balance between commitment and independance. No matter your Sun sign, the Aquarius Moon qualities of intelligence, and individualism run through your personality.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"Not for this virgo. I can tell whether it's just the concept or the facade of a relationship vs really loving me."
Oh, well .. then it's just person specific and not sign related.
"If I was married to someone and they we weren't having sex, I'd feel very insecure. Do you think he's just comfortable of your situation so he doesn't feel the need to change it?"
He's pretty insecure about the celebacy and is NOT happy about it, to say the least .. however, I made the decision .. I'm not happy emotionally, he doesn't comprehend that I'm not happy, which directly effects his happiness .... it has cascaded down to our sex-life.
He wants sex .. I want emotional support. Guess what?
I don't get the emotional support .. he doesn't get sex .. that's the way it works.
However, he's still here .. so, now I'm faced with re-analyzing my position .. have I been blind? Am I actually being ignorant to the truth?
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"we got along well, our dates were great. we did not want to date other people. i do not believe you have to be to "relationship" stage to have sex. i mean how long would you have to wait? i am way hornier than that."
"Sex first .... in every relationship I've ever had."
mmmmmm.....then this ties into my "stages of dating" thread. I think that I've been trying to skip the "dating" phase and jump straight into the "relationship" phase. OK, but tell me this: If the two of you are "dating" and agreeing not to have sex with anybody else, then how is that different from an "exclusive" relationship. I don't get it?
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
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Sep 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 455 · Topics: 31
"and when you say most men will not agree to that..i would argue...most women fail top ask because they are afraid. i do not ask. i inform and get agreement or move on."
You and I are esentially saying the same thing. If I decide that I'm ready to be intimate with a man, then it's with the understanding that he's not having sex with anybody else either. I dont think any woman is afraid to say that to a man. (or at least she shouldnt be afraid.) But here's were I'm making the mistake: I assume that if man agrees to not have sex with anybody else, then that means that he and I are in a relationship. But obviously, I have it wrong.