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Sep 04, 2010Comments: 3 · Posts: 2049 · Topics: 47
And if you do manage to "heal" him you will simply be healing him so that he can move on to another woman whole again.
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Jun 12, 2013Comments: 391 · Posts: 3020 · Topics: 28
Ouch Celticlioness... But I guess I asked for that...?!
True, I am fully aware of my own complicity in this ridiculous situation. Obviously I entertained the FWB idea as I was already attached and in all honesty I wondered if he would 'come around' given a bit of time. Foolish I guess but somehow this *Douchebag* got under my skin. He 'warned' me several times that he is 'burnt offerings' and I stupidly didn't listen. I suppose he might be fond of me, and care in his way perhaps- but that is all it is/was/will be.
Internet dating was a terrible experience in all, but I was convinced by 3 different friends with happy outcomes (2 are now married, and one with a new baby) that there are decent guys on there. I just attracted the crazies and broken ones.
And yes, I do think it is time to move on and stop obsessing over everything... Thank you for your honesty (bruises and all!)I just sincerely wish it was different and that there was a happy outcome.
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May 02, 2012Comments: 11 · Posts: 1836 · Topics: 72
You are not attached after 2 months. You want to be attached after 2 months. Big difference.
Why do you keep using the word honesty? I stopped counting after 3 times in a relatively short span. This situation is the opposite of honest.
The rest of the pride did a pretty awesome job of giving it to you straight with no chaser so I won't brow beat you. Seriously, move on. It was a mere 60 days of your life.
My opinion of Scorpio women is rapidly changing based on the posts here. I
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Apr 03, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 1149 · Topics: 51
Run as fast as you can from this person. Please, he is a recipe for disaster and hurt. And do it before your feelings grow deeper.
Jynja has a great point on Scorpios with their healing powers and ability to see into a person. I was very very close friends with a Scorpio. She was the only one who could see into me and reach me in any manner. I am a very guarded person. We had a fall out and she used her stinger in a horrible way in my opinion that was not tolerated. I walked from the friendship. I do still mourn that loss to this day and it is a year later.
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Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
Aah! I remember reading this thread, LilliLou.
At the time, I didn't have anything to say other than seeing your LEO man being involved in different angles.
About the 15 year his junior girl he says he is in love with, I believe nothing will happen with that. He may not forget her, but some ladies in here commented that you will have to live with Leo's exes in his mind. Some men may not kiss and tell. Leo man tells.
The pregnant woman is a problem, however, keeping friendship is the best way to winning Leo man (if you can handle staying neutral).
If I have feelings for a man, it becomes very hard for me to stay neutral. Since I didn't develop feelings for Mr. Leo at start-up, I was able to listen to his stories for hours. He used to call me from overseas for 1 to 1 1/2 hours of conversations.
There were times when we had our fall-outs,... like the second year when he was overseas, he invited his wife he was separated from....
He shared a photo with him and her. I was disgusted and stopped our conversations. We didn't talk for 10 months.
Then he contacted me again after he came back to CA. I had a big heartbreak by some Virgo at the time when he contacted me. I accepted to meet him in person. So we stayed friends for the next while. This is the time he was going through huge stress with wife. Again, hours on phone spent.
I avoided to meet him. Sometimes months past by and he used to say he misses me, we should meet. I used to think.. yeah .. yeah.. yeah... No way!
Then last year, he went into depression. We didn't talk for 4 months. He quit his high paying job to start up his own. In the meantime, he got caught up in playing online casino and the stock market.
There he was again after 4 months.
Even this year, around end of January, he said to me, "I will not be calling you for 3 months. I won't be even checking my email, because I have to totally concentrate on my business.
I responded, OK... {thinks, WHATEVER!}
In the meantime he kept telling how much he missed me. BLAH! I just brushed it off.
So this April he started texting and messaging me on MSN. I deleted him there. Then Mr.Leo started calling again.
This time we started working on common projects. I started up a complete new business and he came with the idea of joining me. Therefore we started seeing each other about 2-3 times a week and it has gotten this far.
I'm just saying, it hasn't been a st
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Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
Mr. Leo was in love with a married woman, 20-something years ago. She was 20+ years older than him. The affair continued for several years. Although married, he wanted to introduce her to his family.
She refused.
Then something happened (can't tell here) in between them and she cut contact with him.
He was broken.
Within a year he meets his current wife (10 years younger) and gets married to her, just to forget about his ex love.
Still he wonders how she is.
So here I am.
Just wanted to say...we Leo's never really get over past loves, atleast I don't. I just carry them around in my heart as the weight of them get heavier and heavier over time. Three years out from my divorce (which I filed btw) and I still reflect on the good from time to time. Oh I will NEVER take him back, but still love him although not in love with him!
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Jun 12, 2013Comments: 391 · Posts: 3020 · Topics: 28
To be fair he is well aware that he's been a right mess, and takes responsibility for what happened in his self destructive phase. He also warned me off - calls himself broken- and told me he didn't want a relationship (good call, he'll likely stuff up anyway... ) so can't fault him there.
I was the one who didn't listen and started getting attached but I'm on the way out as we speak. And feeling much better for the distance.
He is actually quite a lovely man deep down and I hope he comes through it eventually!
However I do think he got a bit of a kick/ ego boost having me at his back and call for as long as he did, but I'm sure he'll cope relatively well without me!!!
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Jun 12, 2013Comments: 391 · Posts: 3020 · Topics: 28
Hey Kalin! 1 month?!
I can imagine this is getting tough for you. Especially if he is becoming distant.
- keep SUPER busy!! Shopping, catching up with friends & family, book a massage, the gym, work
- tough love! Reinforce the reasons why you are not with him and be totally blunt about it. Luckily mine provided plenty of ammo in this regard. None of this 'he is amazing crap' but the stuff that is actually important (big deep breath) 'he has a girlfriend' and 'if he wanted to be with me he would'. Mine are worse if that helps (ex wife, daughter, someone else pregnant)!?
- silver lining; there will be someone else- I'm sure you are a great catch which is part of the reason your ex is still hanging around. You're moving to a new place and you are bound to meet someone new soon- but you need to get the ex out of the way and truly mean it to have a hope for future relationships.
- avoid temptation... leave your phone at home if you are heading out for a couple of drinks, stay offline for as much as you can, avoid places where you might bump into him. I'm getting better, but still know there is a little part of me that wants to reach out to him and stay a part of his life, but know this is a bad idea!
I do all kinds of other crazy things which you may not wish to incorporate; write text messages that explain how I'm feeling, but just don't send them! plan which totally amazing outfit I'll be wearing next time I do bump into him with my new amazing bf beside me, have a rewards system; when I get to 2 weeks no contact I will buy that leather jacket I had my eye on!!! write a pro's and con's list... (that might be some of the libra influence)... Save a horrible photo of him to my desk top!
As you might've gathered I'm a little crazy- but in a good way!