Signed Up: Jun 12, 2013 Comments: 391 · Posts: 3020 · Topics: 28
i don't know. water is not my thing. not only are we cats but we are fire so as far as i am concenrned water signs are probably hated/disliked the most by leos.
plus we are not humble and "sweet" or whatever water signs are always bragging about so you should find us repulsive etc.
Well, if we are being literal there isn't a creature alive that can survive without water... Also, Leos like it steamy as much as we do: Water + fire = Steam Ignoring the watery element though, it is a fixed thing. We recognize the strength in one another, which is also why you're likely to be more drawn to Taurus or Aquarius. And I used to tease my Leo all the time about how 'humble' and 'modest' he was, so perhaps anyone saying that is pulling your tail?! As you are totally correct ^