What is it like to be with a Leo in a relationship?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by thoughtful-libra94 on Thursday, February 2, 2017 and has 21 replies.
I'm curious, what is it like to be with a Leo in a relationship? Just want to know the good parts of it and the negative parts of it.
Good part - freedom , space, open minded , generous , loyal , uncomplicated , strangely down to earth , kind person with every one, good social life , blend of sexy and intelligent , can fix everything

Bad part - aggression , drama , emotional manipulation , self centred , EGO , too much of social life , sometimes mental torture , forget peace
I'm liking what I see so far.

I've just started dating a Leo and that description fits him perfectly, not experienced the jealousy part yet lol
Posted by Freetobe007
I'm a Leo who was in a relationship with a Leo. It was amazing but he was way too possessive for my taste. So much passion and I honestly think that man would have cut his right hand off for me if he had to. He was a superb lover, a carnal connoisseur, a great fellow adventurer. We fed off of each other's fearlessness. I needed more depth and range of intensity. Sometimes his intensity wouldn't transcend ego and that turned me off; I seek to absorb a man at his most raw, unrefined, natural place and I do not care for the fancy external wrapping. He spent a lot of time, money, and energy perfecting the fancy, external wrapping. I have a hunger for cosmic awareness that he couldn't seem to fill.
Similar experience. My first love was a lady Leo. We were young so we were both insecure and possessive of one another. We had fights (that seem incredibly silly now) but would make up passionately. We had far more good times than bad. If you've ever observed a lion and a lioness, it's basically like that. A lot of adoration and random quarrels and then more adoration.

Leo Cons (bad stuff first): We can be possessive and jealous (though we can grow out of that), we can love attention a bit to much, we can become boastful or arrogant as we tend to show off, we can be pompous and may look down on those we don't care to understand. We can be very insensitive and incredibly brash when angered. We can be a bit too loud. We can also be a too flirtatious or lustful if someone hasn't snagged out heartstrings (though not all Leos are like this). We can be hard to pin down if we have a lot of romantic options. We can procrastinate and have signs of laziness at times. Lastly like any fixed sign, we can be quite stubborn about our beliefs/principles.

Leo Pros: We are incredibly strong willed and make things happen. Though we have our own insecurities, we can be very courageous and tackle impossible odds head on if necessary. We're not just brutes though and are generally very intelligent. We are sociable and amiable. We are fun folk, the life of any social interaction. Leos aren't known to be inherently malicious unless we are stuck in our darker traits. We are extremely loyal and fervently protect those we care about. We are very generous and loving. Some say you haven't known passionate lovemaking until you've been with a Leo. We are hard to bore when we are in love. We love to indulge and love to take our significant other along for the ride. Though we are a fixed sign, we can be gently persuaded or reasoned with (if coaxed).

To date a Leo you must be ok with giving them attention. Don't worry though, we will give you that attention back a hundred times over. Yes some Leos can be a handful and needy, but generally we are also busy bodies who are incredibly social. We have our own schedules too, but we wont have an issue bringing you along. We have a lot of strength and tend to breakdown barriers very easily. Want something impossible done NOW? Ask a Leo. We also love to teach/preach (read ANY of my posts) and as a result are open to learning. We can also be skilled storytellers and jokesters. We can also run over people if we aren't careful, which can cause others to resent us. We can also be very absolute in our thinking (very black and white). While we feel deeply for those we care about, we don't really care for those we don't know (which is different from our opposite sign Aquas). The only time strangers are important to us if if they are already cool with someone we care about. If we do care about you, we'll move mountains...then take a nap.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Freetobe007
I'm a Leo who was in a relationship with a Leo. It was amazing but he was way too possessive for my taste. So much passion and I honestly think that man would have cut his right hand off for me if he had to. He was a superb lover, a carnal connoisseur, a great fellow adventurer. We fed off of each other's fearlessness. I needed more depth and range of intensity. Sometimes his intensity wouldn't transcend ego and that turned me off; I seek to absorb a man at his most raw, unrefined, natural place and I do not care for the fancy external wrapping. He spent a lot of time, money, and energy perfecting the fancy, external wrapping. I have a hunger for cosmic awareness that he couldn't seem to fill.
Similar experience. My first love was a lady Leo. We were young so we were both insecure and possessive of one another. We had fights (that seem incredibly silly now) but would make up passionately. We had far more good times than bad. If you've ever observed a lion and a lioness, it's basically like that. A lot of adoration and random quarrels and then more adoration.

Leo Cons (bad stuff first): We can be possessive and jealous (though we can grow out of that), we can love attention a bit to much, we can become boastful or arrogant as we tend to show off, we can be pompous and may look down on those we don't care to understand. We can be very insensitive and incredibly brash when angered. We can be a bit too loud. We can also be a too flirtatious or lustful if someone hasn't snagged out heartstrings (though not all Leos are like this). We can be hard to pin down if we have a lot of romantic options. We can procrastinate and have signs of laziness at times. Lastly like any fixed sign, we can be quite stubborn about our beliefs/principles.

Leo Pros: We are incredibly strong willed and make things happen. Though we have our own insecurities, we can be very courageous and tackle impossible odds head on if necessary. We're not just brutes though and are generally very intelligent. We are sociable and amiable. We are fun folk, the life of any social interaction. Leos aren't known to be inherently malicious unless we are stuck in our darker traits. We are extremely loyal and fervently protect those we care about. We are very generous and loving. Some say you haven't known passionate lovemaking until you've been with a Leo. We are hard to bore when we are in love. We love to indulge and love to take our significant other along for the ride. Though we are a fixed sign, we can be gently persuaded or reasoned with (if coaxed).

To date a Leo you must be ok with giving them attention. Don't worry though, we will give you that attention back a hundred times over. Yes some Leos can be a handful and needy, but generally we are also busy bodies who are incredibly social. We have our own schedules too, but we wont have an issue bringing you along. We have a lot of strength and tend to breakdown barriers very easily. Want something impossible done NOW? Ask a Leo. We also love to teach/preach (read ANY of my posts) and as a result are open to learning. We can also be skilled storytellers and jokesters. We can also run over people if we aren't careful, which can cause others to resent us. We can also be very absolute in our thinking (very black and white). While we feel deeply for those we care about, we don't really care for those we don't know (which is different from our opposite sign Aquas). The only time strangers are important to us if if they are already cool with someone we care about. If we do care about you, we'll move mountains...then take a nap.
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Why am i getting a vibe that its your libra venus speaking ? smile
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Freetobe007
I'm a Leo who was in a relationship with a Leo. It was amazing but he was way too possessive for my taste. So much passion and I honestly think that man would have cut his right hand off for me if he had to. He was a superb lover, a carnal connoisseur, a great fellow adventurer. We fed off of each other's fearlessness. I needed more depth and range of intensity. Sometimes his intensity wouldn't transcend ego and that turned me off; I seek to absorb a man at his most raw, unrefined, natural place and I do not care for the fancy external wrapping. He spent a lot of time, money, and energy perfecting the fancy, external wrapping. I have a hunger for cosmic awareness that he couldn't seem to fill.
Similar experience. My first love was a lady Leo. We were young so we were both insecure and possessive of one another. We had fights (that seem incredibly silly now) but would make up passionately. We had far more good times than bad. If you've ever observed a lion and a lioness, it's basically like that. A lot of adoration and random quarrels and then more adoration.

Leo Cons (bad stuff first): We can be possessive and jealous (though we can grow out of that), we can love attention a bit to much, we can become boastful or arrogant as we tend to show off, we can be pompous and may look down on those we don't care to understand. We can be very insensitive and incredibly brash when angered. We can be a bit too loud. We can also be a too flirtatious or lustful if someone hasn't snagged out heartstrings (though not all Leos are like this). We can be hard to pin down if we have a lot of romantic options. We can procrastinate and have signs of laziness at times. Lastly like any fixed sign, we can be quite stubborn about our beliefs/principles.

Leo Pros: We are incredibly strong willed and make things happen. Though we have our own insecurities, we can be very courageous and tackle impossible odds head on if necessary. We're not just brutes though and are generally very intelligent. We are sociable and amiable. We are fun folk, the life of any social interaction. Leos aren't known to be inherently malicious unless we are stuck in our darker traits. We are extremely loyal and fervently protect those we care about. We are very generous and loving. Some say you haven't known passionate lovemaking until you've been with a Leo. We are hard to bore when we are in love. We love to indulge and love to take our significant other along for the ride. Though we are a fixed sign, we can be gently persuaded or reasoned with (if coaxed).

To date a Leo you must be ok with giving them attention. Don't worry though, we will give you that attention back a hundred times over. Yes some Leos can be a handful and needy, but generally we are also busy bodies who are incredibly social. We have our own schedules too, but we wont have an issue bringing you along. We have a lot of strength and tend to breakdown barriers very easily. Want something impossible done NOW? Ask a Leo. We also love to teach/preach (read ANY of my posts) and as a result are open to learning. We can also be skilled storytellers and jokesters. We can also run over people if we aren't careful, which can cause others to resent us. We can also be very absolute in our thinking (very black and white). While we feel deeply for those we care about, we don't really care for those we don't know (which is different from our opposite sign Aquas). The only time strangers are important to us if if they are already cool with someone we care about. If we do care about you, we'll move mountains...then take a nap.
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my sister is virgo moon and she can be pompous and don't care about certain people, or those she doesn't care about.

and the 2nd bold, what makes you think aqua likes people we don't know or care about?

i'm here on this forum learning just like you are, so that means you also want to understand yourself and others.

just because you want to understand yourself and others doesn't mean you want to have tea together and hang out.

Posted by lisabethur8

my sister is virgo moon and she can be pompous and don't care about certain people, or those she doesn't care about.

and the 2nd bold, what makes you think aqua likes people we don't know or care about?

i'm here on this forum learning just like you are, so that means you also want to understand yourself and others.

just because you want to understand yourself and others doesn't mean you want to have tea together and hang out.

Not to say all Aquarians love everyone and hang with random strangers (but I've definitely seen Aquas do that more than Leos), just saying we may not have the same humanitarian focus. Our desires can be more focused on ourselves or those immediately around us. That's not to say that we don't have the desire to help others.


On my last birthday I was with one of my friends, another Leo. We were at a bar and were waiting on more friends to join us. We saved a group of couches and waited for them. As we sat there, a guy came over and asked if she could sit. My response was, "Yeah, just know we have friends on the way and we're saving the couch for them". He replied with "Oh" and walked off. I watched the guy walk across the room and sit at another table by himself. I felt bad, but knew that I had a lot of friends coming. My friend, the other Leo, didn't really care and said, "He'll be fine, he probably has friends coming". Then our friends showed up soon after.

I told this story to an Aqua lady. Feeling bad for the random guy in the story she responded, "Why didn't you let him sit with you?". I responded, "I never said that he couldn't, I just told him that we had friends coming". To that she said, "Yeah but that poor guy heard 'Get out of here lonely!' you could've let him sit with you. He probably wanted a friend." I said, "Well I kinda of came to that conclusion when he sat by himself alone...but he was on the other side of the room and our friends showed up soon after, so I let it go."

Granted in my head I was focused on saving space for my friends. Aqua lady's reaction however to the story was very different than say my Leo friend who shrugged it off immediately.
ohh please,

have you read Madonna?? she has your sun and moon and she has two homeless brothers.

she didn't spend any time with her ex husband, cause he complained she worked out a lot on her body and career and no time for him.

so judging from THAT, and her own life experience, I've seen it first hand with leo suns not caring about their family /marriage and their careers or other people more.

as for that guy, that woman shouldn't be bothering with some stranger. that was lame.

I've had it happen when people come to our area and want to sit with us but we were saving it for family and friends.

sorry, no dice!!!! if it's for our people.... find your own.

i'm sure that man or woman can figure it out, and not be all..."ohh waahhh waahhh feel sorry for me"

most people aren't that stupid.
The one I know has a double life. Has the wife and kids at home. He also has someone that comes to his work and drops off food, clothes and gifts. He shares the food with me sometimes Winking I don't think he gives her any money. He carries around 2 phones. Meh...
it's not like they are STARVING and need food.

now if you allow an old man or woman or child to starve....

motherfucker, and you got food?? you is COLD BLOODED to not give them some food.
I can't vouche for every Leo. This is all a generalization based on the Leos I've personally known.
Posted by lisabethur8

as for that guy, that woman shouldn't be bothering with some stranger. that was lame.

I've had it happen when people come to our area and want to sit with us but we were saving it for family and friends.

sorry, no dice!!!! if it's for our people.... find your own.

i'm sure that man or woman can figure it out, and not be all..."ohh waahhh waahhh feel sorry for me"

most people aren't that stupid.

The Aqua Lady has a kind heart, it's actually what makes her interesting. She's not the only Aqua I've known to have this sentiment, but like Leos Aquas can be very different as well.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by lisabethur8

as for that guy, that woman shouldn't be bothering with some stranger. that was lame.

I've had it happen when people come to our area and want to sit with us but we were saving it for family and friends.

sorry, no dice!!!! if it's for our people.... find your own.

i'm sure that man or woman can figure it out, and not be all..."ohh waahhh waahhh feel sorry for me"

most people aren't that stupid.

The Aqua Lady has a kind heart, it's actually what makes her interesting. She's not the only Aqua I've known to have this sentiment, but like Leos Aquas can be very different as well.
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that's sweet but

if my family and friends have been waiting, it's too bad for him/her.

they can't expect when they show up unexpected.

Posted by Mahina
Posted by MadMarchRam
I'm liking what I see so far.

I've just started dating a Leo and that description fits him perfectly, not experienced the jealousy part yet lol
It does not show at first, so if he gets comfortable and gets deep feelings.

You will see it eventually, its not overbearing but its there.

I hold it back alot so he could as well
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He hasn't shown it yet, well not in a big way, but I know it's there.

There's been a couple of occasions where I've had to bring up an ex who keeps contacting me. So, me being honest and not wanting any secrets, told him about it.

His response "Tell him your seeing someone and it's not appropriate to be messaging you!" Which I was going to do anyway.

So I did that and told him the ex's response, which I found kinda rude. He went quiet and said "I'm not interested in him!" Then changed the subject lol

It was subtle, but it was there. Nothing I feel worried about though.

Posted by Mahina
Good- extremely generous, affectionate, you will know exactly how we feel we express it verbally and physically, high sex drive, love to surprise you and make you smile, I personally become selfless when normally I can be selfish. Love to be playful and have fun but know when to be serious. Loves being around you but still wants to enjoy their independence

Bad- can be jealous, wants to be the dominant one(some are okay with this but others it clashes) when upset or mad can close off emotionally !

Don't ignore them or you'll regret it

As a person who has known a couple male Leos for many years here is my synopsis.

Negative traits:


-Too consumed with work,status and money

-Love women with problems..always getting played by gold diggers and too focused on the outer appearence instead of the depth of a person

-Too dependent on the opinions of others

-Too easily given into flattery from others

-Too sensitive to criticism

-Their fatefulness in relationships is elastic. They will stay in a relationship even if no longer happy and cheat when a woman gives them enough ego filled attention

Good qualities:

Very sweet loving and giving. Always there to lend a helping hand or ear. Gives excellent advice, independent very passionate and funny as hell.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by EveryOunce
As a person who has known a couple male Leos for many years here is my synopsis.

Negative traits:


-Too consumed with work,status and money

-Love women with problems..always getting played by gold diggers and too focused on the outer appearence instead of the depth of a person

-Too dependent on the opinions of others

-Too easily given into flattery from others

-Too sensitive to criticism

-Their fatefulness in relationships is elastic. They will stay in a relationship even if no longer happy and cheat when a woman gives them enough ego filled attention

Good qualities:

Very aweet lvoing and giving. Always there to lend a helping hand or ear. Gives excellent advice, independent very passionate and funny as hell.

Damn that list doesn't sound attractive

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Really? Why not?

Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by EveryOunce
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by EveryOunce
As a person who has known a couple male Leos for many years here is my synopsis.

Negative traits:


-Too consumed with work,status and money

-Love women with problems..always getting played by gold diggers and too focused on the outer appearence instead of the depth of a person

-Too dependent on the opinions of others

-Too easily given into flattery from others

-Too sensitive to criticism

-Their fatefulness in relationships is elastic. They will stay in a relationship even if no longer happy and cheat when a woman gives them enough ego filled attention

Good qualities:

Very aweet lvoing and giving. Always there to lend a helping hand or ear. Gives excellent advice, independent very passionate and funny as hell.

Damn that list doesn't sound attractive

Really? Why not?

sounds like a fuking headache
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It is which is why they're both friendzoned.

Horrible! Unless you don't mind a girl that constantly flirts and needs attention from men. Worst sign tobe in a relationship with at least for me I'm a Taurus. Great to party and sleep with. Horribly flirtatious loud obnoxious hoes.
Posted by Mahina
Good- extremely generous, affectionate, you will know exactly how we feel we express it verbally and physically, high sex drive, love to surprise you and make you smile, I personally become selfless when normally I can be selfish. Love to be playful and have fun but know when to be serious. Loves being around you but still wants to enjoy their independence

Bad- can be jealous, wants to be the dominant one(some are okay with this but others it clashes) when upset or mad can close off emotionally !

Don't ignore them or you'll regret it

Yup I agree with all of this and yup i cant stand being ignored its the epitamy of rudeness snd disrespect

Posted by Ministryjunky
Horrible! Unless you don't mind a girl that constantly flirts and needs attention from men. Worst sign tobe in a relationship with at least for me I'm a Taurus. Great to party and sleep with. Horribly flirtatious loud obnoxious hoes.

Thats harsh, we can be flirty personally I don't go overboard and it doesn't mean we want to cheat just like the attention