Posted by Freetobe007Similar experience. My first love was a lady Leo. We were young so we were both insecure and possessive of one another. We had fights (that seem incredibly silly now) but would make up passionately. We had far more good times than bad. If you've ever observed a lion and a lioness, it's basically like that. A lot of adoration and random quarrels and then more adoration.
I'm a Leo who was in a relationship with a Leo. It was amazing but he was way too possessive for my taste. So much passion and I honestly think that man would have cut his right hand off for me if he had to. He was a superb lover, a carnal connoisseur, a great fellow adventurer. We fed off of each other's fearlessness. I needed more depth and range of intensity. Sometimes his intensity wouldn't transcend ego and that turned me off; I seek to absorb a man at his most raw, unrefined, natural place and I do not care for the fancy external wrapping. He spent a lot of time, money, and energy perfecting the fancy, external wrapping. I have a hunger for cosmic awareness that he couldn't seem to fill.