What to do????? #HELP

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Dlalii on Sunday, May 12, 2013 and has 5 replies.
There is this leo guy I'm talking to ,we've been so close for 8 months and I'm really in love with him!!! He has been showing signs that meant he also loves me but he didn't say it and I know he's so scared of getting into realtionship because he don't want get heartbroken again though he knows me more than anyone else. So one day I got really jealous because girls are all over him! Then asked why and al that then it happened and I told him I love you in the most romantic way
Patience, patience, patience, patience.
No major issues here to my reckoning. Just be there for him and he'll adjust slowly. There's no other way to prevent heartbreak than to take things slow and support each other. If you're sure he's right for you then you should have no problem easing him into a relationship. He seems to feel the same for you. Just let the game play out.
Dlalii, are you a Leo or him? I agree with Neurath. Patience. If you are the Leo, it is hard for us to have patience because we want what we want. But this is something that needs to take time and develop and learning patience is a great virtue.
I'm Aquarius he's a leo , should act like I always do or be more kind and loving??
I'm just so worried I'm thinking about this every second Sad
Ok thank you so much!!!