Any feedback/advice would be great....

This topic was created in the Libra forum by lovestruckleo on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 and has 18 replies.
Ok, so if you have even read the above novel, I guess you're wondering WTH I'm asking/wanting advice on?
Well, I really liked this guy. Alot. Part of me feels like I never even gave him a chance to "think". I just took his couple of days of "silence" as that's it - it's over. So, I shot him an email, and ended it. Did I make a rash move? Or maybe I'm just better off continuing to move on?
I haven't heard from him except of one night a few weeks ago, I shot him a text and told him:
"Sorry for the mean things I said to you. That was immature of me. I hope all is well with you and if we run into each other this summer, hope it's not awkward. Take care!"
He responds with:
"Well, wow, thank you. That was really sweet. I really need to ask you what made you come to this conclusion?"
I waited. Then responded, "Well, we moved really fast. The break up was pretty fast. I don't think we ever truly got to know each other. But you're a cool person, and I'd like to know we could be friends. Hope all has been well. Take care!"
He simply responds with, "Yup. That is true"
I never responded after that.
Anyway. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing something that shouldn't even matter at this point. I'm like pissed that I have even had him on my mind lately. 3 months had passed and we haven't communicated at all so why did he suddenly pop into my head causing me to shoot that text?! Well, it was a bit alcohol induced for me but...
I was very much in love with a leo guy. It was very much a love at first sight thing. It was fast, and intense and way out of my comfort zone. I kept telling him to wait. He was very all or nothing now. It was passionate, exciting, and completely terrifying. He was talking kids and marriage, I was saying hold on, hold on, let me think this through.
He saw my stalling and starting and freaking out as game playing and took it to his ego/pride. I am pretty sure he hates me as I have tried to contact him several times ? and nadda.
It is what it is.
The point of my story, which is MUCH shorter than yours Tongue, sometimes things just don't work out. Something aren't what they seem. Libra/Leo is a passionate, creative, exciting union. Yet you can't rush a Libra.
Is he doing weird things to passive-aggressively get under your skin? Maybe. Where there is a lot of energy, there is a lot of passion and it has to go somewhere. I personally wouldn't do something like that because everyone would ask who I was dating.
What will be will be. Sometimes there are no answers.
Aww... thank you little_sparrow for taking the time to read all of that jibber. I know you are exactly right and sometimes things just dont work out Sad
I can't even figure out why I'm suddenly thinking about him so much. It's strange. Of course it hurt me like crazy to send that little break up email. I never felt like I got any "closure". Then I followed that up by shooting him a nasty text asking for my GPS system back (I let him borrow it since he moved to a new city and I thought it would help him learn his way around). I know I was irrational in both the email and that text. Which is why after 3 months of no contact with him... I decided to be nice and let him know I was sorry for that nasty text so many months ago.
I would have to admit it was like (subconsciously) I wanted to have some sort of communication with him. But, at the same time I am afraid to "go there" again. I can't believe how we were only together for approx 3 months but it was like the most FABULOUS 3 months imaginable. Not to mention, we spend the 4 to 6 weeks prior to that hanging out on a daily basis. I feel, more than anything, I have lost such a "buddy"... a "partna in crime"! And a HOT HOT HOT one at that!! hahaha
This too shall pass, I am certain. His friend owns a condo in the same building as mine... so I wonder if he will be visiting over the summer. I kinda hope so, it would be awesome to see him. Unfortunatley, I'm too scared to let him actually know that I've thought of him and miss him. I don't want to be rejected.
Ugh! Like I said, the passion was just insane. This is the first guy I have dated that it was like complete and utter BLISS 24/7 and on top of that - we just "clicked". I've had two long relationships... one w/ a cappy for 6 years and one w/ a pisces for 4 years... and neither of those even comes close to the feelings and experiences of this one.
Gah, what will be will be I suppose!
Thank you again for your sweet words! And for taking the time to read/respond! :-)
I love my libra-gal-pals! THEY ARE THE BESTEST!
There was a lunar eclipse in Leo last night I think. Plus, there was just a solar eclipse on the 26th.
I get what you are saying lovestruck. When leo and libra click, we click. And it sucks. lol!
hang in there!
OMG! The 26th (of Jan) is the night I had a couple of drinks and sent him those "apologetic" texts! How eerie!
Whoever invented text messaging was obviously NOT a drinker Winking texting gets me into so much trouble LOL
OMG!!!!! Part of what got me in trouble with the Leo was drunk dialing. LMAO! Too funny.
Here is an article on the solar eclipse that I posted a few weeks ago.
The night Mr. Libra hung up on me and we had that little spat (never to speak on the phone again Sad ) I was out drinking with friends!
Clearly, I have not learned my lesson! LOL
"All Aquarius Sun Sign people will be most affected by this Solar Eclipse as will those with Aquarius rising. If you are a Leo or have Leo rising you will feel this eclipse more strongly than most because in our sky the constellation of Leo is opposite the constellation of Aquarius and is in direct alignment with this eclipse. Overall, you will find yourself redoing your life from your toes to the top of your head and your appearance will be changed radically to reflect the massive changes going on within you!! Remember, Eclipses are about endings . . And beginnings!! Ultimately the changes in how you see yourself will affect how you are perceived by others thereby affecting all of your personal AND business relationships!! This is all good!! :-)"

Oh, WOW! I am going to re-read that post again... (Solar Eclipse).
I'm a Leo, Aqua rising! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING smile
So we found the magic recipe.
Libra + Leo + Booze = disaster!
May this serve as a warning for those who follow after us. LMAO!
I think the only match for a libra is a leo. Or another libra. Like really.
As a HEADSTRONG Leo... I will be the first to admit... this Mr. Libra has got to be the only man in the world to whip this leo-gal in to shape. I'm dead SERIOUS on that. Which is strange. I mean - as you can see, I've been on this earth for 32 years... lots of relationship experiences (I mean, hello! I'm from the south USA and prob considered an "old-maid" by this point) but goodness! Even scorpio didn't get to me like this Mr. Libra did. UGH!
I've actually heard that sag/libra was one of the best matches ever!
His mom is a Sag. His sister a Gem. His dad an Aqua. When I met the family, I felt like it was heaven on earth! Never felt so much a part of someone who could relate as I did with his family! Sheesh... just makes it worse Sad
"I've actually heard that sag/libra was one of the best matches ever!" Yeah, as friends sure. Anything else no I don't think so. I don't like to be anyones bitch/try to control someone's behavior and play mind games. Libra's are a LOT of work. If you have the time for that than good for you. But I don't like pushing people to do things and I don't like catering to demands. I like easy flowing things where everyone is themselfs and can love themselfs.
LOL! Oh girl!
My stepdad (who is in reality, pretty much my real dad... my biological dad left when I was really young, he was a cancer) anywho - my stepdad a Libra, LOVE HIM! He's like a daddy and another BFF all rolled up into one. And, takes up for me against my "non-emotional" gemini mom a lot. Like, he slips me $ $ and phone calls just to say "I love you"... god, he rocks!!
I just don't know about this Mr. Libra though. Yes, like you said... he WAS very controlling... but for some damn reason, it was in a way that I LIKED!!! weird, huh? And normally, I would kick an asshole like that to the CURB in a HOT minute! There's like the way he did it... was sexy and made me feel totally "secure".
I have no idea why I'm circling around this issue again. Outta no-wheres-ville, this dude is TOTALLY on my mind! ARGH!!!
I swear, I'd rather go to the grave knowing there was "love lost" than openly admitting it... and being honest.
DAMN that Leo pride! UGH! It's a curse!!
"There's like the way he did it... was sexy and made me feel totally "secure"." Yeah, thats how I felt with my virgo guy, bless himsmile

"DAMN that Leo pride! UGH! It's a curse!!" Lol. Do you want him? GET IT GURL! haha. I never wanted mine bad enough, but Leo's can really get to them!Winking
Gawd! I am such a romantic junkie!!!!
Ok, so I just couldn't take it anymore... and believe me, as tough as it was for me to swallow my stubborn pride... I DID send him a quick email on Friday evening to see how things were with work, family, holidays, etc... and told him that things here just won't be the same without him around this summer.
Anyway, I kept it short and sweet. But I hope he knows I was being VERY, very genuine. At this point, I think chopping my hair off may have been easier than shooting off a two paragraph email! LOL WTF is wrong with me!!!
So I head out with my girl pals Friday night and totally blew off the anticipation of a response....
HOWEVER... Awww... well, no response as of yet (Monday Noon, here) from the email I sent him Friday evening. Sad
Oh well, I suppose I have my answer now! Boo Hoo!!!! LOL
I'll be okay though, because at least I can move on now knowing... and knowing that I put myself out there and made an effort.
No regrets on sending the email to him... it was worth it cause now I can close this chapter and move on! So, out come my claws and YAY to finding myself ANOTHER Libra smile *chuckles*