Any feedback/advice would be great....

Aww... thank you little_sparrow for taking the time to read all of that jibber. I know you are exactly right and sometimes things just dont work out Sad
I can't even figure out why I'm suddenly thinking about him so much. It's strange. Of course it hurt me like crazy to send that little break up email. I never felt like I got any "closure". Then I followed that up by shooting him a nasty text asking for my GPS system back (I let him borrow it since he moved to a new city and I thought it would help him learn his way around). I know I was irrational in both the email and that text. Which is why after 3 months of no contact with him... I decided to be nice and let him know I was sorry for that nasty text so many months ago.
I would have to admit it was like (subconsciously) I wanted to have some sort of communication with him. But, at the same time I am afraid to "go there" again. I can't believe how we were only together for approx 3 months but it was like the most FABULOUS 3 months imaginable. Not to mention, we spend the 4 to 6 weeks prior to that hanging out on a daily basis. I feel, more than anything, I have lost such a "buddy"... a "partna in crime"! And a HOT HOT HOT one at that!! hahaha

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