
This topic was created in the Libra forum by brianafay on Sunday, June 9, 2013 and has 20 replies.
After a 48 hour "stand-off" of sorts...I finally gave in to my Libra's little temper tantrum he was throwing and gave him what he wanted...which was apparently, attention.
We have been through this so many times since we've been long distance. He is so needy!! :/
I have other things to do with time then text him all day, and he cannot except this.
You would think by the way he acts, that we never talk...but the reality is we text ALL DAY...never does a day go by we don't talk, let alone more than a few hours. If he doesn't get a response to a text within 15 minutes he acts like he is so neglected...
So, he was acting out again...being bitchy...ignored a few of my phone calls, but texted me immediately after with "what?" (LMAO) *eye roll*
So finally I went off on him (which is obviously all he wanted) put him in his place...told him everything I stated above. (he got all my attention in that moment.)
His reply: he hangs up...then texts me a picture of our dog with a message "you're boring us, bye."
Libras, I know you won't want to admit to any of this....but what are some of your methods/tactics to get someone's attention?
Do you ever start fights with a S/O just to have their attention?
I can't admit that right now. I'm very annoyed

Posted by Libra911
Posted by brianafay
I can't admit that right now. I'm very annoyed


sorry to hear that, I can't help u much there since I am guilty of that kind of behavior :/
The only thing I can say is that he adores you, if that helps Big Grin
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Thanks for being honest!
I know he's not the only one...I have seen my Libra friend do the same thing with her S/O's
& I knowwwwwwwww
I love's just like having a large infant sometimes it's too much!
He has me feeling bad now...god I'm a sucker :/
He gets more than enough attention!!!
Tell him to get the sand out of his vagina
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Tell him to get the sand out of his vagina
Posted by robyn808
The leeb I was with worked out of town for about a year. We got in a fights cus I didn't want to talk on the phone during my morning commute. But he was effecting my morning happy time. I don't want to talk, I want to walk up drink my coffee sing with the radio. I tried to tell him, and it was "oh, you don't love me?", throw in a scorp venus and it occasionally it was also "who are you fucking in the morning?"
He was really into bitching tho, he'd just go on and on.. beyond a certain point everything he'd say becomes useless. I'd tell him once to leave me alone... which never did anything, so when he kept at it I'd just grab my keys and our joint banking card, he'd follow me out to my car, and I'd leaving him in my rear view mirror bitching in the road while I went shopping. After a few hours, I'd get an I'm sorry text. And I'd go home happy. And he'd be apologizing and wanting to fuck instead of bitching about the stuff I just bought.
I had a man begging to please me, and I had new stuff, Taurus SCORE!
I'm not exactly sure how your supposed to deal with it, but that method worked for a number of years. But you should never take relationship advice from single people.

Lol thanks Rob
not bad advice though
Posted by libraCUSPscorpio
lol smile
The ignoring thing sounds familiar. Nope, not gonna text him til he texts me. Hmph! Oh, he took all day. He can wait now lmao. Guilty as charged. Sometimes we're just fucking babies. Cuddly, cute texts here and there should work even though it seems so.... Obvious because he should just know without talking ALL day, that's how you feel. The biggest thing with a Libran, I do believe, is the reassurance of love. That makes Libran dudes seem like some pussies lol but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume this is what your dude wants.

Yes, because normally if I responded to anyone else in such a condescending baby voice they would just be even more pissed...but somehow he likes it. It's all he wanted lol
4 hours apart right now :/
But I graduate and move back home August 3
& I'm going home for the weekend on Thursday
He's just a baby!!!
Posted by brianafay
Posted by libraCUSPscorpio
lol smile
The ignoring thing sounds familiar. Nope, not gonna text him til he texts me. Hmph! Oh, he took all day. He can wait now lmao. Guilty as charged. Sometimes we're just fucking babies. Cuddly, cute texts here and there should work even though it seems so.... Obvious because he should just know without talking ALL day, that's how you feel. The biggest thing with a Libran, I do believe, is the reassurance of love. That makes Libran dudes seem like some pussies lol but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume this is what your dude wants.

Yes, because normally if I responded to anyone else in such a condescending baby voice they would just be even more pissed...but somehow he likes it. It's all he wanted lol
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These guys... total gluttons.
Yup, my Libra try that shit with me, I ignored the hell outta him, tell him where to stick and do Ur own thing, he went nuts, came back all lovey dove, he doesn't like me having a good time without him, gets him back to normal in no time, dam tantrums
Say what?
Posted by brianafay
His reply: he hangs up...then texts me a picture of our dog with a message "you're boring us, bye."

omg lol! That really is funny. What a brat. Tongue
Posted by tamara
Posted by brianafay
His reply: he hangs up...then texts me a picture of our dog with a message "you're boring us, bye."

omg lol! That really is funny. What a brat. Tongue
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I know! He really is...
How the hell are you?
Miss you
Libra male here. We are an odd sort that is for sure. I'm a wee bit different in that I tend to worry if I'm annoying someone, but we do love attention. We like to feel wanted and well liked. My tantrums are a bit different in that I will just completely ignore someone and act ticked off. It's very rare, but when it happens the whole world knows something isn't right. I will say you bought right into the game, he wanted attention and you gave it to him (I got a good chuckle out of the dog pic and you're boring us lol). But as others have said, we only do it to the people we truly care about. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility though to set some sort of boundaries. We're bad at making decisions so if you can just do it for us, I think you'll both be happier.
Posted by brianafay
Posted by tamara
Posted by brianafay
His reply: he hangs up...then texts me a picture of our dog with a message "you're boring us, bye."

omg lol! That really is funny. What a brat. Tongue

I know! He really is...
How the hell are you?
Miss you
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I am great! How are you my m'love?
Miss you too and I have so much to tell you. ???
He texted me tonight to tell me the dog wanted him to tell me to pack my bags when I come home because I don't live there anymore
the dog tells him to tell me stuff a lot lately -___-
someone's bored
Wait, is that a break up or is he that bored?