Can the Libras please help me with this

This might be a little long but responses will be very very appreciated Little back ground: We dated for 2 years and lived with each other for basically the whole time(about a year back in high school aswell), good relationship hit bumps every now and ...

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Taurus_mn on Monday, July 16, 2018 and has 72 replies.
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Posted by exsqueezeme

I’ll tell you straight. Taurus and libra is a doomed combination
only for the immature - the more mature Libra/Taurus connection can be wonderful !
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move on.

Also if you start to ignore her completely chances are she may just come running back to you. If that's how you want to be treated in future you could take her back, but I would find someone who really wants to be with you

Good Luck
The day I saw and talked to her before I found out I told her just tell me if you don’t want to be with me and her only response really was “well I can’t tell you I don’t love you because that would be lie.” Like why kiss me then and then on the cheek after the concert?
Because when things with the other guy don't work out she will be running back into your arms because you are a sure thing. Don't let her manipulate you.

Libra = options.
I guess don’t feel like the guy was exactly her type from the picture I saw but you never know I suppose. I’m curious as to what she may be thinking after me telling “I’ve heated about what happened last night” she has to know what I’m referring to, she said she was super drunk that night to
Hmm. I cant tell you how weak a person is to blame their actions on being drunk....
I agree. She’s done a lot of messed up things in all of her relationships not just with me, she’s basically thrown away her two child hood best friends over immature selfishness, isn’t on good terms with her mom since she kicked me out, and it’s mad at her new friend over a dumb reason, and now is just hanging out with whoever accepts her basically. It’s depressing and I hate that she does it. I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?
Personally I don't think the letter will help your cause to be honest. I am guessing you guys are under 23 years old?

It's hard when you are in love with someone and you want things to work out so bad, but do you want to be in this same situation in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
click to expand
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
Mr. Bull - she doesn't want you like you want her - it won't be easy but you need to move on and leave that alone.

Everything everyone said is correct and of course you are having a hard time seeing that but it is so. You deserve better.

Posted by tctaa

Mr. Bull - she doesn't want you like you want her - it won't be easy but you need to move on and leave that alone.

Everything everyone said is correct and of course you are having a hard time seeing that but it is so. You deserve better.

I know and understand😔 this is just by far the hardest loss I’ve experienced in my life so far and I’m not taking it very well tbh, but life goes on.
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by tctaa

Mr. Bull - she doesn't want you like you want her - it won't be easy but you need to move on and leave that alone.

Everything everyone said is correct and of course you are having a hard time seeing that but it is so. You deserve better.

I know and understand😔 this is just by far the hardest loss I’ve experienced in my life so far and I’m not taking it very well tbh, but life goes on.
click to expand
I know and yes, it is hard - very hard
Posted by Taurus_mn

I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?

Don't send the letter what ever you do. She probably won't even read it. My ex used to write me letters about how messed up I am and I just started throwing them away. The only way to have an affect on this girl is to walk away and disappear. She will never respect you for putting up with her bad behavior. You have to think more of yourself in order for her to think higher of you. She is definitely seeing and having sex with other men.
click to expand

Posted by DonnaLibra

Posted by Taurus_mn

I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?

Don't send the letter what ever you do. She probably won't even read it. My ex used to write me letters about how messed up I am and I just started throwing them away. The only way to have an affect on this girl is to walk away and disappear. She will never respect you for putting up with her bad behavior. You have to think more of yourself in order for her to think higher of you. She is definitely seeing and having sex with other men.

click to expand
I’m not going to write it, she texted me Monday and told me not to wait for her anymore or anything and that she’s just done, she started out the text with “I do love you.” Which has me confused, and that she would kiss me those two days to. I never responded to her text and don’t plan on it, I deactivated my Facebook and I’m not putting anything on Snapchat, just totally disappearing right now. Idk what kind of affect it’ll have on her or if she’ll ever have feelings for me again in the future.
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move on.

Also if you start to ignore her completely chances are she may just come running back to you. If that's how you want to be treated in future you could take her back, but I would find someone who really wants to be with you

Good Luck
The day I saw and talked to her before I found out I told her just tell me if you don’t want to be with me and her only response really was “well I can’t tell you I don’t love you because that would be lie.” Like why kiss me then and then on the cheek after the concert?
Because when things with the other guy don't work out she will be running back into your arms because you are a sure thing. Don't let her manipulate you.

Libra = options.
I guess don’t feel like the guy was exactly her type from the picture I saw but you never know I suppose. I’m curious as to what she may be thinking after me telling “I’ve heated about what happened last night” she has to know what I’m referring to, she said she was super drunk that night to
Hmm. I cant tell you how weak a person is to blame their actions on being drunk....
I agree. She’s done a lot of messed up things in all of her relationships not just with me, she’s basically thrown away her two child hood best friends over immature selfishness, isn’t on good terms with her mom since she kicked me out, and it’s mad at her new friend over a dumb reason, and now is just hanging out with whoever accepts her basically. It’s depressing and I hate that she does it. I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?
Personally I don't think the letter will help your cause to be honest. I am guessing you guys are under 23 years old?

It's hard when you are in love with someone and you want things to work out so bad, but do you want to be in this same situation in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
click to expand
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move on.

Also if you start to ignore her completely chances are she may just come running back to you. If that's how you want to be treated in future you could take her back, but I would find someone who really wants to be with you

Good Luck
The day I saw and talked to her before I found out I told her just tell me if you don’t want to be with me and her only response really was “well I can’t tell you I don’t love you because that would be lie.” Like why kiss me then and then on the cheek after the concert?
Because when things with the other guy don't work out she will be running back into your arms because you are a sure thing. Don't let her manipulate you.

Libra = options.
I guess don’t feel like the guy was exactly her type from the picture I saw but you never know I suppose. I’m curious as to what she may be thinking after me telling “I’ve heated about what happened last night” she has to know what I’m referring to, she said she was super drunk that night to
Hmm. I cant tell you how weak a person is to blame their actions on being drunk....
I agree. She’s done a lot of messed up things in all of her relationships not just with me, she’s basically thrown away her two child hood best friends over immature selfishness, isn’t on good terms with her mom since she kicked me out, and it’s mad at her new friend over a dumb reason, and now is just hanging out with whoever accepts her basically. It’s depressing and I hate that she does it. I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?
Personally I don't think the letter will help your cause to be honest. I am guessing you guys are under 23 years old?

It's hard when you are in love with someone and you want things to work out so bad, but do you want to be in this same situation in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
click to expand
hard to say without knowing what the snap chat says. Read it, does not mean you have to reply to it
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move on.

Also if you start to ignore her completely chances are she may just come running back to you. If that's how you want to be treated in future you could take her back, but I would find someone who really wants to be with you

Good Luck
The day I saw and talked to her before I found out I told her just tell me if you don’t want to be with me and her only response really was “well I can’t tell you I don’t love you because that would be lie.” Like why kiss me then and then on the cheek after the concert?
Because when things with the other guy don't work out she will be running back into your arms because you are a sure thing. Don't let her manipulate you.

Libra = options.
I guess don’t feel like the guy was exactly her type from the picture I saw but you never know I suppose. I’m curious as to what she may be thinking after me telling “I’ve heated about what happened last night” she has to know what I’m referring to, she said she was super drunk that night to
Hmm. I cant tell you how weak a person is to blame their actions on being drunk....
I agree. She’s done a lot of messed up things in all of her relationships not just with me, she’s basically thrown away her two child hood best friends over immature selfishness, isn’t on good terms with her mom since she kicked me out, and it’s mad at her new friend over a dumb reason, and now is just hanging out with whoever accepts her basically. It’s depressing and I hate that she does it. I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?
Personally I don't think the letter will help your cause to be honest. I am guessing you guys are under 23 years old?

It's hard when you are in love with someone and you want things to work out so bad, but do you want to be in this same situation in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
hard to say without knowing what the snap chat says. Read it, does not mean you have to reply to it
click to expand
It was just a pic of a price of mail of mine that she got, it said “I left it in the mailbox for you to get”
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move on.

Also if you start to ignore her completely chances are she may just come running back to you. If that's how you want to be treated in future you could take her back, but I would find someone who really wants to be with you

Good Luck
The day I saw and talked to her before I found out I told her just tell me if you don’t want to be with me and her only response really was “well I can’t tell you I don’t love you because that would be lie.” Like why kiss me then and then on the cheek after the concert?
Because when things with the other guy don't work out she will be running back into your arms because you are a sure thing. Don't let her manipulate you.

Libra = options.
I guess don’t feel like the guy was exactly her type from the picture I saw but you never know I suppose. I’m curious as to what she may be thinking after me telling “I’ve heated about what happened last night” she has to know what I’m referring to, she said she was super drunk that night to
Hmm. I cant tell you how weak a person is to blame their actions on being drunk....
I agree. She’s done a lot of messed up things in all of her relationships not just with me, she’s basically thrown away her two child hood best friends over immature selfishness, isn’t on good terms with her mom since she kicked me out, and it’s mad at her new friend over a dumb reason, and now is just hanging out with whoever accepts her basically. It’s depressing and I hate that she does it. I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?
Personally I don't think the letter will help your cause to be honest. I am guessing you guys are under 23 years old?

It's hard when you are in love with someone and you want things to work out so bad, but do you want to be in this same situation in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
hard to say without knowing what the snap chat says. Read it, does not mean you have to reply to it
It was just a pic of a price of mail of mine that she got, it said “I left it in the mailbox for you to get”
click to expand

My reply would be my forwarding address
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by DonnaLibra

Posted by Taurus_mn

I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?

Don't send the letter what ever you do. She probably won't even read it. My ex used to write me letters about how messed up I am and I just started throwing them away. The only way to have an affect on this girl is to walk away and disappear. She will never respect you for putting up with her bad behavior. You have to think more of yourself in order for her to think higher of you. She is definitely seeing and having sex with other men.

I’m not going to write it, she texted me Monday and told me not to wait for her anymore or anything and that she’s just done, she started out the text with “I do love you.” Which has me confused, and that she would kiss me those two days to. I never responded to her text and don’t plan on it, I deactivated my Facebook and I’m not putting anything on Snapchat, just totally disappearing right now. Idk what kind of affect it’ll have on her or if she’ll ever have feelings for me again in the future.
click to expand
this taurean crestfalleness makes my heart ache.
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move on.

Also if you start to ignore her completely chances are she may just come running back to you. If that's how you want to be treated in future you could take her back, but I would find someone who really wants to be with you

Good Luck
The day I saw and talked to her before I found out I told her just tell me if you don’t want to be with me and her only response really was “well I can’t tell you I don’t love you because that would be lie.” Like why kiss me then and then on the cheek after the concert?
Because when things with the other guy don't work out she will be running back into your arms because you are a sure thing. Don't let her manipulate you.

Libra = options.
I guess don’t feel like the guy was exactly her type from the picture I saw but you never know I suppose. I’m curious as to what she may be thinking after me telling “I’ve heated about what happened last night” she has to know what I’m referring to, she said she was super drunk that night to
Hmm. I cant tell you how weak a person is to blame their actions on being drunk....
I agree. She’s done a lot of messed up things in all of her relationships not just with me, she’s basically thrown away her two child hood best friends over immature selfishness, isn’t on good terms with her mom since she kicked me out, and it’s mad at her new friend over a dumb reason, and now is just hanging out with whoever accepts her basically. It’s depressing and I hate that she does it. I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?
Personally I don't think the letter will help your cause to be honest. I am guessing you guys are under 23 years old?

It's hard when you are in love with someone and you want things to work out so bad, but do you want to be in this same situation in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
hard to say without knowing what the snap chat says. Read it, does not mean you have to reply to it
It was just a pic of a price of mail of mine that she got, it said “I left it in the mailbox for you to get”

My reply would be my forwarding address
click to expand
Im just not even gonna reply, obvious sign of no interest right? I mean I guess she could of threw it away and never reached out but still🙄🙄
Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by DonnaLibra

Posted by Taurus_mn

I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?

Don't send the letter what ever you do. She probably won't even read it. My ex used to write me letters about how messed up I am and I just started throwing them away. The only way to have an affect on this girl is to walk away and disappear. She will never respect you for putting up with her bad behavior. You have to think more of yourself in order for her to think higher of you. She is definitely seeing and having sex with other men.

I’m not going to write it, she texted me Monday and told me not to wait for her anymore or anything and that she’s just done, she started out the text with “I do love you.” Which has me confused, and that she would kiss me those two days to. I never responded to her text and don’t plan on it, I deactivated my Facebook and I’m not putting anything on Snapchat, just totally disappearing right now. Idk what kind of affect it’ll have on her or if she’ll ever have feelings for me again in the future.
this taurean crestfalleness makes my heart ache.
click to expand
Planned on proposing this October, we had a perfect life together layed out in front of us already owned the house, both have great credit, same interests same drive everything, she threw it all away😔
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by DonnaLibra

Posted by Taurus_mn

I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?

Don't send the letter what ever you do. She probably won't even read it. My ex used to write me letters about how messed up I am and I just started throwing them away. The only way to have an affect on this girl is to walk away and disappear. She will never respect you for putting up with her bad behavior. You have to think more of yourself in order for her to think higher of you. She is definitely seeing and having sex with other men.

I’m not going to write it, she texted me Monday and told me not to wait for her anymore or anything and that she’s just done, she started out the text with “I do love you.” Which has me confused, and that she would kiss me those two days to. I never responded to her text and don’t plan on it, I deactivated my Facebook and I’m not putting anything on Snapchat, just totally disappearing right now. Idk what kind of affect it’ll have on her or if she’ll ever have feelings for me again in the future.
this taurean crestfalleness makes my heart ache.
Planned on proposing this October, we had a perfect life together layed out in front of us already owned the house, both have great credit, same interests same drive everything, she threw it all away😔
click to expand

i'm sorry. she likely only realise what she had in you when it's too late. more fool her.
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move on.

Also if you start to ignore her completely chances are she may just come running back to you. If that's how you want to be treated in future you could take her back, but I would find someone who really wants to be with you

Good Luck
The day I saw and talked to her before I found out I told her just tell me if you don’t want to be with me and her only response really was “well I can’t tell you I don’t love you because that would be lie.” Like why kiss me then and then on the cheek after the concert?
Because when things with the other guy don't work out she will be running back into your arms because you are a sure thing. Don't let her manipulate you.

Libra = options.
I guess don’t feel like the guy was exactly her type from the picture I saw but you never know I suppose. I’m curious as to what she may be thinking after me telling “I’ve heated about what happened last night” she has to know what I’m referring to, she said she was super drunk that night to
Hmm. I cant tell you how weak a person is to blame their actions on being drunk....
I agree. She’s done a lot of messed up things in all of her relationships not just with me, she’s basically thrown away her two child hood best friends over immature selfishness, isn’t on good terms with her mom since she kicked me out, and it’s mad at her new friend over a dumb reason, and now is just hanging out with whoever accepts her basically. It’s depressing and I hate that she does it. I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?
Personally I don't think the letter will help your cause to be honest. I am guessing you guys are under 23 years old?

It's hard when you are in love with someone and you want things to work out so bad, but do you want to be in this same situation in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
hard to say without knowing what the snap chat says. Read it, does not mean you have to reply to it
It was just a pic of a price of mail of mine that she got, it said “I left it in the mailbox for you to get”

My reply would be my forwarding address
Im just not even gonna reply, obvious sign of no interest right? I mean I guess she could of threw it away and never reached out but still🙄🙄
click to expand
If it not a bill. Then yeah ignore it and her. Her for good though
Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by DonnaLibra

Posted by Taurus_mn

I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?

Don't send the letter what ever you do. She probably won't even read it. My ex used to write me letters about how messed up I am and I just started throwing them away. The only way to have an affect on this girl is to walk away and disappear. She will never respect you for putting up with her bad behavior. You have to think more of yourself in order for her to think higher of you. She is definitely seeing and having sex with other men.

I’m not going to write it, she texted me Monday and told me not to wait for her anymore or anything and that she’s just done, she started out the text with “I do love you.” Which has me confused, and that she would kiss me those two days to. I never responded to her text and don’t plan on it, I deactivated my Facebook and I’m not putting anything on Snapchat, just totally disappearing right now. Idk what kind of affect it’ll have on her or if she’ll ever have feelings for me again in the future.
this taurean crestfalleness makes my heart ache.
Planned on proposing this October, we had a perfect life together layed out in front of us already owned the house, both have great credit, same interests same drive everything, she threw it all away😔

i'm sorry. she likely only realise what she had in you when it's too late. more fool her.
click to expand
Honestly I don’t even think that’ll happen😔 I feel like she was so wish washy these past few months about everything and I upset her over my compulsiveness and strong desire to get back together, we had great times every time she’d come back and when life was upsetting her I was right there to support her but I feel like she totally over looks it all and she got really upset when I brought up the fact I knew about the guy she had seen.. in my opinion she’s gone and isn’t coming back but who knows life works in strange ways. Sorry for my rambling too😳
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move o

I in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
hard to say without knowing what the snap chat says. Read it, does not mean you have to reply to it
It was just a pic of a price of mail of mine that she got, it said “I left it in the mailbox for you to get”

My reply would be my forwarding address
Im just not even gonna reply, obvious sign of no interest right? I mean I guess she could of threw it away and never reached out but still🙄🙄
If it not a bill. Then yeah ignore it and her. Her for good though
click to expand
It’s a pay stub but it’s not like I need it, you think I should just leave it and not get it?
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move o

I in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
hard to say without knowing what the snap chat says. Read it, does not mean you have to reply to it
It was just a pic of a price of mail of mine that she got, it said “I left it in the mailbox for you to get”

My reply would be my forwarding address
Im just not even gonna reply, obvious sign of no interest right? I mean I guess she could of threw it away and never reached out but still🙄🙄
If it not a bill. Then yeah ignore it and her. Her for good though
It’s a pay stub but it’s not like I need it, you think I should just leave it and not get it?
click to expand
If you don't need it. Don't get it. I keep all mine for last 5 years though
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Posted by Taurus_mn

hmm, sounds like you are being kept on a string.

Save yourself some heartache and move o

I in another 7 months time? years down the line?

You are better than an option. You are either number one or find someone who will make you their number one. Don't settle for less than you are worth, because by holding onto something like this you are stopping yourself from meeting the person who will bring out the best in you, and you in her.
I’m 23 and she’ll be 25 this year, I’m not thinking of writing it out to be like a “hopeful we’ll get back together” or “hoping this will fix things” kind of letter but more of as a this is what you are doing and this is why things have happened and why people feel the way they do because of how you’ve been treating them, not in a mean/accusing way but more as a person to person trying to help you out in a way kind of letter
What is her moon and venus sign. Do you know?
Moon Capricorn/ Venus Virgo
I think you will be wasting your time. I assume you have spoken to her about some of it at length already? And if she has not listened to you then, reading it wont make a difference.

That Cap moon will switch off reading what she may not agree with and Venus will look for all the spelling mistakes. LOL (I'm kidding)

You are still so young and there is someone out there waiting for you, don't waste your time here further as you will just end up more hurt and confused.
So that cap trait must be why she tunes anything out she doesn’t agree with, and lol funny thing is when she was still in college she’d have me proof read all her papers😂
And the Libra sun.... at least I know how to tune out things I don't want to hear, but anyone can I guess.

I like Taurus, you guys are great. I would hate for you to be put off Libra for the rest of your life due to one immature girl who is stringing you along.

Move on and you will be happier for it. I promise... and in a few months/years time, you can come and post how great Taurus and Aries are (sorry inside and distasteful joke) but you get what I mean right?
I love so many things about her it’s just what she’s done to me. I’d never hate on libras just cause of her, and I know what you mean lol do you think she’ll try and reach out to me again?
I cant say as I don't know her. But if you remain an option and option you will always be.

Sometimes when you cant have someone you want, you try harder to make it work. Is this what you are doing?

Ask yourself the following:

1. Does she make you a better person, and do you make her a better person. Does this relationship bring out the best in both of you as individuals and a couple

2. Are you both comfortable sharing your feeling with one another, relying on one another and do you worry too much that she will leave? How do you feel most of the time in the relationship?

3. Do you accept her for who she is, without trying to change her and vise versa

4. When you argue do you talk and communicate like adults?

5. Do you share the decisions you make in the relationship about the relationship

6. Do you consider her a "best friend" someone to rely on? Do you fight or laugh more together?

7. Do you think more in terms of we and us, or is it more you and her (I). Do you make time for one another?

8. Would you trust her with things like your passwords etc

9. Do you have a good opinion of one another - without it being overinflated. Do you really love them or just the person you want them to be?

10. What do your friends and family think of the relationship (outside point of view)

11. Is your relationship free of any red flags, cheating, jealousy etc. Would you regret it later if you didn't end things.

12. Do you share the same values in life? Passions, goals etc

13. Are you and her will to sacrifice your own needs, desires and goals for one another, without being a doormat. Who of you sacrifice more?

14. Do you both have emotionally stable personalitiies, would your life be better or worse off with them in your life?

Think hard and you will find in all honesty, you only holding on to her for the wrong reasons

She just texted me and this is what she said

I do love you. I am just not interested in moving forward at this point. You don’t need to continue to wait, hold off, be depressed or show up. I will always be here to listen but I am not able to continue with this waiting for change especially with how Friday or Saturday went. I just need you to do your own thing.
I think it's pretty clear where her head is at x hugs
I never responded to her text she sent that day, haven’t heard or reached out since and just today this morning she snap chatted me😳 haven’t opened it or anything I’ve been totally MIA this whole week, she feeling regret? Or second thought?
hard to say without knowing what the snap chat says. Read it, does not mean you have to reply to it
It was just a pic of a price of mail of mine that she got, it said “I left it in the mailbox for you to get”

My reply would be my forwarding address
Im just not even gonna reply, obvious sign of no interest right? I mean I guess she could of threw it away and never reached out but still🙄🙄
If it not a bill. Then yeah ignore it and her. Her for good though
It’s a pay stub but it’s not like I need it, you think I should just leave it and not get it?
If you don't need it. Don't get it. I keep all mine for last 5 years though
click to expand
I’m still stuck on the fact of her snapping me it, like she could of thrown away never said anything, was this an attempt to see if I’d open the snap? An attempt for somewhat of a reply? Keep letting my mind race on what she may be thinking and her intentions, just to be nice and let me know or for some other reason?
Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by DonnaLibra

Posted by Taurus_mn

I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?

Don't send the letter what ever you do. She probably won't even read it. My ex used to write me letters about how messed up I am and I just started throwing them away. The only way to have an affect on this girl is to walk away and disappear. She will never respect you for putting up with her bad behavior. You have to think more of yourself in order for her to think higher of you. She is definitely seeing and having sex with other men.

I’m not going to write it, she texted me Monday and told me not to wait for her anymore or anything and that she’s just done, she started out the text with “I do love you.” Which has me confused, and that she would kiss me those two days to. I never responded to her text and don’t plan on it, I deactivated my Facebook and I’m not putting anything on Snapchat, just totally disappearing right now. Idk what kind of affect it’ll have on her or if she’ll ever have feelings for me again in the future.
this taurean crestfalleness makes my heart ache.
Planned on proposing this October, we had a perfect life together layed out in front of us already owned the house, both have great credit, same interests same drive everything, she threw it all away😔

i'm sorry. she likely only realise what she had in you when it's too late. more fool her.
Honestly I don’t even think that’ll happen😔 I feel like she was so wish washy these past few months about everything and I upset her over my compulsiveness and strong desire to get back together, we had great times every time she’d come back and when life was upsetting her I was right there to support her but I feel like she totally over looks it all and she got really upset when I brought up the fact I knew about the guy she had seen.. in my opinion she’s gone and isn’t coming back but who knows life works in strange ways. Sorry for my rambling too😳
click to expand

she'll regret it when she is 40. a few more men under her belt and a realisation of what you had to offer.

it's the taurus parts that i love and appreciate the most in my partner. in all honesty, i'm not sure if i would have been ready for him or valued him as much as i do at this age when i was younger.
Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by jeane

Posted by Taurus_mn

Posted by DonnaLibra

Posted by Taurus_mn

I’ve been thinking of writing a pretty long note explaining her wrong doings and how it’s her action that has made things the way they are for her not everyone else’s fault like she tried to make it out to be. Do you think that would be an alright thing to do?

Don't send the letter what ever you do. She probably won't even read it. My ex used to write me letters about how messed up I am and I just started throwing them away. The only way to have an affect on this girl is to walk away and disappear. She will never respect you for putting up with her bad behavior. You have to think more of yourself in order for her to think higher of you. She is definitely seeing and having sex with other men.

I’m not going to write it, she texted me Monday and told me not to wait for her anymore or anything and that she’s just done, she started out the text with “I do love you.” Which has me confused, and that she would kiss me those two days to. I never responded to her text and don’t plan on it, I deactivated my Facebook and I’m not putting anything on Snapchat, just totally disappearing right now. Idk what kind of affect it’ll have on her or if she’ll ever have feelings for me again in the future.
this taurean crestfalleness makes my heart ache.
Planned on proposing this October, we had a perfect life together layed out in front of us already owned the house, both have great credit, same interests same drive everything, she threw it all away😔

i'm sorry. she likely only realise what she had in you when it's too late. more fool her.
Honestly I don’t even think that’ll happen😔 I feel like she was so wish washy these past few months about everything and I upset her over my compulsiveness and strong desire to get back together, we had great times every time she’d come back and when life was upsetting her I was right there to support her but I feel like she totally over looks it all and she got really upset when I brought up the fact I knew about the guy she had seen.. in my opinion she’s gone and isn’t coming back but who knows life works in strange ways. Sorry for my rambling too😳

she'll regret it when she is 40. a few more men under her belt and a realisation of what you had to offer.

it's the taurus parts that i love and appreciate the most in my partner. in all honesty, i'm not sure if i would have been ready for him or valued him as much as i do at this age when i was younger.
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I hope at some point in time she thinks back on me. Hopefully she misses what we had and the love we shared. It was deep, and even when she would come back like how I said I would try my ass off for her, that’s just who I am I tried to always give 110% for that girl