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Jun 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 23
My supervisor is a Libra and when I met I could tell he was attracted to me.. I didn't react to it until I saw him staring at me one day and I was shocked to find he was really attracted to me. Since then he stared at me with these come to bed eyes. And I started to like him.
He waited on me for a whole hour to catch the bus and then he kept doiing favors for me. Whenever I was around him there would be this energy that made me feel he liked me. Always made intense eye contact.
Then, I found out he was married and I confronted him about it and then ignored him for a week. During that time he would still show signs of liking me but i was cold with him. but inside i was burning with attraction for him. Finally i told him i wanted to know what it felt like to kiss him and he made it happen.
The kiss--he held back, he hugged me, held my hands
Then the next day when i saw him his facial expression could not deny that he liked me.
He's always nervous around me and makes deep eye contact.
But then he never makes any moves on me just keeps looking at me with come to bed eyes.
and i asked him, is it just an ego thing and he said no, if it wasn't mutual he would not have kissed me. but still didnt make any moves.
I ignore him at work mostly because we don't want anyone to know we like each other.
but he keeps giving me these signs especially the come to bed eyes and when i'm around him i just feel this intense energy that he puts out that he likes me.
i saw him last night and he came over to me when it wasnt even necessary so i sent him a text saying how he's such a sexy man and that he was looking good.
he has not responded and he saw me at work and he just avoided me.
what's up with that?
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
How old are you? This sounds childish.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
By the way, married men are not worth it so please get away while you still can. There are no attachments yet so "Run, Forest, run!!"
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Quit being a dumb bitch about it. kthx.
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
So this guy is friendly and nice and you cannot see past that because you have a fantasy going in your head.
Wake up.
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
I'm like him in real life...hopefully none of the men I was friendly with found their way around dxp and posted about me.
Is dangerous what you want..... I can understand what you want, in your mind is also a curiosity how will be.... etc.. the same as it was with that kiss... but did you asked yourself what will be if you fall inlove deep with him if the "event" will happen and then he will rejecting you because he will know he can't be with you ? ... I can tell you, this thing will kill you, so run away now of him when is the right time ! Other way you may know the big pain in this story...
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
I hope your walking away, I don't know why, you would want to kiss him, when he can't offer you anything, but a quick lay
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Jun 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 23
As a Gem, I really just want to understand the game he is playing.
I can tell he likes me and is attracted to me.. so if he's so unavailable why is he showing signs he is?
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Jan 03, 2014Comments: 14 · Posts: 885 · Topics: 3
Never never NEVER date in the workplace.
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
At the end of the day, he can have you
But you can't have him cause he Married
Take a look at that for one minute, he gets what he wants, and your left with nothing
If he was really interested in you he would have gotten a divorce, and showed you the papers that he is divorced
He wants a wife and a side chick, if that's what you want then fine
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Strike #1929302358304 against Gemini chicks.
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Dec 17, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 510 · Topics: 32
As it was said the man is married. Falling for a married man will get you in nothing but the trouble. He belongs to another woman. Period. No point wondering what if? when? why does he act like this? he will act as he please. Don't want to be rude but you can easily be just a game for him, temporary fantasy.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Do Gems always go after unavailable men/pine after them?
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Jun 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 23
I don't mind being a temporary fantasy for him because i do the same in my head. i just want to know is he interested or not. we're not talking forever here. but i've been going over and over this in my head and i still can't come to any sort of conclusion. so any insights regarding why he would show these signs in person yet not respond to a text then seem to be angry/aggressive the next time we see each other?
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Jun 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 23 that a rule or an exception? So my texting him and saying he's sexy is not a blatant come on? So then...I come unto him, he ignores my text, I think he's rejecting me, I ignore him..end of story?
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Jun 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 23
Oh, and he seems to have no trouble talking to my friend and joking around with her and pulling on her hair yet when I'm there he gets all serious and he doesn't touch me or play with me, just looks at me, and gets all nervous. I mean what is that..
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
I think that "As a gemini" was said to get a "Go for it gurl, you two are compatible". Umm no, let him be compatible with his Mrs whatever sign she may be.
Married men will turn your life into a miserable existence, you hear me. Believe me, what you're hearing is the voice of experience. I've been there. You're fortunate because you know about his marital status & there's no involvement of feelings yet. So why the fuck would you want to get yourself in such a messy situation, knowingly? Don't be stupid. Do you know how many times I wish I could turn back the hands of time to the day when I met my lying ex? PLENTY. Unlike you, I spent years not knowing he was married. I got tangled emotionally & when I found out I was beyond heartbroken. The heartbreak was unbelievable. I'm still struggling to this day. Your thread makes me angry because I wish I knew the truth BEFORE. I wish I was you right now. I never would have looked at him twice have I known that he was married. But you still have a chance, so stop this foolery, put on your jogging shoes & RUN.
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Jun 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 179 · Topics: 23
I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience with a married man WaterCup.
At this stage, I'm just trying to understand what would make him act this way.
Not saying that I would and will act on it.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
What is wrong with you that you're entertaining any of this with a married man? Go find someone that's single.