Dialogs and questions to be avoided with a libra!

This topic was created in the Libra forum by thelibran on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 and has 52 replies.
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Esp for non Air people except Aries to avoid possible future problems. Whatever I can think about. Please contribute if you think it can save us lot of time. Winking
1. Avoid the question "Do you love me honey?" at any cost. It might sound charming to hear him/her say it but try not to ask such dumb questions.
2. Dialogs like "Do you know how much I love you" which makes us feel the need to reply "I know" makes us quite emotional. Avoid that. You will find him more happy without going through such thoughts.
3. "Be positive my dear, dont be sad!!!". If we are sad, we will recover by ourselves. Making such a statement will be doing the reverse effect on us. First we start wondering if we are sad, then we start wondering why we are sad. Its just pointless. We can look way depressed and perfectly ok inside our head.
4. "Why do you love me?" Its safe to avoid all questions related to love altogether bcoz its a very confusing thing for us. Asking any type of questions which has the word "love" in it will only confuse us further. Try using "like" instead.
5. "you dont have to do it if you dont want to.. you know.... !" We wont do it if we dont want to unless you keep pushing us. Instead feel free to ask "you think you can do it?" or "you think its ok to do this?"
6. Try not to explain how funny we are while you are laughing. At least I find that quite fake.
Good suggestions.
"Are you the one?" give them a while to think over while they leave you hanging.. hehehe.. non-intentional of course; such a serious issue needs time to think and rethink till the balanced solution is gotten.
"How do you FEEL about this?" asking what you think is less threatening
"Do you think I should do this?" You decide yourself.. I have enough decisions to make on my own..
Anything confrontational is fine, but let it last at most 15mins. Libra needs to breathe, and will find that breathing is easier when they are away from the suffocater.
5. "you dont have to do it if you dont want to.. you know.... !"
That's a passive-agressive guilt trip, lol. It's like a suggestion to do it, but a small allowance to not do it.
4. "Why do you love me?" Its safe to avoid all questions related to love altogether bcoz its a very confusing thing for us. Asking any type of questions which has the word "love" in it will only confuse us further. Try using "like" instead.
Instead of AVOIDING love and any questions or topics, feelings or emotions about love, being loved, or even being "in love" by maybe confronting, exploring, and(here's a thought...... even discussing it could help you both not be so "confused".
(( I dont care what signs just go get a cat or a dog ))
We have Aries, gemini and aqua people around. Quite comfortable with them. They are not emotional either. All the trouble starts when water and Earth try to invade our territory and try to make us match their expectation.
Make sure they know you are laughing with them, not at them; as at times Libra can miss the mark or a good joke well-intentioned, which ironically can make things even more humourous. I've heard many a Libra say.."what's so so funny?" "What are you laughing at?" "I never found that funny." ..so when it comes to humour, make sure you and Libra are on the same page. =)
Few of them think they want to be. But soon you get the same reverse effect. Gemini cannot stand emotions beyond a limit. Aqua is more detached than libra at times. Aries never likes any emotional dramas. Because you are emotional, that doesn't mean everyone is emotional. May be you should spend more time thinking and analyzing than asking questions.
"Aries never likes any emotional dramas. "
IMO, aries do have emotional dramas, but it is so contained within themselves - usually they are reacting more towards what they dislike about themselves than the other, but it ends quickly and they soon forget about it.
"3. "Be positive my dear, dont be sad!!!". If we are sad, we will recover by ourselves. Making such a statement will be doing the reverse effect on us. First we start wondering if we are sad, then we start wondering why we are sad. Its just pointless. We can look way depressed and perfectly ok inside our head. "
Is it just me and my girl or do all Libras have a natural look of being down when pondering or thinking when we think no one else is watching? My girl asks whats wrong when I am calm or relaxed or simply quitely in thought.
"what about did you miss me?"
It makes you seem needy and usually inspires libras to respond with sarcasm or a loaded question of their own. Loaded questions are a pet peeve of all libras I think. Sometimes it's cute, on a daily basis it becomes highly irritating. I used to hear this question almost daily from my scorp ex. At first the replies where "of course", as it continued it they turned to "almost, if I had been out longer" and eventually ended up as "How can I miss you if you never leave me alone?"
"We have Aries, gemini...They are not emotional either. "
wow really...you quite sure about this?" OMG Geminis not emotional???? My dad was emotional (he was a Gemini)...my ex of 6 years was the most emotional person I have EVER known, and not to mention manipulative!!! and dodgy and insincere and the biggest liar of all time!!! argghhhhh.....
Then there's my boss who is a Gemini and also emotional - goes off at the drop of a hat - sheesh!!!
but then there's my brother (another Gemini) who has NO emotions whatsoever...even my Libra had more than him and that's saying something LOL.
Most Geminis I know are very emotional.
Geminis are not emotional with libra. Aries is not emotional with libra. Thats what matters the most.
moon_eyes, I dont know why you think I dont like others.
There is nothing wrong with questions as long as the amount of questions you ask others does not exceed the amount of questions to ask to yourself.
***"Aries never likes any emotional dramas"***** That's because they're busy creating them!!!!!
Someone better inform my best friend (an Aries)about that....because she creates more emotional drama in her life then any one I know. My sister is also an Aries and although she try's to contain her emotional side........she is also quite the drama queen. But as you stated Spica it ends quickly and they soon forget about it.
The aqua......hmmmm not so sure about that. Know 2 Aqua guys one in this country and one in Europe. Both very sensitive but one shuts up tighter then a drum when he starts feeling emotions and realizes he's being revealed. The other aqua is very open and honest when asked about such things. My mother is a gemini and her behavior is not anything I can gauge to anything sensible because she didn't make sense to any one of us and consequently she left years ago to go somewhere else to live and I don't know where she is now. Haven't known any other gemini's (thank God) before or since.
You may be right but the individuals I know (particularly family members) throw a curve on that statement about them being non-emotional.
I have encountered Aries emotionality. I had to shut away for some time. Aries is an emotional sign; they can get very emotional. But they may not show it to Libra, because they instinctively know libra will not like that. So they hide and contain themselves. That's why I say it is better for a fire sign and water sign or fire to be together. Their emotionality match well. The air sign will not adequately allow their emotions to be expressed and give the response that are most soothing for them (fire signs).
In fact I think Aries respects Libra logic, but when it comes to emotions, the libra logic will seem too far removed. They will listen to an emotional advice by another fire sign more than the objective one of an air sign.
And Libra, gemini, Aquarius is very emotional... but they do not have the emotional "waft" of the fire/water signs. When a fire sign gets emotional, I can literally FEEL the emotion seeping into me. For air signs, when they get emotional, they express it through writing, or debating. For fire/water, they like to FEEL the emotion as it is, and have an emotional exchange. Libra will turn away from that, and come back at a less stormy time to "discuss" possibilities.
no he doesn't shoot every sign down. He likes the fact that aries, gem and aqua are not emotional.lol
But I also agree with mooneyes, just because they are Aries or Gemini, drama doesn't preclude them. Sure, things get dramatic around them, they blow situations up sometimes or you know get annoyed or kind of react, but I never have to wonder about my relationship with these people, whether it is for real or not. Aries and Gemini are also very sentimental and expressive when it comes to birthdays, remembering the important things. They are the type of people who are not alwys hanging around and cozy, available, but they are the "A Friend in Need Is A Friend Indeed" types. They are not dramatic about the things that MATTER. Also they can be flaky when, well, they aren't sure about you.

in other words..each signs...acts/reacts differently with different sign...kinda like you act differently toward your classmate and your principal...because somehow all signs need balance.
i remember with my ex leo. I am very open to him and a bit emotional and too sentimental believing all the soulmate crap. but when things got rough..he said "do u need space? lets talk about it" I said "no i dont need space, all is fine" then i dissapeared...that was 5 years ago..i did not understand myself or why i would explain and why we would talk things out..and i run away because i could not explain the situation or the emotions..i avoided the emotional talk..but it doesn;t mean i don;t like him.
But now I understand things better...that when i get emo, i shut down and the more you prod the tighter i close.
with libra on the other hand...i can go away for days if i did not understand something. Ans come back like nothing had happened and libra will not ask or want to talk things out. I know you will say that communication is very important in a relationship...yes, there are some things that needs to be talked out but not every fight or emotional things that comes our way...when libra and gem both shuts down and goes their way...that is the alternative of "talking it out" they try to analyze things in their head..and come back with a better understanding of each other without talking about it...and they just understand...so they act like as if nothing had happened...yesterday is history baby...what do u want to do with me today Winking
(( I am so sorry that the water and earth signs piss you off so much and that we are hanging around your sign's board, but why don't you approach things more lightly as well. ))
Come on... I only get frustrated when they fail to see the elementary structure of communication frequencies. What worries me is that most water an earth people dont want to think and learn on their own beyond their limits of understanding. Unless you get the structure of this correct, you wont understand most of it. You thoughts will only be focused on your relationship with a libra and the problems associated with that. You wont try to go out of that and see why it happens so in the first place. Or Why you cannot understand a libra the way we are. I can try to type everything to match your expectation. Thats what we normally do. But that will only create a wrong idea about our inner workings. We do that to make others feel comfortable... Do you want that comfort or a more straight forward accurate thoughts on how we think and then try to understand that by yourself?
Every sign has way of understanding, thinking and communicating. Some doesn't go with each other simply bcoz of the differences in these same factors. Air signs, especially libra will try to bend a lot to accommodate others trying to make it easy for others. But that alone kills the originality of a relationship. We have to complicate us far beyond our own methods and ethics to make others feel comfortable around us. Even after taking all these efforts, others simply dont understand us beyond a limit. And they ditch us in the long run. And libra ends up hurt for all the efforts he/she took. So my conclusion is that, its a simple waste of time to alter our character to fit some other zodiacs requirement. And its safe to stick with Gemini, Aqua, Libra or Aries bcoz they understand us well in our original character itself. I hope u understand.
"Every sign has way of understanding, thinking and communicating."
True in some respects TL, however it's imperative to look beyond the sun and consider the importance of mercury and what sign it's in, as well. If you don't look beyond, then that in itself is very limiting. I have a water sun and an air mercury and moon, and have always communicated very well with all the air signs or those also with air mercs. Mercury is our communication style , how we think and what mentally interests us. You don' have to share the same sun-sign or element to communicate well..
"What worries me is that most water an earth people dont want to think and learn on their own beyond their limits of understanding."
*hmmm, as both a water sign and an air mercury, i more than love to look beyond.
I can give you a long long list of "water" and "earth" sign people in history, who looked far beyond. Many of our most talented Genuis's, Visionaries, Mystics, Artists and Intellects came from water and earth. All signs in all combinations of our individualized birthcharts - meaning all ten planets, contribute greatly. Sorry, but anything else is basically sun-sign stereotyping, which to me is the very of .. "limiting."
"very *defintion* of.."
mystic, no matter whatever planets you have in ur chart, your sun sign dominates them all and rest of the details are only within the structure of ur sun sign descriptions. So its like your brain has a pattern based on ur sunsign and the certain elements have a distinctive pattern based on other planets. Now whichever way you try to communicate, the way you form words, the way you try to analyze are all based on ur sun sign descriptions.
I havent found any base for these other planets issue when it comes to communication. it works only as a sub system as far as i have found. you got any case studies?
Sorry, thelibran; take a few astrology courses like i have and get back to me..lol
And just to say, i know and have diligently studied my own birthchart and that of others over the years, and yes, we are so much more than only what our sun-signs tell us. (All of my chart is me, not just my sun-sign.) Sure our sun is our basic core and is important, but its (far) from telling of our entire astrological make-up. Understanding this concept is important, and is basic astrology 101. It's one of the first things you learn when you take a course of study. I do communicate as a mixture of my pisces sun/aquarius mercury + more subtle influences from my 3rd house cusp of communication.. And that's only a drop in the bucket of how all my other sun/planet combinations influences me. You also must take into account planetary aspects, house cusps, etc etc. I've also had my *cosmodynes* calculated in percentage points and actually have a higher percentage overall of aqua in my birthchart than any other zodiac sign. So, yes there are certain mathematical/scientific bases one can look at in astrology to look at the *whole* picture, the whole structure that is astrology. What serious astrology is about. The kind of astrology people are interested in learning..
That is also why no 2 people are entirely the same even if born with the same sun. Please don't limit yourself to sun-sign astrology, it only does injustice.
Anyway, if your interested in looking beyond. Dominant planets/dominant signs. Hemisphere analysis, synastry, full chart analysis, etc etc ..for 100's of celeb case-studies, goto: http://www.astrotheme.fr/en/index.php

I LUV this site..'it's also ALOT of fun! =)
BOTTOM LINE: As most of you know, I 'm an Aries and I'm not emotional AT ALL! (RIIIIIIIIIIGHT!).
(( take a few astrology courses like i have and get back to me..lol ))
I wont. It can render me stupid within a short while. I am no way going to follow what other astrologers got to say. Its their own interpretation and most of these astrologers are merely following what they learned from someone else. If I study them, then i might end up swallowing whatever they teach me and I might not do any experiments on my own thereby making myself follow an existing half-baked system of astrology which cannot be proven to any group of scientists as a system. My objective is not to understand astrology alone. Its to understand human behavioral patterns and how we interacts with each other zodiac groups and the advantages and challenges we face while interacting with each group.
Now I have moon and venus in virgo and mercury in Scorpio. That doesn't mean I will get along with water and Earth people. I simply cannot stand earth people in real life - esp virgo and cappy ones. And they never get to understand me as what I am. But an air can do it easily irrespective of their planetary configuration. I know there are more details even inside Air-Air mixing. But I cannot afford to concentrate on it and waste my time only on astrology. I stop at Sun Signs. I don't even buy the idea that its all bcoz of influence from various constellations. So only when I have solved that part, I will be willing to go further and get into details of other planets.
(( take a few astrology courses like i have and get back to me..lol ))
I wont. It can render me stupid within a short while. I am no way going to follow what other astrologers got to say. Its their own interpretation and most of these astrologers are merely following what they learned from someone else. If I study them, then i might end up swallowing whatever they teach me and I might not do any experiments on my own thereby making myself follow an existing half-baked system of astrology which cannot be proven to any group of scientists as a system. My objective is not to understand astrology alone. Its to understand human behavioral patterns and how we interacts with each other zodiac groups and the advantages and challenges we face while interacting with each group.
Now I have moon and venus in virgo and mercury in Scorpio. That doesn't mean I will get along with water and Earth people. I simply cannot stand earth people in real life - esp virgo and cappy ones. And they never get to understand me as what I am. But an air can do it easily irrespective of their planetary configuration. I know there are more details even inside Air-Air mixing. But I cannot afford to concentrate on it and waste my time only on astrology. I stop at Sun Signs. I don't even buy the idea that its all bcoz of influence from various constellations. So only when I have solved that part, I will be willing to go further and get into details of other planets.
"My objective is not to understand astrology alone. Its to understand human behavioral patterns and how we interacts with each other zodiac groups and the advantages and challenges we face while interacting with each group."
i can respect that, the Libran .. *btw, sounds like fun too..*good luck with that! =)
btw, i've always been fascinated as well with human psychology and what makes people tick + then my love for astrology and all it's interesting aspects, of which i've learned just as much from living and experiencing life and the people in it, as any good textbook.
"BOTTOM LINE: As most of you know, I 'm an Aries and I'm not emotional AT ALL! (RIIIIIIIIIIGHT!)."
Atom, i've never known an Aries that wasn't emotional either. Aries are very emotional, very passionate people. Hey, if i could, i would rewrite a few pages there!..LOL
(( good luck with that....
btw, i've always been fascinated as well with human psychology and what makes people tick ))
Thanks Mystic. I was searching for God and ended up here. I wasn't much interested in psychology and was totally against astrology few years ago. If we try to go back to primitive ages and try to reason out nature and its laws from the position of primitive men without any scientific information, we can see through their colorful assumptions and methods practices to keep society in order. If we deduct back all the way to the origin of language, then we can see the shallowness of most words we use in our day to day life. We talk about love with an existing set of knowledge we gathered from our society and start wondering why its not there. We talk about intelligence and still don't have any clear idea of what it is and still live with a silly assumption of gene pool and inheritance of intelligence. By trying to add some meaning to life, we have successfully screwed up the very essence of life by accumulating wealth to support our insecurities. What makes people tick is their interactions and relationships with others. Thats why astrology is important.
(( Aries are very emotional, very passionate people. ))
They are. So is libra. But when we are in a relationship with each other, we dont get emotional. I can get emotional when am alone. Its perfectly alright with me. But if someone else makes me emotional, I end up regretting for it in my own subconscious manner. Society makes us think its important to be emotional. Most of us get caught in there and surrender our original character.
"Don't you have a heart? Don't you have feelings for me??" is a question often asked and we can only say yes knowing there is no way we can possibly explain to this person how much we love them though we dont exhibit it like others. Then we try to adjust and be like others. End result - disaster.
(( This statement is so false.....I am aries and i told my libran friend that i fell for him he went all cold on me he stopped talking. ))
I think you have to cross check what it means by being emotional. You probably told him straight on his face that you like him. Which obviously confuses a libra. Its not the emotional part which made him run. Its your direct approach. Takes us a lot of time to understand Aries when we analyze them outside astrology.
Ok, I just have to jump in here...ARIES are VERY emotional signs!!! They can be hypersensitive,and create drama in their relationships. They love to be the center of attention, and can't stand when others are in the spotlight...they need to be in the spotlight at all times, they are sensitive...even though they are very strong minded and decisive, they still are a sensitive, emotional sign. My sister is textbook aries, my ex of 5 years is also highly emotional, that is what ended our relationship...he was needy and constantly wanted to know how I felt about him- he couldn't stand it when we were out and I got more attention than he did, even if it was from just a friend of the same sex...It took me 4 years into our relationship to realize he was too much for me as a libra...he pushed me away because he was so clingy and dramatic all of the time. I can definitely hold a grudge myself, but for the most part I like to blow things off and not let them bother me...my ex and my sister want to talk about EVERYTHING, every feeling they are having and why they feel the way they do! It was mentally draining! My best friend is an Aries too! She happens to control her emotions really well, but that's becuase she is used to controlling everything and everyone around her!
One fine Gem... "In other words..each signs...acts/reacts differently with different sign...kinda like you act differently toward your classmate and your principal...because somehow all signs need balance."
I agree wit this, my Aries boyfriend brought out a whole different side to me, the worst I think....he wanted to talk about everything, and I can talk being a libra...but the guy I'm kind of seeing now, is an Aquarian, TOTALLY different with him! I am controlled, I don't talk about feelings as much with him, and it's because he brings out a different side in me than the previous sign I was with. I am a completely different person with him...basically because he's a fixed sign, he won't change and I have to adjust how I react to him otherwise there's no chance in us working out!
"Me, me, me, me." (Just wanted to be in the spotlight again). I wonder if Libra Girl will REALLY miss me when I'm gone...
******We have to complicate us far beyond our own methods and ethics to make others feel comfortable around us.******
What makes you assume people are so uncomfortable around you Libran that you have to behave differently all in the name of "making others feel comfortable"? This is clearly a sign YOU'RE not comfortable with yourself. No wonder you're confused being a libra.
The only time people are generally uncomfortable around someone is when that person is mean, rude,scary, or some other negative quality. Positive people are pretty much welcomed by everyone.... except those negative people I just mentioned (like yourself) Just be nice to people and people will accept you for whoever you are or for whatever extreme differences you may possess.
lol... take a good look at your reply and can you tell me why you had to reply to me like that? Bcoz I was being myself. If i had complicated myself to make you feel better, then you would have felt so good about everything you are. We are pretty honest people. We can be straight like an arrow. But that arrow always hurts people around. which we dont really enjoy. So what we do? we have to complicate ourselves to make it easy for people around us. Now if i remain as what i am, you will keep feeling bad. But I can try to put all these sentences in a sweeter way and make it all look promising and sweeter. Which will inturn make you feel all good. In future whatever goes wrong between you and your libra, well we can obviously call it fate and probably i can sweet talk again and charm you up. Is that what you prefer? Or me being way straight and honest and warn you what exactly you are walking into? Most people prefer not to hear any warnings. They just dont appreciate the honesty behind that. So we have to complicate ourselves so you can feel good.
****We are pretty honest people**** But Libran you can't call yourself honest when you practice to deceive, therefore... you are NOT being honest
*****Now if i remain as what i am, you will keep feeling bad.***** Being yourself IS being honest. You give a lot of mumbo jumbo in your explanation to dodge the fact that YOU feel the need to complicate yourself around others. Because apparently, in your own words, you make people feel bad!
Granted,the truth sometimes hurts....that is true. But the difference is in the delivery upon how you present the truth to others. You'll get much more respect if you delivery it nicely if you can! THAT does NOT require complicating yourself around others or the situation. When the truth may bring about hurt or pain to someone..... it helps to have empathy and compassion...nothing more. It's simple, not complicated.
I think this is what I am battling right now. This statement is so true and may answer Joi's question below.. because this is exactly how I feel about my libra who told ME he wanted to be with ME then slowly got colder toward me, with NO reason why when I question him. Now that I suggested we go back to friends.. he is starting to warm up again, but it has taken many months for him to start de-icing and we are still only lukewarm..

WHAT JOI WROTE > This statement is so false.....I am aries and i told my libran friend that i fell for him he went all cold on me he stopped talking. When i told him the following day that i was sorry if i put him on the spot he said its ok i know that is in your nature. The moment that i told him that i wanted him in a serious relationship he went dead on me.>
Did what thelibran wrote help you understand at all?
The statement thelibran wrote got omitted..
"Don't you have a heart? Don't you have feelings for me??" is a question often asked and we can only say yes knowing there is no way we can possibly explain to this person how much we love them though we dont exhibit it like others. Then we try to adjust and be like others. End result - disaster.
This is very helpful to me, bc its exactly the ques I asked my libra..
3. "Be positive my dear, dont be sad!!!". If we are sad, we will recover by ourselves. Making such a statement will be doing the reverse effect on us. First we start wondering if we are sad, then we start wondering why we are sad. Its just pointless. We can look way depressed and perfectly ok inside our head.
4. "Why do you love me?" Its safe to avoid all questions related to love altogether bcoz its a very confusing thing for us. Asking any type of questions which has the word "love" in it will only confuse us further. Try using "like" instead.

Again...I'm late...but lol at the libran...and very true...indeed...
(( You give a lot of mumbo jumbo in your explanation to dodge the fact that YOU feel the need to complicate yourself around others. Because apparently, in your own words, you make people feel bad! ))
Havent you heard the clique line that libras are nice people? What you think makes us so nice? Bcoz we dont say things the way we want. If we try to be simple and straight forward, people start misunderstanding our nature and intentions. Reality is not always beautiful and colorful. We have to take so much of effort to make people understand some simple things by sugar coating it and charming them up and making them feel comfortable around us. Now this is the case when we deal with water and earth people. But when we talk to other air people, we dont really have to sugarcoat anything or try to be nice. They like the way we are. I can tell my libra friends that they shud not hope for some beautiful outcome with this virgo guy or that cappy man and they do take it seriously and watch them closely. They dont judge me for whatever i tell them. But if i say the same things to a water or earth, they think am being pessimistic in my perspective. Why does that happen? Bcoz you cant handle truth. There are no easier way to communicate truth. The moment we sugarcoat it, its read wrong by others. The easiest way to tell a truth is to put it in simplest words. If it dont work, we have to say it wont work. We can also try to explain why it dont work. but obviously when you are blind with love and chasing someone, you dont want to listen. Thats not my fault.
"But when we talk to other air people, we dont really have to sugarcoat anything or try to be nice. They like the way we are."
I noticed this to with my friends. Expecially aqainst an aquarius i can say the weirdest things to without being jugded.
But.. i'm not that sure about aries all the way. They can be emotional to. My ex aries gf could get verry emotional.
hi everyone smile
im new here, couldnt help adding my 2cent worth!! aries are quite emotional and passionate but only when it involves some kind of acivity. and we are a touch dramatic!! lol been know to start arguments when we're bored Winkingwhen it comes to relationships tho, we can be emotionaly distant, prob bc of fear of rejection i supose, personaly i get uncomfortable saying the "L" word, whereas a libra friend of mine throws it at me all the time!! and for some reason it still shocks me when she says it, lol. weird smile
Posted by nicodemus
"3. "Be positive my dear, dont be sad!!!". If we are sad, we will recover by ourselves. Making such a statement will be doing the reverse effect on us. First we start wondering if we are sad, then we start wondering why we are sad. Its just pointless. We can look way depressed and perfectly ok inside our head. "
Is it just me and my girl or do all Libras have a natural look of being down when pondering or thinking when we think no one else is watching? My girl asks whats wrong when I am calm or relaxed or simply quitely in thought.
"what about did you miss me?"
It makes you seem needy and usually inspires libras to respond with sarcasm or a loaded question of their own. Loaded questions are a pet peeve of all libras I think. Sometimes it's cute, on a daily basis it becomes highly irritating. I used to hear this question almost daily from my scorp ex. At first the replies where "of course", as it continued it they turned to "almost, if I had been out longer" and eventually ended up as "How can I miss you if you never leave me alone?"

I'm bumpin this thread, cuz it's a gem..and holy crap!!! people accuse me of being depressed when I'm stuck in my head ALL the timE!!! It has me feeling whehter I'm really depressed which sucks because I didn't feel that I was before they asked me that..and then I start to feel actualy down..or even miffed at them attempting to impose a state of being on me, especially a negative one.
I detest "why don't you smile?" and "what are YOU smiling about?" If I wanted to smile, I would, if I wanted to tell you what I find amusing, I would...mind ya damn business.
I hate when people try and make me be positive especially when I don't wanna do anything except brood but libran you hit tha nail on the head with thus thread
Posted by Atom
"Me, me, me, me." (Just wanted to be in the spotlight again). I wonder if Libra Girl will REALLY miss me when I'm gone...
a. never ask a libra about past relationships it would just hurt you because the libra most of the time wont answer the question which in turn makes the person who asked feel not being trusted by the libra.
We dont tell our past relationships because that person/; relationship was a thing of the past meaning we dont give a shit about it anymore. we might even forgot the last names of our ex's. What is embedded in our mind right now is the person who were with at the moment.
b. never ask a libra girl if she had done this done that with sex ( specifics like kinky stuffs ,threesomes ,anal, girl to girl, public sex) its either she will get irritated at you because she thinks you think she's a slut or you will just get lied to and she'll say innocently " no" and in her mind she's saying " Oh hell no am i fucking falling for that trick question i aint here to be with just to stroke your hurt ego if i said yes"
c. never ask a libra if he / she loves you when you know you've done nothing to make his/her feel you're in it to win it not just because you like to play the game. all you'll get out of the libra would be that crazy smilethat would make you " WTF did that mean?".

Posted by Batuk
Posted by libra08
a. never ask a libra about past relationships it would just hurt you because the libra most of the time wont answer the question which in turn makes the person who asked feel not being trusted by the libra.
We dont tell our past relationships because that person/; relationship was a thing of the past meaning we dont give a shit about it anymore. we might even forgot the last names of our ex's. What is embedded in our mind right now is the person who were with at the moment.
b. never ask a libra girl if she had done this done that with sex ( specifics like kinky stuffs ,threesomes ,anal, girl to girl, public sex) its either she will get irritated at you because she thinks you think she's a slut or you will just get lied to and she'll say innocently " no" and in her mind she's saying " Oh hell no am i fucking falling for that trick question i aint here to be with just to stroke your hurt ego if i said yes"
c. never ask a libra if he / she loves you when you know you've done nothing to make his/her feel you're in it to win it not just because you like to play the game. all you'll get out of the libra would be that crazy smilethat would make you " WTF did that mean?".

What a rotten and useless comment? It`s talking about what happens inside a head of a Libran, and about relationship with Libras. you seem like think about nothing but only sex.
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got your panties in a bunch? what's wrong woth sex? your comment is much useless than mine Tongue i was just answering the question and i just had one sex answer .. there has to be one sex comment.
Posted by thelibran
Esp for non Air people except Aries to avoid possible future problems. Whatever I can think about. Please contribute if you think it can save us lot of time. Winking
1. Avoid the question "Do you love me honey?" at any cost. It might sound charming to hear him/her say it but try not to ask such dumb questions.
2. Dialogs like "Do you know how much I love you" which makes us feel the need to reply "I know" makes us quite emotional. Avoid that. You will find him more happy without going through such thoughts.
3. "Be positive my dear, dont be sad!!!". If we are sad, we will recover by ourselves. Making such a statement will be doing the reverse effect on us. First we start wondering if we are sad, then we start wondering why we are sad. Its just pointless. We can look way depressed and perfectly ok inside our head.
4. "Why do you love me?" Its safe to avoid all questions related to love altogether bcoz its a very confusing thing for us. Asking any type of questions which has the word "love" in it will only confuse us further. Try using "like" instead.
5. "you dont have to do it if you dont want to.. you know.... !" We wont do it if we dont want to unless you keep pushing us. Instead feel free to ask "you think you can do it?" or "you think its ok to do this?"
6. Try not to explain how funny we are while you are laughing. At least I find that quite 444fake.
Posted by amethyst2002
Gawd, this thread is ancient.

I realy thought I had made it clear it was an old thread, but a good topic..with good information..thelibran made a ton of them, some really good stuff if you ever want to check back and read.
Posted by thelibran
(( I am so sorry that the water and earth signs piss you off so much and that we are hanging around your sign's board, but why don't you approach things more lightly as well. ))
Come on... I only get frustrated when they fail to see the elementary structure of communication frequencies. What worries me is that most water an earth people dont want to think and learn on their own beyond their limits of understanding. Unless you get the structure of this correct, you wont understand most of it. You thoughts will only be focused on your relationship with a libra and the problems associated with that. You wont try to go out of that and see why it happens so in the first place. Or Why you cannot understand a libra the way we are. I can try to type everything to match your expectation. Thats what we normally do. But that will only create a wrong idea about our inner workings. We do that to make others feel comfortable... Do you want that comfort or a more straight forward accurate thoughts on how we think and then try to understand that by yourself?
Every sign has way of understanding, thinking and communicating. Some doesn't go with each other simply bcoz of the differences in these same factors. Air signs, especially libra will try to bend a lot to accommodate others trying to make it easy for others. But that alone kills the originality of a relationship. We have to complicate us far beyond our own methods and ethics to make others feel comfortable around us. Even after taking all these efforts, others simply dont understand us beyond a limit. And they ditch us in the long run. And libra ends up hurt for all the efforts he/she took. So my conclusion is that, its a simple waste of time to alter our character to fit some other zodiacs requirement. And its safe to stick with Gemini, Aqua, Libra or Aries bcoz they understand us well in our original character itself. I hope u understand.

Wow, that was actually very sweet. What an endearing thing to do for another person. I never really THOUGHT about it that way. I agree with changing be a waist of energy though. I did that for far too long with a scorpio, and he was still miserable in the end. We really just couldn't make each other happy. So I went my own while and hoped he'd find someone that did "fit". ^-^ He did by the way.
Posted by TheBeautifulStruggle
Posted by amethyst2002
Gawd, this thread is ancient.

I realy thought I had made it clear it was an old thread, but a good topic..with good information..thelibran made a ton of them, some really good stuff if you ever want to check back and read.
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When I'm very bored I'll do just that thing Tongue. I don't mind reading old topics that were interesting at all.

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