My libra guy doesn't seem to want to hang out with me. He texts me everyday to see how my day is going but he doesn't initiate seeing me anymore. I asked him a few weeks ago if we were exclusive and he said he wasn't seeing anyone else and didn't want to, but still he doesn't seem to want to see me either. What is going on?
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
When you asked about exclusivity, did you say anything else that would make him waffle and rethink what he's doing?
With the guy I'm seeing, it was as if he was back pedaling when I told him he was making me feel like a booty call. I was pretty sure he lost interest and was about to drop him, but then he turns right around and starts texting me on a daily basis again. He finally asked me out again too, and based on how he's handling plans for going out, it's as if he's treading lightly due to that comment.
Not saying it's tried and true with your situation, but it's an example of my experiencing the same thing.
All I can say is just wait. If it goes on for quite awhile, ask.
Ah those Libra men! Thinkin' you threw him a little off balance asking him that. I dont know how long you've been seeing ecah other, but from my experience...(and im a Libra too) he's in thinking mode...wants to keep in touch with you because he DOES like you, but....he doesnt know exactly how he feels yet.
Don't text him or call him, let him make the move. And when he does, just talk friendly, make sure he knows you have a life other than waiting for him, don't ask why he hasnt came around or called or anything....that will bring him running. He will not want to think he's not in the his scales are tipping again.
With Libra men...and women too, I think ( I see myeslf doing the exact same thing with the aloofness, but I can certainly justify MY actions, lmao), a no contact response when they are in limbo is the best approach. He needs to have his lovely little space to regroup and think about what he wants from you, and to make sure he's not "settling", because..who knows whats around the next curve. You gotta make him MISS YOU.
Libra men don't want a clingy, too-dependent woman. They seem to like a strong woman who can make her own happiness in life and have her own friends and socialization. Like they do. My Libra has told me many times he wants me to do what makes me happy in life. When you do that, and he knows it (when you do answer his call, tell him what you've been doing socially...oh my, I've soooo busy, sorry I've been missing your call, etc), and don't answer his texts right off...make him wait...a couple hours at least...after all, you're not sitting on ur phone waiting for him, right? Then he will decide he needs to see you again, that he really does want you and oh my...the wonderful charmer is back in your life full force.....until the next time you knock his scales off balance *smile*
Man I wish I would have read your responses before I talked to my libra guy. So I texted him saying, "we haven't spent a weekend together in about this weekend?" He responded saying that he was still sick so I respond with, "would you prefer if I didn't bug u to hang out so much?" He responded, "actually, I am just under the weather" so I know I irritated him. Is this repairable?!?
Under the weather = just what I said about him. Be patient, I know it gets hard, but it will pay off, trust me. Don't call or text him, live your life and enjoy it. When he comes out of his dark hole, he will be on track again. He will call you and act as if nothings happened and you dont bring it up. Positive, upbeat and happy...he will see that and want to share it with you.
may sound weird, but its a Libra,honey....heck even my mom said I was weird one time, lol. I've been told I can be distant, a bit cold and unreachable, don't meant o be, but I have to have thinking time too. Geez, so many decisions to make! Dam I'm a happy woman now tho! Good luck
Ah gotta love a Libra. We may not know where we're going, but we damn sure know where we've been *wink*
And I'm sorry, JenLove, but I don't think she did the right thing asking if they were exclusive. That put him on the spot and he wasn't finished analyzing the situation, altho everything else you said is right on target.
I'm with Sugarfoot...NEVER ask any man if you are exclusive. Make him want to be a part of YOUR life, be his friend first. I think men in general want love to be fun..not all drama and serious.
So..just plan to have a great, fun-filled summer and let it go where it naturally will. Have fun with him when you can and keep it light. And remember, Libra's love to socialize, he'll be happy to go to outings with you as long as you don't get too clingy.
So I think you guys were right. I think asking him if we were exclusive freaked him out. We ended up going to dinner and had a great time. He told me that a serious relationship just wasn't a good fit in his life right now. He said that he thought I was great and always felt that way and that it wasn't that he wants anyone else, he just didn't want a relationship right now. I replied with, "I understand. Thank you for being open and honest." The weird thing is that 2 hours later he was texting me as if we never discussed it. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well and he offered to come over and make me soup. I declined because I look like hell, but I guess I am wondering if the right thing to do is to keep casually hanging out with him to where it goes or do I need to let him go? I don't want to see other people but I also don't want to get hurt. I know that libras tend to change their minds, but in this case once he has said it out loud, is there a chance that he will change his mind if I stay in contact or do I need to cut myself off from him for him to decide if he wants to be with me. From reading what I just wrote, I sound pathetic, but to be honest, I sincerely care for him and want to be with him, but I also worry that I will always want more and if he doesn't in a few months I may feel even worse....I need some serious advice. Do I stay in contact or cut him out and move on?
Thanks for the advice. I am going to try to accept but have to say this guy is hard to get over...libras have that affect!
Ok I have to be honest, I am waiting for someone to say that tiziani is wrong and that libras are flakes and to just chill and he will change his mind and then give me tips on how to deal with him when he texts me. Yes, I over analyze and obsess about everything.
Lol, can't blame a girl for trying :-)
hey so im a female from Ny I just recently came to Atlanta because I plan on moving here so I met his guy here he's actually lets say very popular guy here in the A, anyway he just so happen to be a libra male im an aries woman he was texting me very anxious to see me when we met he asked if I wanted to smoke weed with him mean while I was already out with my friend, long story short we didn't meet that night, so the next day he texted me early morning asking me to come lay up with him that's its raining its the best weather, and he'd like a back rub lol obviously I really like this guy because anyone else that would have never even taken place so I got to his place that evening from then on I was with him all day layed up, I heard him speaking on the phone saying he had to make a run so I already called my uber,i had went home I get a txt form him sayin that I should've came with him that hes back home now to come back......this is 1-2 in the morning,i go back were smoking on his balcony and we were just holding each other because it was cold from then on idk I just felt the vibe in both of our chest I would've thought everything was good and sweet,,,,anyway yes we had sex but hes a big ass freak I guess he ate my ass I don't think a guy is just gona eat your ass unless he likes you! and befor that he was kissing on my cheek like he was madly in love he tried to take the condom off but I woulnt let him and when I say he TRIED BOY DID HE RY numerous times which is selfish because that was our first time not to mention were in Atlanta bro like come on, I waited 4 days befor texting him after that and haven't gotten a response since and I txted him twice since then I swear I would've thought everything was good is been officially a week now and I haven't heard from him and its eating me alive jujst imagine if I would've have let him do it and gotten pregnant and then boom he disappears