Distant Libra

Ah those Libra men! Thinkin' you threw him a little off balance asking him that. I dont know how long you've been seeing ecah other, but from my experience...(and im a Libra too) he's in thinking mode...wants to keep in touch with you because he DOES like you, but....he doesnt know exactly how he feels yet.

Don't text him or call him, let him make the move. And when he does, just talk friendly, make sure he knows you have a life other than waiting for him, don't ask why he hasnt came around or called or anything....that will bring him running. He will not want to think he's not in the picture...now his scales are tipping again.
With Libra men...and women too, I think ( I see myeslf doing the exact same thing with the aloofness, but I can certainly justify MY actions, lmao), a no contact response when they are in limbo is the best approach. He needs to have his lovely little space to regroup and think about what he wants from you, and to make sure he's not "settling", because..who knows whats around the next curve. You gotta make him MISS YOU.
Libra men don't want a clingy, too-dependent woman. They seem to like a strong woman who can make her own happiness in life and have her own friends and socialization. Like they do. My Libra has told me many times he wants me to do what makes me happy in life. When you do that, and he knows it (when you do answer his call, tell him what you've been doing socially...oh my, I've soooo busy, sorry I've been missing your call, etc), and don't answer his texts right off...make him wait...a couple hours at least...after all, you're not sitting on ur phone waiting for him, right? Then he will decide he needs to see you again, that he really does want you and oh my...the wonderful charmer is back in your life full force.....until the next time you knock his scales off balance *smile*