Handling a Capricorn girl

This topic was created in the Libra forum by nicodemus on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 and has 41 replies.
Ok so the "married libra" topic got me to thinking about Libras and cheating, and specifically a relationship I (libra guy) was in with a Capricorn girl. I am alwayse strangly attracted to them it seems but it is never a good idea I know. Anyway, this is the only relationship I was ever in where cheating was a possibility for me, and it was because of cirtain circumstances.
The relationship was a couple of months old and pretty much everything was ideal only one small problem. She would try use sex to get me to behave how she wanted me to behave. "if you do this or don't do this you won't be getting any" type of thing. After putting up with this for a couple of weeks I finally got her attention after one of her sex manipulation comments and told her : "Look, the only thing that should determine weather or not we do have sex is both of our desire for it at any given time. Sex is very important to me in a relationship and I am telling you right now that if you ever use it to manipulate me in any way, I will strip you of your power by getting it from somewhere else. I will not feel bad about it, and I will not stand for being judged on it. Don't ever tell me I'm not getting any because if it comes to that, I can assure you I will be. Furthermore, if you desire something of me, just ask me most of the time I will do it, and the rest of the time I will give you a reason if I don't. Don't tell me what to do, and never hold anything over my head. Just ask."
That problem was fixed pretty quick. Like most Libras I can be pretty resistant to confrontation but when it is necissary I am very clear in what I do. So I guess my curiosity is two fold:
If you were in a similar situaiton regarding sex and cheating, is what I did/said similar to how you would feel?
When confrontation is necissary in a relationship, how do you handle it?
Cappy girls... OMG... I stay away from them. They attract to libra guys like magnet, too much happening for 2 weeks really catchin us by our balls, then a freeze frame. no replies, no ph calls, no sms absolutelty nothing. We wonder what went wrong but she keeps a libran in darkness until we go unbalanced. Then we break the silence and confront them. They dont reply and avoid it at any cost. They we go far far away. and she will come back in few weeks time. But we wont treat the poor old cappy girl the same way.
It's funny you mention they are magnetically attracted to us, I have always gotten a good amount of attention from cap girls. And to be fair I usually attracted to them too but if things are almost impossible. The funny thing is we seem to see eye to eye but never act like it. There are some qualities in the Cap ladies that I really like and admire but it just always seems to be a lit fuse. The girl I mentioned above would do exactly what you described, but I always confronted her which surprised her and frankly, me too. The will to confront her was the only thing that made it last as long as it did.
Wow, more than one Libra male on one post. Great... You all should know my little story and past history with Libras...
Am I correct, that the two things that keep Libra men and Scorpio women going is sex and emotion?
It is just hard to resist the charming Libra male. I have Sag. Gimini and Aqua in my Scorpio chart. That might have something to do with it.
Most of my past relationships have been with a Libra male, including a 6 year marriage that reently ended, we have a daughter together and are still friends. He is still holding on to a reunion but it isn't possible from my point of view. Got involved with another Libra since, however I see it is better that we remain friends. He has been back and forth with a Sag. We became intimate at some point in our friendship and boy that is always awesome with a libra and scorp... However, I know from experience it isn't good to get envolved with a Libra who is still in love with an ex (my situation reflects the same pattern -my ex still in love with me). Funny, I never had a Libra cheat or want to cheat on me... Sex with them has always been awesome and I must admit. I am the queen of giving compliments....
So what say you Libran Lads about this combo?
I think you hit the nail on the head. Us libra guys and you scorpio girls are a blissfuly toxic combination. My only long relationship (almost five years) was with a Scorpio girl and almost two years after the fact we have since become best friends and it is great because alot of the negative aspects of our love relationship are gone and all of the positives shine through in not being together.
The combination is not only attracted to one another, once the initial interrest is peaked we can't seem to get away from each other. I can't even really pin down the attraction it is like some magical gift curse from the astro gods. Your right about the sex, it is strange how the Scorp girl can keep her hooks in the Libra guy like no one else can and the Libra guy can get strait through the girl scorp wall with the same ease. The relationship and the sex specifically always seems to be swinging from precious to perverse (I got that phrase from a book) and it is so, so true. It only exagerates things that both signs normally high sex drive becomes extreme. Almost 5 years and it never, ever slowed down.
The last girl I deeply cared for was a Virgo sun Scorpio moon and I am Libra sun and moon. Man, it was the most intense attraction I have ever experienced. It doesn't help that I have murcury in Scorpio so not only do I have all of the normal attraction issues with scorpio that most libras have, I can also communicate with them. I love to hate and hate to love scorp women.
Kris what sign are you, it sounds like you feel threatened by Libra males.
Kris has a thing for Cap girls. He doesn't want you on his territory. Tongue
I am a girl so my opinion may be slanted but I don't believe in sexual manipulation. I think with holding attention and affection is quite cruel.
I don't handle confrontation well. I tend to stuff it down till I explode. I am trying to be better but it has been awhile since I was in a relationship so at the moment, I can't comment.
no... i want to comment a bit on kris. but i will save it for next round.
Nic.."If you were in a similar situaiton regarding sex and cheating, is what I did/said similar to how you would feel? When confrontation is necissary in a relationship, how do you handle it?"
My libra would have handled the situation exactly the same way.. and for me.. I am an aqua so I know that doesn't help with your cappy theme, but when my libra blows up.. although he never blew up on me, he has on others and told me about it.. I can not handle it. He has such strong emotions I never knew were there before. He is always so even tempered and mild mannered. When he tells me about how he goes off, I always feel like I am on the verge of crying and he is only telling me a story about what happened. I can not stand for my libra to be mad at me.. If he would blow up like you did.. yeah.. bet your butt I wouldn't be doing that again.. whatever it was. But aqua's do not use sex as a weapon in that respect.. we may try to get in your head with it, but more on a spiritual level than a physical one..
Nic, you are soooo right.... It is sick and scary how we can't let go... It is also wonderful that after a break up we can still be the coolest friends almost like bonded for life by some force. I used to think it was me imagining this, but I now know this is reality. I will always care for my ex (father of my child), even my friend who reunited with his ex recently. We still have the most indebth heart-to-hearts even about his current relationship. I just love you guys. Being friends with Libra males seem to be the safest route for me. But we are so intensely sexually attracted to eachother. Oh, and by the way my relationship with my ex (8 years total)is the longest relationship either of us has ever been in.... Funny, the similarity.

Thanks for all your wisdom. The intellect and insight about life, between a scorp and a libra is also phenomenal...
Sorry, I have to come to bat for the Libra male... Not at all gay... Sensitive and attentive, ability to make a woman feel special, keen to female sensibility, know how to please a woman in bed and make it all about her (aim to please) yes but never gay.... So far from gay.... They can actually teach a few males from other zodiak signs a thing or too...
You might want to revisit that statement...
zodiak = zodiac, my bad... Been partying way too much this holiday season...
Kris and what sign are u?
Ugghhh, no one in particular... Why?
Soo.... what??? Kris do you have a short attention spand? When you are allowed to work from home and deligate to others, you sometime are able to have more free time.. Ya know?
So, I guess you won't tell me what your sign is huh? Hmmm is it a Scorp male?
Kris, soooo what????? What's up with your attention span. Yes I manage my work time well so yes I get long periods of free time during the day.
I get plenty. When you have to check behind other people's work you have to stick around even if your job is done... BTW. I am outside right now on my laptop. Where are you. Clearly, you are also new to these threads, as you will see days will go by and I won't be on here... I think you might have just noticed me today.
Anyway, what did you say your sign was?
Oh, not at all, you don't know much about Scorpio women huh... It takes a skilled person to get us angry and we have to build up to anger. However, no conversation is worth the energy. I am way too cool and secure with whom I am to get angry about a silly comment like that... Come on who would get angry because someone doesn't think I get enough air. Yet, you are still on here responding. Funny...:-)
No... We are blunt, but never want to hurt anyone's feelings and with all that fire, I don't think it would be that easy. You still here? Thought you were gone couldn't talk all day? LOL!!!
I hate to say it Kris but I have known more gay leo males than any other sign. Pair that up with the fact that the Libra male is of the more likely to come accross as somewhat famanine, but actuall the LEAST likely sign to explore homosexuality and I can see where your sense of insecurity comes from around Libra males.
Not to mention, however we may act effiminate at times, we are a masculane cardinal sign, if you are ever interrested in treading on another sign I strongly suggest do so with a sign you can actually win with, because right now your out of your league.
Oh, I almost forgot Queenscorp, I am gonna have to think a bit before I respond to your message you sent me so don't think I am being flaky Winking I can break it down pretty much anywhere but man when it comes to Libra guys and Scorp girls, I think we are equallly lost...I do plan on giving you a lengthy write up though.
Kris, we are anxious to hear your reasoning for disliking the Libran male. Could there be some insecurity there or maybe some bad experience with one? Did a Libra male take a girl from you? Seriously, just wondering. You are stepping on the toes of one of my favorite male zodiac signs here... So, yes I am interested.
Nic, I know it is something to ponder the Scorp and Libra thing... Maybe we can find an answer together. When you can I know you will respond. Dealing with Libras have definitely taught me patients if nothing else. The union between the two signs are just bitter/sweet. More of the sweet than the bitter, however the bitter and the sweet seem to be tempting. Wierd...
thanks nic, i wanted to say the same to kris but on a more direct way... hehehehehe..
I got a chance to read some more of your posts last night browsing the forums. I can assure you it is your level of intelligence and lack of critical thinking ability that has you confused, not our sign. You don't come across as the sharpest tool, which is fine only if you realize this yourself. Something went wrong somewhere and you don't. Go take your uber manly ass somewhere else, like I said, your out of your league here.
There are only 3 sign's considered intellects - gemini , libra and aqua. I dont see leo there. So we have no reason for any ego clash. It always comes from the direction of Leo but eventually librans agree that we are more egoistic and arrogant just to make leo feel at ease. Tongue
OK, Libra lads. Just an FYI, Leo males can be pests. They love to try to get under your skin... I am very capable of shooting back what they give, read Kris and my posts from yesterday, when he tried to get to me. He wound up getting hurt offended, but it was all in fun. so Nic and thelibra, don't react to him. This is his silly way of getting attention...
No offense Kris, you should find a more adult/mature way to bring attention to yourself, although you might not have the charm and wit of the Libra male where attention comes to them naturally... I am sure you can figure out another way... Put forth the effort and see. I am sure even with all the patients a female Libra may have - she too may find this little jeuvinile game a little wack...
No offense, really...
Should I inform them that you sent me two personal messages to my message email after you still didn't get off of this thread, when you tried to offend me about being on here too much???? Oh, you put a lot of energy in these comments "I am hurt, why do you have to be so mean", for there not to be some truth. As, I replied to these. All the fire in you I am sure you didn't get too offended. Because I called you out on your jeuvenile games bruised your ego a little. My bad... It is OK, I am sure some girls think it is cute...
Said my peace. Kris unless you can come up with something more interesting. I am over this boring....
We can see right into your juvinile call for attention. That is why I called you out in your first message and theLibran joined in. We aren't impressed or amused, and I wasn't reacting to anything you said, I was just calling it like I see it. Not showing back bone would have been to avoid you. I wasn't hurt or trying to come up with anything witty when I told you your out of your league here, I am just giving you the facts. If you want to argue that is fine but treading where you don't measure up just highlights your foolishness. You sound like a ing child, go somewhere else with your crap. You are the perfect example of why I have always looked down on Leo guys.
geeeeeze Kris you are giving us Leos a bad name Sad
lol.....Im not sure....perhaps just enjoy your Libran women and forget insulting the men??? hehehehee.....afterall we are here for the same reason yes? the opposite sex in the Libran, not the same??
Peace, live and let live? all that kinda stuff? so kris....do you have a special Libran woman in your life right now?
*changes subject* Winking
You could leave. You came to our house to start a fight, and to think we will back down or give into highlights all of your shortcummings. If you are annoyed by it or upset by it go hang out with the rest of the Leo's in the Leo forum. No one is asking you to stay.
Don't worry there, speaking for myself and in most cirtainty for everyone else in the Libra forums, we greatly enjoy your company. I give everyone an equal chance, he proved himself to be tactless and pointlessly antagonistic, Leo or not I would treat him the same.
phew!!! thank you
He sounds like a pisces to me
I agree I have wicked sex with a friend libran, it was scary I never.......I ran
Being ruled by venus and the first sign of the zodiac representing the focus on others rather than self I am always suprised that people are surprised we are so good in bed. We were designed to be good at it.
Pisces men are nuts. Too funny or too irritating. But they dont do the attention seeking stuff.
Yup, and I'm not much a fan of the inherant jesus complex either. But Kris didn't seem Pisces at all, Pisces can communicate intelligently.
*says sorry
Honestly I don't dislike you, I was reacting to the way you came across. Apology accepted.
Thank you, It did help a lot she taught me to be a lot more direct, and I would like to think that I influenced her to be a bit more playful. The book Sextrology describes the capricorn female as comming accross with the air of being the perfect woman, and that in a lot of ways she is. I have noticed it to be true in a lot of the Cap. girls I know, they seem to have the right balance of taking care of themselves and their partner. There is something about them that makes me want to act proper and put my best face foreward but there just seems to be a natural misunderstanding. I admired her slow and steady approach to life and she my shoot from the hip, you are what you make yourself to be attitude but it was hard to make the two workable in the end. If I was in a different place regarding a few things I would like to think we could have had a happy long term relaitonship, but I wasn't. The last time I was in Ca. I was at a bar/club, the only one in a really small area and I was just sitting at a table with 4 older attractive women (35-45) and this woman who was 35 and stunning just walked up to me and pulled me aside to tell me "your gorgous". I used to model so as vein as it sounds I am kind of used to that kind of flattery but I never believed a compliment more than when she said it. I completely forgot about the company I had procured and I just got up, grabbed her by the hand and took her down to the dance floor. She was a bit surprised and a bit nervous but I was able to loosen her up and have more fun than I've had in a long while. Something about you cap girls.