Handling a Capricorn girl

Nic.."If you were in a similar situaiton regarding sex and cheating, is what I did/said similar to how you would feel? When confrontation is necissary in a relationship, how do you handle it?"
My libra would have handled the situation exactly the same way.. and for me.. I am an aqua so I know that doesn't help with your cappy theme, but when my libra blows up.. although he never blew up on me, he has on others and told me about it.. I can not handle it. He has such strong emotions I never knew were there before. He is always so even tempered and mild mannered. When he tells me about how he goes off, I always feel like I am on the verge of crying and he is only telling me a story about what happened. I can not stand for my libra to be mad at me.. If he would blow up like you did.. yeah.. bet your butt I wouldn't be doing that again.. whatever it was. But aqua's do not use sex as a weapon in that respect.. we may try to get in your head with it, but more on a spiritual level than a physical one..