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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 362 · Topics: 36
Let's see how much of this actually happens...Sounds good though
This will be a big, exciting month for you to make your mark upon the world. When you do get the professional recognition you deserve, it will feel all the sweeter because you will know you had to overcome some sort of intense personal difficulty to get there.
You may have had to devote a great deal of time and painstaking attention to detail to complete one or more projects, or master a completely new skill. Or, you may have faced a political situation within your company - forced to convince higher-ups that you were responsible for the department's gains, not that certain someone who had hoped to take the credit for your hard work. There are many possible examples.
You are coming into your own very soon, dear Libra. In fact, you may soon see results, due to a rare and remarkable set of aspects gathering on the horizon in the first half of May, but particularly near May 4 - 7.
Mars, the planet of energy and action, is now situated at the very apex of your chart and will raise your profile quite a bit. If you have been working hard, you may now get a promotion or a dazzling offer from a competing firm. The new position being discussed would be quite an important step up, and is one you are eminently qualified to win. The salary offer would be stunningly generous, too. No matter how things play out, it appears that when it comes to your career, you may see a dream come true.
If you are self-employed, you will see results, too. You may receive special publicity for your company and the goods or services you produce. Or, you may attract a powerful, lucrative new client - one you would have never been able to land before this.
A golden triangle, called a "trine" in astrology, considered the very best aspect possible, is about to shape up in the first week of May, from May 4 to 7, involving three key planets.
In one corner of the sky is Mars, the planet of energy now in your tenth house of honors and achievement. In another corner is Jupiter, the planet of financial abundance, now situated in your second house of salary. And in the third corner Uranus, the planet of surprise events, is in your workaday sector, suggesting an assignment you did in the past, or are doing now, has impressed VIPs to such a degree that your name will immediately surface as the right one for the job. Uranus always works in sudden, unusual ways, so you probably won't see this opportunity coming until it suddenly hits! Keep your antenna up during those golden days, May 4 - 7, although you may hear news on that following Monday, May 8.
These aspects will be rarer than emeralds and sapphires, so take this period very seriously. You may never see another aspect quite like this one during your lifetime - that is, filling the same houses and involving the same planets in the same signs, for these planets move at very different orbital speeds and only very rarely form this sort of configuration.
If you are seriously discussing a new position, salary talks will be finished at the full moon, May 13, plus or minus four days. This full moon will light your second house of income, the same area that is being strongly benefited by Jupiter, the planet associated with good fortune. Knowing this, you may want to ask for a bit more than you think you can get, because it appears luck will be on your side.
Saturn, eyeing this full moon from your eleventh house, will send blessings too, seeing to it that any deal you make will add to your sense of security and long-range gain. At the same time, Uranus will signal Mercury in your house of financial perks and company benefits, so when it comes to discussing the "extras" like health insurance, the key to the executive gym, and vacation days, it appears those and other niceties will be in the offing as well.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 362 · Topics: 36
Yeah, I like Susan Miller's site. Read it every month. Hopefully some of this is actually true, I'd like to see my business start to pay off!
Signed Up:
Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
I am working on my CV today.
As a gift, one of my friends got professional resume writer to assist me. I love my friends.
I am hoping end of June/July that I will have a new job. fingers crossed.
Little Sparrow, I wish you all the best and Im sure you have nothing to worry about, you'll get what you want.