Horoscope for May

Little Sparrow, I wish you all the best and Im sure you have nothing to worry about, you'll get what you want.

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huh.. ur asking that question scorpius...
and what do you mean by this?
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Yeah we're not boring!... not all the time... sometimes we feel like being spontaneous and will even venture out to our backyards lol jk
Depends on the people around us, it's like TG said, if you're on the outside you really don't know us. To my friends and family I'm the crazy one! The one to start things up and it's quite often that I think that OTHERS are boring! But yeah, to people who I don't know well, acquaintences or strangers and even some co-workers I can definitely be lame cuz ummmm I'm just not inspired LOL No interest, whatever...
DB's old lady