How do libras deal with insecurities?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Libress27 on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and has 11 replies.
How do my fellow libras deal with your insecurities? We are self conscious & vain. So how do you deal with concealing or confronting your insecurities? Wish we didnt care about our image & what others think so much! Its so hard to disregard other opinons.
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I honestly confront mine. Did I always? No, til I realized how bad running was fucking my life up. It literally made me miserable and I didn't know it.

As fas as opinions goes, everyone has one and naw they not all pretty. But Im still responsible for my own happiness at the end of the day. I'm more concerned with how someone acts towards me. Opinions are what makes us individuals and exciting to talk to, but being around a bastard or a bitch is what makes me salty. I don't like being walked on, gotta stop you at the door then

One hundred percent. Face your insecurities, learned at a young age to overcome any issues. When I was younger it helped to be inebriated but eventually it just becomes acknowledge the issue, understand and move past it. I usually dont address people who are being dicks or assholes, I dont have time for people who dont have anything positive to contribute.
Posted by Libress27
How do my fellow libras deal with your insecurities? We are self conscious & vain. So how do you deal with concealing or confronting your insecurities? Wish we didnt care about our image & what others think so much! Its so hard to disregard other opinons.

A persons opinion of me doesnt matter to me, its my opinion of myself that matters. That is something you learn with time and experience. Reflect on what others say because it is nice to see a different perspective, but just understand who you are and who you want to be as an individual. I learned a long time ago I cant please everyone, but I can at least do what will make me happy as a person. If anyone doesnt like they are free to move on.
Posted by elguapolibra
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I honestly confront mine. Did I always? No, til I realized how bad running was fucking my life up. It literally made me miserable and I didn't know it.

As fas as opinions goes, everyone has one and naw they not all pretty. But Im still responsible for my own happiness at the end of the day. I'm more concerned with how someone acts towards me. Opinions are what makes us individuals and exciting to talk to, but being around a bastard or a bitch is what makes me salty. I don't like being walked on, gotta stop you at the door then

One hundred percent. Face your insecurities, learned at a young age to overcome any issues. When I was younger it helped to be inebriated but eventually it just becomes acknowledge the issue, understand and move past it. I usually dont address people who are being dicks or assholes, I dont have time for people who dont have anything positive to contribute.
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I agree. You are definitely responsible for your own happiness. Of course being the libra that iam my indecisiveness is kicking in & now im weighing the pros and cons of facing my insecurity. Im leaning more towards the side of pros. So i suppose thats good
Hmm...I'm going to have to disagree about the self conscious and vain aspect. When looking beyond the surface I think what is seen as self conscious and vain is something totally different. I think libras care a lot about people, have a ton of compassion and strive to connect with others mutually and in a way that is understood. I think they can have a hard time putting these emotions and desires into words or in ways to be understood (that's why a lot of them resort to being funny/silly or trying to make people laugh, an easy way to make people happy develop good bonds without the risk/conflict of getting emotionally hurt). When these connections and loving bonds do not form with libras, I think then libras get depressed, sad, insecure, self blaming. Then because of the pain they retreat from certain people. I've seen so many libras that genuinely want others to be happy and okay, like truly happy, but are sometimes not sure how to go about it since they don't want to be intrusive and don't want to be overbearing. This can be seen as cold and vain. I think caring about image and what others think all boils down to wanting to make others happy and/or wanting to develop a good bond with others. Remember, other people don't care how cute you are. You have it in you to completely brighten someones day to truly heal someone with your presence. I try to face my insecurities by finding my humor and silliness, you gotta say "fuck it" really let lose, making people smile and laugh completely melts my insecurities. There's nothing wrong with getting all dolled up or whatever, but don't let that rule you. Let it be something you can be comfortable in as a form of self expression, but don't lose your heart and your sense of humor. There's a huge range of different libra seeds to water: you can be vain and bitchy or you can water that Venus heart and love everyone unconditionally and be fun and goofy. I know some libras that are disgusting totally self absorbed and blind to their surroundings obviously very self conflicted with themselves on all levels which is so sad, then I know most libras who are the most selfless creatures in the world, listen to you for hours, would do anything for you, secure, funny, optimistic, loving...the list goes on.
Posted by IrrepressibleLove
Hmm...I'm going to have to disagree about the self conscious and vain aspect. When looking beyond the surface I think what is seen as self conscious and vain is something totally different. I think libras care a lot about people, have a ton of compassion and strive to connect with others mutually and in a way that is understood. I think they can have a hard time putting these emotions and desires into words or in ways to be understood (that's why a lot of them resort to being funny/silly or trying to make people laugh, an easy way to make people happy develop good bonds without the risk/conflict of getting emotionally hurt). When these connections and loving bonds do not form with libras, I think then libras get depressed, sad, insecure, self blaming. Then because of the pain they retreat from certain people. I've seen so many libras that genuinely want others to be happy and okay, like truly happy, but are sometimes not sure how to go about it since they don't want to be intrusive and don't want to be overbearing. This can be seen as cold and vain. I think caring about image and what others think all boils down to wanting to make others happy and/or wanting to develop a good bond with others. Remember, other people don't care how cute you are. You have it in you to completely brighten someones day to truly heal someone with your presence. I try to face my insecurities by finding my humor and silliness, you gotta say "fuck it" really let lose, making people smile and laugh completely melts my insecurities. There's nothing wrong with getting all dolled up or whatever, but don't let that rule you. Let it be something you can be comfortable in as a form of self expression, but don't lose your heart and your sense of humor. There's a huge range of different libra seeds to water: you can be vain and bitchy or you can water that Venus heart and love everyone unconditionally and be fun and goofy. I know some libras that are disgusting totally self absorbed and blind to their surroundings obviously very self conflicted with themselves on all levels which is so sad, then I know most libras who are the most selfless creatures in the world, listen to you for hours, would do anything for you, secure, funny, optimistic, loving...the list goes on.

So true. I see alot of male libras who are goofy and like to make others laugh. I do like to make people happy and uplift their spirits. Sad some people cant return that. One thing i can say about libras is that we are very genuine, we are all or nothing. I myself, am self conscious in ways of what people think not really too much if theyll like me... But then again i guess that goes hand in hand. I can agree with having hard times finding the words fitting my emotions being that i dont really like to be emotional or talk about my emotions. It makes me feel as though i am being weak or too vulnera
Posted by Sugarfoot
Posted by elguapolibra
Posted by Libress27
How do my fellow libras deal with your insecurities? We are self conscious & vain. So how do you deal with concealing or confronting your insecurities? Wish we didnt care about our image & what others think so much! Its so hard to disregard other opinons.

A persons opinion of me doesnt matter to me, its my opinion of myself that matters. That is something you learn with time and experience. Reflect on what others say because it is nice to see a different perspective, but just understand who you are and who you want to be as an individual. I learned a long time ago I cant please everyone, but I can at least do what will make me happy as a person. If anyone doesnt like they are free to move on.

Agreed 100% i think i gave up on caring what other people thought when i was around 18. It was like a light bulb came on. You can't ever please everyone and people will always find something to dislike or complain about. So, i might as well just do what makes me happy. It was so freeing and i became a happier and far less anxious person.

I do take others opinions of me into account but i don't internalize them if that makes sense. They are interesting and a possible opportunity for growth. That's all. I only truly care about the opinions of those who i love.

I've never understood the whole description of Libra as vain. I don't know any Libras who are overly concerned with their appearance.
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Its the experiences and life lessons learned that help create these revelations. I fear and yearn for them to change me into a better person. That light bulb moment, when all of a sudden things feel balanced is a great feeling. I know what you mean about internalizing, makes total sense. Never got the vain thing either, I like to look good, but its not like Im narcissistic about it.. My username sure tells a different story though lol
Posted by elguapolibra
Posted by Libress27
How do my fellow libras deal with your insecurities? We are self conscious & vain. So how do you deal with concealing or confronting your insecurities? Wish we didnt care about our image & what others think so much! Its so hard to disregard other opinons.

A persons opinion of me doesnt matter to me, its my opinion of myself that matters. That is something you learn with time and experience. Reflect on what others say because it is nice to see a different perspective, but just understand who you are and who you want to be as an individual. I learned a long time ago I cant please everyone, but I can at least do what will make me happy as a person. If anyone doesnt like they are free to move on.
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If more Libras developed this outlook, we'd hear less horror stories about them.
Posted by LuckyLibra979
They just designate us certain traits due to being ruled by Venus. I don't know a lot of vain Libras myself

I'll admit I'm vain to a degree but who doesn't want to look nice? I like smelling good and looking presentable. I don't have to be superfly but I don't wanna be wrinkled either. We dress more comfortable if anything, not slouchy lol but we aren't the flashy ones of the zodiac

I was just going to say this and you beat me too it!

Seriously, it is always changing, how to treat your own insecurities. And you can still meet somehow who can throw you off balance or remind you that you need some toughening up or to work on a new angle of something that you thougth was OK. It's an interesting thing because maturity on one hand is great. But don't you feel sometimes that by aging, by gaining experience, and improving yourself by learning and adjusting or naturally growing because someone loved you a lot you become a lot less raw? Doesn't it ever feel fake to be not insecure? I know insecurity can kill the best relationship over even a short time.. So yes I want to work on them and usually I do it by starting to do things I haven't done before. Asking more and accepting less, I think it's a good lesson for a Libra. Be more out there, less compromising. Get what you want. Learn to buy as Dido sings in that song. Not all the time. I couldn't bare to do that. But sometimes. It just sucks when inevitably there is nothing else to blame but your own insecurity and your own missed opportunities to not express something important. Learn a new sport, find a new hobby, travel, learn things, move about, make friends, let them see you in a new light. And if that's what you need, let someone love you. Sometimes that's all that helps. Unconditional love. But even that can wear off, not big time, but a little bit. : )