Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Hi all, well no doubt you've read all my other posts and things are going well with Mr Libran (Im Leo) but oh so slow (is it ALWAYS this slow??).....its always him who makes contact, always him who instigates getting together. When we are together its awesome and there's never a rush to leave, etc, and all the signs are there that he is ever so keen and very interested, however, how on earth do I know if he's serious? The kisses, cuddles, staying (not running out the door first thing in the morning, in fact I have to kick his butt out due to having things to do around midday lol), the way he talks to me, - tells me so much about his life and likes, dislikes, etc, he's interested in what I have to say, gives those looks, remembers little things and takes a general interest in my life, that I realise this is not just a casual thing or a fling but man, I just need a little hope that he might have a clue that Im just hanging at the moment.
I've learnt patience (through knowing him) and don't expect him to call/contact me every day - sometimes its up to 4 days between but always worth the wait LOL....but how long does it take? weeks (been there), months (2 now), years??? Being leo I am somewhat impatient and would like to know where i stand but dont want to rock the boat (put him off balance). I'm doing the cool/calm/unemotional stuff, not always being available, going out and socializing with my friends (he always wants to know when I got home though or whether any other men tried chatting me up LOL), and am always cheerful, playful and can play the little games he likes but when can I expect some sort of commitment?
Otherwise all is good - love seeing him but after 2 months I'd like to know where he is.....Im not sure as to how I can "gently guide him" into saying/doing anything. I'd love to see him more than I do but how do I get him to do that? Its not like he goes out to meet others so I think Im safe there but why don't we hook up more often rather than me sit at my place and him at his? Does it really take THAT long for a LIbran to make a romantic decision? Or am I deluding myself into thinking that he's that into me?
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Hmmm, I have been in sort of the same kind of situation, the difference is he and I started as friends, he is emotionally distraught over a break up with a Sag. Who I am sure he still feels a great deal for, but we crossed the friendship line and had sex and got really close. He once told me he was holding back because he was getting emotional about us and I though that was silly at the time. We had just really became close and I now miss him.
Anyway, back to you. The Libra male needs you to be gentle, but I think you should be direct about how you feel. Just ask him what or where he sees this relationship going? Let him know you are into him and want to be clear. Also always add a little flattery in the process they need that. See how that goes. It sounds like he is into you. My friend did all those things up until almost 2 weeks ago after the party thing and the email: Check out the other posts we were on.
For me I let him know how I feel about missing his friendship and the sex was not the most important thing and I am here. That is how I will leave wichever way things turn out.
Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Thanks, I've gone back to the other posts and had to laugh at your LIbran's comment on getting back "soon"....I've come to realise that soon can mean between 1 day and a week!!! I feel the same as you do...its not about the sex alone, although its pretty awesome lol, I feel more connected to him on an emotional level and our friendship has blossomed...we can talk about anything for hours and laugh?? my cheeks hurt almost everytime we do get together. I think friendship is important to him also. I've ensured that its always his idea to catch up so that he doesnt feel pressured so I feel good that he does want to see me but its not often enough for my liking LOL. Im impatient!
Only blasted thing is he doesn't ever call....we catch up via texts or msn and Im so tired of that coz I'd rather be with him talking than sitting behind a screen chatting at nights....guess its his thing but at least I know he's home at nights LOL. He's such a great communicator which makes the texts and chatting online confusing.
Dunno....its been 9 weeks now and I still have no clear indication as to whether I'll be seeing him much over Xmas/New Year but yeah I guess its time to gently start making my feelings known and see where it goes but somehow not unbalancing him....wouldn't want that or it'll be another 2 or 3 weeks before I hear from him again LOL. I know he's busy but yeah....we'll see.
I guess 9 weeks if you look at it that way isn't a long time to have met, become good friends and the rest....maybe Im TOO impatient but from past experience (and no I've never been with a Libran before), any guy that was interested had no problems in making decisions and making their feelings known.....arggghhhh why am I doing this??
He's right though, once attached to him, I'll not want to let about knowing he's good!!! sheesh
Hmmmm anyway Im rambling....better go and do some work. Oh and Im in Australia - where are you all from??
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I'm in Chicago. Yes they have a way of making you think you are the most important person in the world when you are with them (all of the Libras I have been with have). That's their gift.
So, have the two of you ever been initimate? It seems they make the first moves initially but then backs off sometime during.
I walked into a house party and he stared me down from the door to where I sat and through the night stared me down with no shame and asked me and friend to join him and a friend to a frat party later - we went and that was how it started.
(He is a Kapp and a fine 6 for 6 inch bald one with long eyelashes and dimples - oh and the most amazing smile) So, oh yes I wa definitely attracted to him on sight after I noticed he was staring continuously, which my friend bought to my attention. I didn't quite notice the staring until then.
Who knows with these guys they are weird, but so hot and charming!!!
Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Yes intimate several times now and like yours, mine is very tall 6'5 but not bald...and yep, the amazing smile, dimple, eyes......and yes he was the chaser, he does the asking if we can meet up, etc.....he's backed off a little but know he'll be back.......this is the longest I haven't had communication for...5 days now which is freaking me out a bit.
I'll just sit back and wait (as hard as that is) and try to remain patient. I'll probably hear from him on Saturday night asking if we can get together on Sunday night (he has his daughter Sat night so he's stuck) and I have a social thing tonight (Friday). I don't particularly like the Sunday nights though coz we don't sleep and then there's work the next day - grrrrrrrrrrr.
Im assuming everybody would agree that I should just go with the flow - these men are so difficult but amazingly worth it - are we silly or what??
Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Or even worse...maybe he's now avoiding me as 5 days is a long time for me!!!??!!
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
My Libra friend was supposed to call so we can talk. He said "later" yesterday, as I have had the experience of dealing with type on quite a few occasions, later could have been last night, tonight, next week and if he gets too scared never.
I am slowly but surely moving on emotionally as there a couple others knocking to be friends, but he and I had such a close friendship I would hate to lose it. I am not going to cut him off, but I won't contact him again and if he contacts me great, if not great. I hope his life is wonderful.
Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
I actually sent a text by accident to my Libra (yes by accident and thank God it was work-related and not a steamy one to somebody else LOL...not that I have anybody else anyway but I thought it was funny).....he texted back 2 long messages - had me in stitches.....come to think of it those messages were sent within 3 minutes of me sending THAT was a quick response!!! Strange as otherwise he'd not have sent a message....these guys are weird!!
yeah I think Librans should define later and soon.....would love to see any Librans responses to that LOL
Signed Up:
Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Hmmmm well its 11.30 on a Saturday night knowing that my Libran has his daughter tonight he's sitting on singles sites and hasn't bothered to sign into msn to chat with me at the least....he's been on for 2&1/2 hours.....I get the hint...I've just made an absolute and complete fool of myself waiting for this guy for 2 odd months.....he's just too gutless to just say he's not interested in a proper relationship but interested in chatting to strangers online......he doesnt even meet these women which I CANNOT I am, ready to see him whenever he wants.....I give tired of this game - there are better men out there and I am NOT going to wait this lonely unfulfilled r/ship much for the affection, the gorgeous eyes, smile, etc.....what a crock!!! grrrrrrr
Sorry ladies but I'm losing hope quickly....I do NOT understand the sweetness then the lack of communication and blatant disrespect.
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 903 · Topics: 48
Ahh, the bipolars.
I have a LOT of history with those people...yeah,..Good times.