How long does it take?

Thanks, I've gone back to the other posts and had to laugh at your LIbran's comment on getting back "soon"....I've come to realise that soon can mean between 1 day and a week!!! I feel the same as you do...its not about the sex alone, although its pretty awesome lol, I feel more connected to him on an emotional level and our friendship has blossomed...we can talk about anything for hours and laugh?? my cheeks hurt almost everytime we do get together. I think friendship is important to him also. I've ensured that its always his idea to catch up so that he doesnt feel pressured so I feel good that he does want to see me but its not often enough for my liking LOL. Im impatient!
Only blasted thing is he doesn't ever call....we catch up via texts or msn and Im so tired of that coz I'd rather be with him talking than sitting behind a screen chatting at nights....guess its his thing but at least I know he's home at nights LOL. He's such a great communicator which makes the texts and chatting online confusing.
Dunno....its been 9 weeks now and I still have no clear indication as to whether I'll be seeing him much over Xmas/New Year but yeah I guess its time to gently start making my feelings known and see where it goes but somehow not unbalancing him....wouldn't want that or it'll be another 2 or 3 weeks before I hear from him again LOL. I know he's busy but yeah....we'll see.
I guess 9 weeks if you look at it that way isn't a long time to have met, become good friends and the rest....maybe Im TOO impatient but from past experience (and no I've never been with a Libran before), any guy that was interested had no problems in making decisions and making their feelings known.....arggghhhh why am I doing this??
He's right though, once attached to him, I'll not want to let about knowing he's good!!! sheesh
Hmmmm anyway Im rambling....better go and do some work. Oh and Im in Australia - where are you all from??

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The way I see it, your born alone, you die alone..nobody goes to the grave for you or with you...
"now i know nobody should be given too much of importance in your life. "
Cap ...Are U so desperate to get the good old charm back ? U wud go to any extent to please. What a waste of emotion. Sorry I had to be harsh here.
Mizz....I might have been wrong. But I just followed my hunch.
"The way I see it, your born alone, you die alone..nobody goes to the grave for you or with you..."
But U can ensure that nobody goes to grave coz of U least.
G: "Mizz....I might have been wrong. But I just followed my hunch."
thats cool, everyones entitled to have an opinion..
G:"But U can ensure that nobody goes to grave coz of U least."
LOL..not our fault really..if they choose to become sooooo consumed by it all that they lose their self worth..
"LOL..not our fault really..if they choose to become sooooo consumed by it all that they lose their self worth.."
Indeed. And it takes time to build a new order not entitrely based on purity of thoughts/actions. To come out of "dark"....U grope for some time. Eventually sunshine prevails.
G: "To come out of "dark"....U grope for some time. Eventually sunshine prevails"
Yes...and this in most cases, makes you a stronger person and deters you from repeating your mistake..But all can be fools in the game of love..Yes yes..even us..the master race as schoen would say..LOL
"How can people tolerate infidelity i dont understand."
Infideility is not fair and its not cool..
Today with that great smile (sincere too) he told me that if a deal that we are workign on will get us surplus he will give em a surprise. After that he flashed that sweetest ear to ear smile on this side of the universe.... sigh.... I alone know the efforts I had to be well composed. smile
I would let U off the hook Mizz....enjoy for now. And the biggest mistake one can avoid making is "to hate".

"What the hell..why are you callin me desperate?what old charm you are talkin about?
"U wud go to any extent to please"
what extent i have gone to?"
I see U crawling up to the monarchy. Am I not right ?