How to get a Libra man to break up with you?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by cheeky14u on Saturday, January 5, 2008 and has 38 replies.
Hi, trying to pry myself loose from a libra.....any tips on how to make him pull the pin first?
How to lose a libra in 10 days.
suffocate him.
be a jealouse partner. lie obviously.
cheat on him. be anti-social.
be clingy.
be stupid.
act crazy.
be so different from him, what he likes...always act you don't like it.
Smell bad.
Always stay at home and hve no life of your own.
Ask him always if u can come to his buddys place, to his sports, or even his office cause u will miss him.
call him every minute the minute he leaves home.
Call his mother and friends if hes not home after 3 minutes.
when his watching tv, disturb him.
cut the sex in the midst of it and cry because he doesn't love you...
cry when he takes you out to dinner and if he asks why, tell him u didn't like the food.
fight with every girl who looks at him or talk to him even jst the waitress at the reataurant who looks fat and ugly...
hahahahahahhahahahaha....don't be as funny and as cute as me...hahahah
I'm going by this NOW. NOW.
LOLLLLL turn into a emotional freak, he will run faster the taz devil
Haha nice lunamistress! Yeah? You think so? I'm sick of the minpulation and the using!!!!
I actually just was straight honest with him about how I felt. I hope he gets it.
Yeah I just did the straight up. You don't think this will offend him right?
@DancingArianFlame, Oh we aren't offical.....we have just been messing around for a year, and over the course of this year he's tried to ask me to be offical 3 times but I always said no so than he stopped. I don't think there are "real" feelings here and I think it's blocking us from other things. You know men never want to cut these things cause it's all easy for them. But for me as women it's dragged on too long. He's always been nice to me and what not, always calls and txts but I don't think this is healthy. We just make better friends.
probably best to cut ties as friends for some time too....he'll always drag you back in otherwise..perhaps not intentionally but he'll try it.
I did the same for a year and it took me a year after that to get over him...Im there now thankfully. Think of what YOU need and do it. Unfortunately women are the nurturers and always worry about the other person.....DONT
@sag89, yes i know what you mean. I might get tired too, i am not sure but unlike u we are official. and i just called him last night to say we aren't compatible but doesn't mean i don't love him and he just vanished for last night and today.
no idea whats wrong, did i hurt his pride or something? anyone can shread some light? =/
@sag89, when i said i might get tired, i meant i don't want to be the one that always seem like i am giving.
@ Chatz, thanks I've seen lots of your posts, you have had quite the experience with your libra and I trust your judgement. And I think it's best not to "worry" like you say, I totally agree. I don't think he'll be that hurt. He's a libra it won't be to long till he finds someone else to minupluate and get tangled up in this awful web.
@Lunamistress, Yeah, you may have, and if your officall yeah he's probably hurt a bit. But I think libra's are different when your offical with them. Meaning like they give a shit ha. But yeah, giving. I know. I gave so much to my libra. Didn't get much back. That didn't really bother me. But what bothers me is they way he views me. I don't know how it is, but I don't want him thinking "I'm that girl" I don't know. Sorry if that seems shallow.
I told him, that I'm interested in someone else too. It's okay to say that cause I know it won't bother him/make him jealous. And It's best to no longer to sleep with eachother because it's unfair to the other person. He said he understood. So lets cross the fingers for a clean break?
ignore him
Doing sosmile
goodluck with that sag89 lol, libras always comes back around. yeah u don't want him to come around u just for messing since now u got a new guy =), just block is phone hehe
goodluck with that sag89 lol, libras always comes back around.
very true.
K so he isn't going away yet and I'm starting to lose my cool.
convince him that u really dont love him. be rude to him . try to use him , abuse hin in every way .
Is there like a way and can just disspear?
* I can just disspear?
Yeah, I think he's are too. I guess I'm not too worried about it, I mean we'll just drift apart and it'll be fine. Ya know?
Haha, see you can't even see me and you libra's can sense the feelings, crazy. My libra's like that too.
Maybe a bit, but it'll be alright
Yes you were
Thanks yo, have a good one too
Well if he loves me that's too bad, I did nothing that could make him feel that way about me. He's been asking me 3 times day to hang out, it's annoying as fuck. I've been telling him I have been hanging out with this one guy and not him hoping he'll get the point. So far no contact today, thank god.

Break up? Ha, I just came to the realization he's a piece of shit.
Whats the story with yours ashsag?
Lucky is like a clairvoyant teddy bear with sunglasses. Squeeze his hand and his nose twitches while his belly plays French music.
@Ashsag, sounds like he loves yousmile

@Dancingarianflame, Yeah, I thinking he'll get the point if I just show him no more attention. I haven't heard from him since yesterday or today. But at the same time, just when you think they lost em they'll pop up, but I mean no can really think if someone is acting this way they still like you right?
Why does the one guy always comment on what the other guy comments on?
What's your point here?
Bad Luna, don't do that again.
lol ash, i am getting some tonight toooo Big GrinBig Grin can't wait Tongue
Poor bastards.
libra men like it when you get jealous. the insecure ones do.