Posted by topeshow am i being fucked with?
Seems you're the one being fucked with.
Do something about it.
Stop bitching. I work 17+ hours a day 6-7 days a week.
Posted by Brosmosisthat's fine, i'm partially just venting.
But all that for some Libra dude? Damn, bro.
Sounds like things are getting serious and I wish u both the best of luck. Let us know when the wedding is.
Posted by topesWhat type of pussy-ass work do you do, if i may ask.
Seems you're the one being fucked with.
Do something about it.
Stop bitching. I work 17+ hours a day 6-7 days a week.
Posted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Also why do i feel like I am in 'professional development' forum???
???click to expand
Posted by twinkletoesSo far you said he is loading you up.Posted by topeshow am i being fucked with?
Seems you're the one being fucked with.
Do something about it.
Stop bitching. I work 17+ hours a day 6-7 days a week.
i get payed more than him, i get more respect than him, and he pretty much gets all the bitch work. that's why he's trying to pawn off some of it on me.
i feel kind of bad because he can't keep his mouth shut and just gets volunteered for to expand
Posted by twinkletoesAren't you supposed to be working moron?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Also why do i feel like I am in 'professional development' forum???
add another 30 seconds, to expand
Posted by Gemitatihe's not loading me up, i sit around and watch the dude chase his tail all day. no one listens to him when he assigns shit because he doesn't know how to lead many different people.Posted by twinkletoesSo far you said he is loading you up.Posted by topeshow am i being fucked with?
Seems you're the one being fucked with.
Do something about it.
Stop bitching. I work 17+ hours a day 6-7 days a week.
i get payed more than him, i get more respect than him, and he pretty much gets all the bitch work. that's why he's trying to pawn off some of it on me.
i feel kind of bad because he can't keep his mouth shut and just gets volunteered for bullshit.
Not you loading to expand
Posted by Gemitatihe's leading poorly and requiring my special talents of not giving the fuck up.Posted by twinkletoesSo far you said he is loading you up.Posted by topeshow am i being fucked with?
Seems you're the one being fucked with.
Do something about it.
Stop bitching. I work 17+ hours a day 6-7 days a week.
i get payed more than him, i get more respect than him, and he pretty much gets all the bitch work. that's why he's trying to pawn off some of it on me.
i feel kind of bad because he can't keep his mouth shut and just gets volunteered for bullshit.
Not you loading to expand
Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesAren't you supposed to be working moron?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Also why do i feel like I am in 'professional development' forum???
add another 30 seconds, to expand
Posted by twinkletoesHonestly?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesAren't you supposed to be working moron?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Also why do i feel like I am in 'professional development' forum???
add another 30 seconds, bitch.
well hey, maybe i know what the fuck i'm doing and got it done with the quickness. novel idea, don't you think?click to expand
Posted by Deedee86
It sounds like your coworker doesn't want to accept the fact that you are now higher up than him. He is trying to undermine your status.
Posted by Gemitatiit's alright, you just talked yourself into a corner. it's fine. we all do it sometimes. just take some flex tape and slap it across your own damn mouth and we can both get on with our lives.Posted by twinkletoesHonestly?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesAren't you supposed to be working moron?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Also why do i feel like I am in 'professional development' forum???
add another 30 seconds, bitch.
well hey, maybe i know what the fuck i'm doing and got it done with the quickness. novel idea, don't you think?
I don't give a damn! ?click to expand
Posted by twinkletoesYou mean you can't type with your mouth taped? ??Posted by Gemitatiit's alright, you just talked yourself into a corner. it's fine. we all do it sometimes. just take some flex tape and slap it across your own damn mouth and we can both get on with our lives.Posted by twinkletoesHonestly?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesAren't you supposed to be working moron?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Also why do i feel like I am in 'professional development' forum???
add another 30 seconds, bitch.
well hey, maybe i know what the fuck i'm doing and got it done with the quickness. novel idea, don't you think?
I don't give a damn! ?click to expand
Posted by Gemitatihey aren't you brainy geminis supposed to know what fancy words and ideas like "metaphoric" meanPosted by twinkletoesYou mean you can't type with your mouth taped? ??Posted by Gemitatiit's alright, you just talked yourself into a corner. it's fine. we all do it sometimes. just take some flex tape and slap it across your own damn mouth and we can both get on with our lives.Posted by twinkletoesHonestly?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesAren't you supposed to be working moron?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Also why do i feel like I am in 'professional development' forum???
add another 30 seconds, bitch.
well hey, maybe i know what the fuck i'm doing and got it done with the quickness. novel idea, don't you think?
I don't give a damn! ?click to expand
Posted by twinkletoesRandom question but is he short?Posted by Deedee86
It sounds like your coworker doesn't want to accept the fact that you are now higher up than him. He is trying to undermine your status.
i think you just read my mind.... that's kind of the dilemma i'm facing.
he seems to believe he is smarter than everyone around him, specifically other superiors. i'm just thinking to myself "well shit, how does he REALLY feel about me then..."click to expand
Posted by LibrasettingExplain your feelings. don't just state them.
I just got a feeling you actually got promoted because of him and you don't even realize it and he's pissed so he's done with this shit and has a do it yourself attitude. Been there done it literally have walked of a job cuz of bs like this only to get called back because the person was a failure.
Posted by Deedee86he's out of fucking shape for sure, does that count?Posted by twinkletoesRandom question but is he short?Posted by Deedee86
It sounds like your coworker doesn't want to accept the fact that you are now higher up than him. He is trying to undermine your status.
i think you just read my mind.... that's kind of the dilemma i'm facing.
he seems to believe he is smarter than everyone around him, specifically other superiors. i'm just thinking to myself "well shit, how does he REALLY feel about me then..."click to expand
Posted by Librasetting
I just got a feeling you actually got promoted because of him and you don't even realize it and he's pissed so he's done with this shit and has a do it yourself attitude. Been there done it literally have walked of a job cuz of bs like this only to get called back because the person was a failure.
Posted by twinkletoesPosted by Deedee86he's out of fucking shape for sure, does that count?Posted by twinkletoesRandom question but is he short?Posted by Deedee86
It sounds like your coworker doesn't want to accept the fact that you are now higher up than him. He is trying to undermine your status.
i think you just read my mind.... that's kind of the dilemma i'm facing.
he seems to believe he is smarter than everyone around him, specifically other superiors. i'm just thinking to myself "well shit, how does he REALLY feel about me then..."click to expand
Posted by twinkletoes
i just get the FEELING and CONCERN that this motherfucker is doing a half-assed job so that someone is going to be be required to relieve him of his duties.
how do i motivate this fool?
Posted by Deedee86fucking hate paperwork...Posted by twinkletoes
i just get the FEELING and CONCERN that this motherfucker is doing a half-assed job so that someone is going to be be required to relieve him of his duties.
how do i motivate this fool?
You may have to get tough.
Right now he is not taking your authority seriously and almost daring you to do react.
Try pulling him aside and having a professional conversation with him. Express your concerns without being accusatory.
If he keeps it up after that, start writing him to expand
Posted by twinkletoesHopefully talking helpsPosted by Deedee86fucking hate paperwork...Posted by twinkletoes
i just get the FEELING and CONCERN that this motherfucker is doing a half-assed job so that someone is going to be be required to relieve him of his duties.
how do i motivate this fool?
You may have to get tough.
Right now he is not taking your authority seriously and almost daring you to do react.
Try pulling him aside and having a professional conversation with him. Express your concerns without being accusatory.
If he keeps it up after that, start writing him to expand
Posted by Nopethat's pretty much why i asked the motherfucking dumbass "Well did YOU check up on her??"
I'm just going to tell you from experience because I was with one for 10 years. Save yourself and do NOT ever take on anything a Libra asks you to do that is clearly their responsibility. I had to learn some really hard lessons about that. In my case my Libra would tasks me with things that were very much his responsibility ONLY so that if something went wrong he would be blameless. I had to quit cold turkey doing anything for him and I've gone through the same with a Libra relative. They will literally put you in the position to be the bad guy if you help them. Just don't. You can try it, but you will soon see exactly what I'm talking about. Try to stay detached from their issues as much as possible because trust me when I tell you they set things up so that their hands always come out clean. Then will turn around and act like they're clueless. You've been warned.
Posted by twinkletoesPosted by Nopethat's pretty much why i asked the motherfucking dumbass "Well did YOU check up on her??"
I'm just going to tell you from experience because I was with one for 10 years. Save yourself and do NOT ever take on anything a Libra asks you to do that is clearly their responsibility. I had to learn some really hard lessons about that. In my case my Libra would tasks me with things that were very much his responsibility ONLY so that if something went wrong he would be blameless. I had to quit cold turkey doing anything for him and I've gone through the same with a Libra relative. They will literally put you in the position to be the bad guy if you help them. Just don't. You can try it, but you will soon see exactly what I'm talking about. Try to stay detached from their issues as much as possible because trust me when I tell you they set things up so that their hands always come out clean. Then will turn around and act like they're clueless. You've been warned.
even though i was running around checking up on everyone...
I feel like mary fucking poppins right now, because this dude can't even seem to wipe his fucking ass rightclick to expand
Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
Posted by twinkletoeshas he finished other tasks before successfully?Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my to expand
Posted by startwarsThey seem to get the fucking job done on time because a Mother Fucking Taurus is backing his LOSER ass up.Posted by twinkletoeshas he finished other tasks before successfully?Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my personnnel.
Libras don't like to stress, they take their time
they seem to get job done on time, but won't go about it like everyone elseclick to expand
Posted by twinkletoeshahaha that fake libra charm getting everyone to do his work for himPosted by startwarsThey seem to get the fucking job done on time because a Mother Fucking Taurus is backing his LOSER ass up.Posted by twinkletoeshas he finished other tasks before successfully?Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my personnnel.
Libras don't like to stress, they take their time
they seem to get job done on time, but won't go about it like everyone else
what to expand
Posted by startwarsHe's not charming at all. he's kind of fucking gross. what the fuck are you trying to be up to?Posted by twinkletoeshahaha that fake libra charm getting everyone to do his work for himPosted by startwarsThey seem to get the fucking job done on time because a Mother Fucking Taurus is backing his LOSER ass up.Posted by twinkletoeshas he finished other tasks before successfully?Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my personnnel.
Libras don't like to stress, they take their time
they seem to get job done on time, but won't go about it like everyone else
what bitch.
#rolemodelclick to expand
Posted by twinkletoesthen how does he get y'all to do his work for him?Posted by startwarsHe's not charming at all. he's kind of fucking gross. what the fuck are you trying to be up to?Posted by twinkletoeshahaha that fake libra charm getting everyone to do his work for himPosted by startwarsThey seem to get the fucking job done on time because a Mother Fucking Taurus is backing his LOSER ass up.Posted by twinkletoeshas he finished other tasks before successfully?Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my personnnel.
Libras don't like to stress, they take their time
they seem to get job done on time, but won't go about it like everyone else
what bitch.
#rolemodelclick to expand
Posted by topesDamn that's too much.
Seems you're the one being fucked with.
Do something about it.
Stop bitching. I work 17+ hours a day 6-7 days a week.
Posted by twinkletoesI'm the same way. I find out when my drafters will be finished with the project, let's say Wednesday, and then promise the client delivery on Friday.Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my to expand
Posted by startwarsI got promoted and he didn't?Posted by twinkletoesthen how does he get y'all to do his work for him?Posted by startwarsHe's not charming at all. he's kind of fucking gross. what the fuck are you trying to be up to?Posted by twinkletoeshahaha that fake libra charm getting everyone to do his work for himPosted by startwarsThey seem to get the fucking job done on time because a Mother Fucking Taurus is backing his LOSER ass up.Posted by twinkletoeshas he finished other tasks before successfully?Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my personnnel.
Libras don't like to stress, they take their time
they seem to get job done on time, but won't go about it like everyone else
what bitch.
#rolemodelclick to expand
Posted by Deedee86Napoleon complex ? ? ?Posted by twinkletoesPosted by Deedee86he's out of fucking shape for sure, does that count?Posted by twinkletoesRandom question but is he short?Posted by Deedee86
It sounds like your coworker doesn't want to accept the fact that you are now higher up than him. He is trying to undermine your status.
i think you just read my mind.... that's kind of the dilemma i'm facing.
he seems to believe he is smarter than everyone around him, specifically other superiors. i'm just thinking to myself "well shit, how does he REALLY feel about me then..."
Yes that too
I just noticed a correlation between short men being assholes in the to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneEXACTLY!!!!!!Posted by twinkletoesI'm the same way. I find out when my drafters will be finished with the project, let's say Wednesday, and then promise the client delivery on Friday.Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my personnnel.
That way we have a time buffer. And the client is fucking psyched when I get it to them Thursday.
Under promise and over to expand
Posted by startwarsPosted by twinkletoesthen how does he get y'all to do his work for him?Posted by startwarsHe's not charming at all. he's kind of fucking gross. what the fuck are you trying to be up to?Posted by twinkletoeshahaha that fake libra charm getting everyone to do his work for himPosted by startwarsThey seem to get the fucking job done on time because a Mother Fucking Taurus is backing his LOSER ass up.Posted by twinkletoeshas he finished other tasks before successfully?Posted by startwars
he never meet the deadlines? or is it that he takes his sweet time to get there?
he promises things that are feasible but doesn't regulate the work pace.... i don't know if that makes any sense.....
i feel like i'm the opposite. i promise things that any idiot could complete. and i baby the fuck out of my personnnel.
Libras don't like to stress, they take their time
they seem to get job done on time, but won't go about it like everyone else
what bitch.
#rolemodelclick to expand