Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesAren't you supposed to be working moron?Posted by GemitatiPosted by twinkletoesWhy do o feel like I've just lost 5 min in never get back?
...but I get the feeling this dude is going to require some special attention from me in the near future.
For background purposes, I was transferred a little over a year ago. Did my best to fit in and be a team player, and was sent to a highly desireable training school with a hefty attrition rate about six months later. Worked my ass off to be the top grad, earned a promotion, and was sent to another desireable training school immediately following completion of previous school. The second one is considered a vacation within the community, so I was very thankful of my supervisers.
I was happy as a "worker bee" but understood I would either be promoted or forced to leave if I made no progress.
Some months later, a situation came up where I was provided the opportunity to temporarily transfer to another location going through arduous inspections, so I volunteered for about a month. (See the holy FUCK thread in miscellanous)
And now I'm back, facing some issues with...
The libra was my first contact at the place I transferred to. We were more or less counterparts at the time. From the minute I met him, I wasn't all that fond of him. He was a judgemental smart-ass right out of the gate. He basically criticized me of my accomplishments where I was at previously. I'm not going to go too far in depth right now, but I was basically too busy working in the guts of the organization to focus on superficial achievements.
I could tell he wanted a promotion, but disliked responsibility.... but really that makes sense, who doesn't?
Recently, he has been organizing the workload among junior personnel. One morning while assigning tasks, he told everyone I would be supervising them all. I just stared at him and said "I'm going home after I finish my paperwork, motherfucker."
I was obviously joking, and everyone started laughing, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering why he's trying to task me with things if I'm older and higher up the food chain.
It's starting to bother me, because he will assign things and not follow up. He's mentioned to me publically several times that he wants me to organize the workload, so I know he wouldn't mind dropping it in my lap and walking off.
That's happened, by the way, where he will assign things and ask if I can stay late to supervise. I don't mind staying late, ever. But this is turning into a pattern that I'm not cool with. Especially if people are staying late because the dude can't fucking multi-task.
He's come up to me and asked if I've checked up on someone. I just look at him with a dumb stare and ask "Have YOU checked up on her?"
He'll respond by saying he was busy helping someone else, someone that everyone seems to notice he spends a great amount of time with.
With the promotion, I understand I have greater responsibility, and therefore if anyone under me is working, I would like to be present if possible. I was checking up on everyone, and this knucklehead doesn't seem to realize anything outside of his little bubble. Either that, or he's like a cat that just dropped a dead mouse in the middle of the living room for the owner to appreciate.
I don't know what to make of the situation. It seems rather loaded to me. I don't need the glory, and I'm sick of hearing him bitch about not being promoted. I think I'm going to just keep fucking with his head for as long as possible. I don't know what else to do right now.
Also why do i feel like I am in 'professional development' forum???
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