i hate myself for being a libra!!!!
i dont know if you libras feel the same sometimes but most of the times i have fallen in love is when the others ignore me and hurt me...maybe i am crazy or something.when the others are good or try to catch me i dont really want them and makes me ungry.i always prefer the hard way...the easy dont excite me at all!!!i have noticed that virgos,leos and taurus are most after me and the ones i always run behind is aries,sagitarius and aquas i dont know!!!whats your opinion?i am a female libra.
maybe i dont know...they are difficult to understand and that makes me to try harder 
i am 6 years with an aries...yes at first it was hell!!!but i believe that its not only human.there r people who like easy way.who dont accept others to hurt them and put too much ego...i dont usually do it.
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
Yeah I do the same thing a lot. I tend to want what I can't have, or immediately have, or am not positive I can have. But every once in a blue moon I meet someone on the same page and were both trying to figure it out and that can be pretty sweet.
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1158 · Topics: 16
I do this, too. If I am denied I want it more...
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
***Peachy thinks****
makes mental notes.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
I don't like people who push me. If you come on tooo strong and force yourself on me, I don't like it. I don't think anyone likes that. We all want to feel like it was partly our decision as well!
If I feel the person is compatible with me long term, I have no problem being available to their advances. If they ignore me, I feel hurt and rejected and eventually will give up.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
****I do this, too. If I am denied I want it more...
me too.. i have spend years getting back what was denied. winning people who rejected me was the best part. And kick me out of a group, i will start another group. Once I get what I thought I need, I will start searching for even more polished stuffs.
I hate this in me. But then I dont know if time and age and make me better.
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Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
libraff, Aries are the easiest people in the world to understand! I think we're very simple and transparent. Others think we must have an agenda at time or must be hiding things simply cuz they can't believe "what you see is what you get." And I'm sorry you had an angry one. There are MANY angry Aries and I haven't quite figured why, but guess it's because of that constant fire we have within ourselves that no one has explained how to channel. IF we are creative, we can usually find an outlet; but there are some Aries that are constant ticking bombs.
It seems we Aries really CAN enhance a Libra's life because we still CARE deeply and very passionately, but also have a very different view of life we can share. IF a Libra accepts that, it seems new worlds open up.
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Oct 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 44
i'll try super hard to win someone heart that im attracted to, but if they come in so easily, i'm so turned off and move away. but then rejection is hard for me too, so any sign of doubt i'll go away. it sounds contradictory, but thats who i am. someone who takes it slow, but doesnt come on too strong but isnt too easy. im picky arent i.
crudemood hehe i understand exactly what you are talking about.
Atom when i first met my aries he was so egoist about everything he was so distant and i thought he always had something in his mind...even now he never says i have this in my mind or i have this problem he always waits for me to figure out and i always do.now i know everything,i undestand everything.
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Jun 26, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 153 · Topics: 16
Wow! I am there with you guys! I want this water guy (Cancer). He is a puzzle, but that make me more crazy to get him! I always run in the opposite direction from those who I can get easily. No pain, no gain!
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
crudemood??? in a word....YES!!!! lol
Can you even remotely understand how us poor other signs feel??? I mean really?? you Libran folk (a breed of your own I might add) have us tying ourselves in knots trying to figure out what on earth we're meant to do....but Im sure you have a smile on your face just knowing that!!
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Oct 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 127 · Topics: 22
"It seems we Aries really CAN enhance a Libra's life because we still CARE deeply and very passionately, but also have a very different view of life we can share. IF a Libra accepts that, it seems new worlds open up."
Atom, i agree with this statement, being an Aries myself, but the key note here is IF LIBRA ACCEPTS...somehow, i get the feeling that it's quite easy for Aries to "scare" a Libra, or for them to easily misconstrue what we have to offer...then again, as confusing as a Libra can be, they will always have someone that will care about them in an Aries, as long as they keep the lines of communication open, the better.
why don't librans try to stop flirting for a while for aquarians can see how you can really commit? We aqua don't really like 'play hard to get' It's just that we're afraid that we might get hurt dating you!
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
This is true. Libra needs to come across as stable and practical enough to put Aqua at ease. Aquas and Libras want very similar things in the end but they go about it in different ways. Aqua will come up with a detailed plan to do it, getting all of their ducks in a row, making sure everything is water tight before they ever make their first move. Libra just puts themselves out there, not afraid to dodge and parry and likes the rush that comes with learning as they go. The best of comes out when we are caught off balance. It boosts our tenacity and determination. Aqua doesn't like being caught off guard.
I think this is why even though it is one of the most compatible matches for each, it is hard to get past the first phase. Aqua sees this quality in Libra and it makes them nervous, it feels dangerous. Libra sees this in Aqua but I think the afffect is opposite, it makes Libra feel like we can help someone loosen up a little, which is even more dangerous for aqua...I think they have the most adverse reaction to being changed by another both openly or passively....Libra is like this too but handles it in a very different way. We just kind of side step the obsticals and keep doing what were going to do and use our charm to let the other know and accept that we won't be changed by another only by our own want or need. Aqua can actually become stifled by someone elses desire to change....or even help. Very independant people.
Signed Up:
Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
"why don't librans try to stop flirting for a while for aquarians can see how you can really commit? "
Why should we? Why should we have to impede a natural, harmless behavior of ours to make another feel secure. Why can't an Aqua open up enough to see that if we are commited to you we are commited to you period. Flirting to us is just one of the many spices of life. If you have to interact with someone why not make it fun and playful? That is all there is to it. If someone crosses the line from harmless flirting to comming on to us it will be corrected quickly and clearly. You don't have to worry. If we are in love with you, nothing and no one will get between that.
I like it, its so exiting and still pushing you forward
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
wow, someone brought this thread back from the grave...
"I think this is why even though it is one of the most compatible matches for each, it is hard to get past the first phase."
I totally agreed on this. most compatible sign lol do you have any idea how many time libra & I screwed up together? lol but they keep coming. lol like they can't help the chemistry btw aqua/libra thing i guess. lol again
"You don't have to worry. If we are in love with you, nothing and no one will get between that." bless you nicodemus you are one of a very few libra who can come up with this idea. why? because
"Why can't an Aqua open up enough to see that if we are commited to you we are commited to you period."
the period you mentioned I found in most libra guys I met was shorter than a flash of lightning.They comes too fast & even goes faster than me aqua realize. lol
LOL peace
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
i dont know if you libras feel the same sometimes but most of the times i have fallen in love is when the others ignore me and hurt me"""--->Oh God you hit the nail on the head...I just stopped falling in love because it's too easy to fall out of...either I love you plainly and simply or I don't...all that falling in and out of love fuels my emotions and I am so anti- emotion...
nicodemus -- you are so right on, it's scary! I just start dating this Libran girl and everything you said seems to apply... I don't like game, but I am not saying that it's not fun for you, since I am not a Libran.
The only question I have is why in the world would you go for some one who ignore/reject and treat/hurt you badly (no offense but it looks like low self-esteem/insecurity problem to me).
Honestly, I don't think I can treat any one badly intentionally.
I agree with no pain, no gain, but only if she is interested. I don't mind "we agains the world" with her. But if she is not into it, then it seems like I am forcing it on her, which is a big "no no" for any aquarian, who values freedome and independence above all else.
Signed Up:
Nov 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 819 · Topics: 41
What all of you need to do is have some kids. Then your life is so exhausting you don't have time for the games that come from being chased/chasing. Sometimes you need someone in your corner all the time. It doesn't mean the sex isn't hot, because it can be. It takes sitting down and realising simultaneously that you have alot to offer *and* that you are imperfect, and lucky to have this other human being in your life.
"A challenge is always good but if it gets to the point where you feel as if you can self destruct then it may be best to just say I loved, I tried and move on."
-- I am totally agree with this!
"You can never make a person love you no matter how much you try if they don't feel it. Every trick, every game to win their hearts or trying to become something that makes them want or wonder about you is not going to get you anything else but hurt because it maybe a front to achieve or win them over and still when actually there in the relationship you get pain because you may compromise to something that you don't want."
-- I have this friend that got turned down by this girl. But he did not give up. Finally she gave in (I think it was out of pitty, which confirmed by her friends). They were lovey dovey for a while but I think the problem is surfacing now. Don't want to be mean but I am counting on how long before she dumps him again!
Oh, and she is an arie to, lol
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Aug 02, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 109 · Topics: 16
Honestly, who wants someone u can walk all over. u want someone who's gonna voice their opinion and not b a yes person all the time. Not giving in 2 easily. Yes I have given in out of pity but regreted it later and slowly broke it off. I try not 2 hurt anyone bcause Karma is a b!
When you turned someone down, there is no way to make it easy on the other person. That person is hurt, no matter what you do, or how you try! The only different is that if you let them know early, they have more time to recovery and move on.