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Nov 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
Little_Sparrow...Unpassioned people are pointless
Agreed. However, as an aqua I find myself passionate about everything, either I strongly dislike or I love it... I am usually at the extremes, but for the most part I LOVE everything. When trying to explain something to someone, I have to start using terms like, "I love this but I really really love this one..." I think I start to confuse myself sometimes.
Agreed also, about the Libra sentence structure. My Libra keeps me in stitches the whole time we are together or on the phone, because of the way his mind works and the way he can make something that would normally be bad.. sound so good...or will put a spin on something sad, that makes it hilarious, grrrrr... I am not sure if he even realizes he is doing it, it is just the way Libras think.
The Libras on this site amaze me too. They keep me laughing, reading through the posts....