Libra love

This topic was created in the Libra forum by liteskingreatness on Monday, September 26, 2016 and has 52 replies.
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Hey I'm new on this website. I'm hoping i can get some advice from my last relationship. I been seeing a libra man for a year and a half now. Everything was going good until he started ignore me. I told him i loved him and i wanted to see him in my future. I don't know if that was the right thing to do. We been in little arguments but our last one was the words that said we were over. I'm trying my best to keep Faith and patience with him. I apologized for my behavior but he said I'm too pushy and he needs his space to focus on him. I write him the other day just to see i would hear from him he did respond but not many words were shared. I think i lost my libra for good. Any good suggestions. I'm really considering moving on for the heartache.
Stop contacting him. If he wants you he will be back.
Move on. Everything can't be good and then suddenly a person ignores you. Everything can't be good when you argue and it gets so heated that one of you says it's over.

Don't want someone who doesn't want you. Find someone who when you say everything is good, everything really is good.
Posted by jeane
Move on. Everything can't be good and then suddenly a person ignores you. Everything can't be good when you argue and it gets so heated that one of you says it's over.

Don't want someone who doesn't want you. Find someone who when you say everything is good, everything really is good.
He does his disappearing act. Tbh i think he's seeing his ex again. He rode by me the other day. He claims hes busy but he's friends say hes always in the house he can't even get him out. I think something is wrong hes not trying to say. Its hard to give up on someone you love. Its easy said than done.
Posted by liteskingreatness
Posted by jeane
Move on. Everything can't be good and then suddenly a person ignores you. Everything can't be good when you argue and it gets so heated that one of you says it's over.

Don't want someone who doesn't want you. Find someone who when you say everything is good, everything really is good.
He does his disappearing act. Tbh i think he's seeing his ex again. He rode by me the other day. He claims hes busy but he's friends say hes always in the house he can't even get him out. I think something is wrong hes not trying to say. Its hard to give up on someone you love. Its easy said than done.
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True but it seems you've given up on loving yourself in the meantime.
Yes tbh i did. And maybe that's where it went downhill. Well few months ago a situation happened i didn't want to discuss but his behavior made me question alot. I thought hard yes i love him but something told me to lay off the emotions. Does libra bounce back after a breakup ? I asked his friend if he was seeing someone he said he been hanging out with his ex but he said he has but he's not sure on things. So i been keeping my emotions strong.
Posted by liteskingreatness
Yes tbh i did. And maybe that's where it went downhill. Well few months ago a situation happened i didn't want to discuss but his behavior made me question alot. I thought hard yes i love him but something told me to lay off the emotions. Does libra bounce back after a breakup ? I asked his friend if he was seeing someone he said he been hanging out with his ex but he said he has but he's not sure on things. So i been keeping my emotions strong.
I can only speak for myself but it takes me an incredibly long time to get over a break up.
Posted by liteskingreatness
Hey I'm new on this website. I'm hoping i can get some advice from my last relationship. I been seeing a libra man for a year and a half now. Everything was going good until he started ignore me. I told him i loved him and i wanted to see him in my future. I don't know if that was the right thing to do. We been in little arguments but our last one was the words that said we were over. I'm trying my best to keep Faith and patience with him. I apologized for my behavior but he said I'm too pushy and he needs his space to focus on him. I write him the other day just to see i would hear from him he did respond but not many words were shared. I think i lost my libra for good. Any good suggestions. I'm really considering moving on for the heartache.
The key sentence is he responded, accept his response and do your own thing. If he genuinely aint interested he wouldnt have resonded (if you had really fucked up) bear in mind this is a "he" also and the chances of stringing along may also be present.
Posted by jeane
Posted by liteskingreatness
Yes tbh i did. And maybe that's where it went downhill. Well few months ago a situation happened i didn't want to discuss but his behavior made me question alot. I thought hard yes i love him but something told me to lay off the emotions. Does libra bounce back after a breakup ? I asked his friend if he was seeing someone he said he been hanging out with his ex but he said he has but he's not sure on things. So i been keeping my emotions strong.
I can only speak for myself but it takes me an incredibly long time to get over a break up.
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Thank you. I'll try my best to work on me. And not focus so much on him or this situation. I see him the day after i messaged him.
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by liteskingreatness
Hey I'm new on this website. I'm hoping i can get some advice from my last relationship. I been seeing a libra man for a year and a half now. Everything was going good until he started ignore me. I told him i loved him and i wanted to see him in my future. I don't know if that was the right thing to do. We been in little arguments but our last one was the words that said we were over. I'm trying my best to keep Faith and patience with him. I apologized for my behavior but he said I'm too pushy and he needs his space to focus on him. I write him the other day just to see i would hear from him he did respond but not many words were shared. I think i lost my libra for good. Any good suggestions. I'm really considering moving on for the heartache.
The key sentence is he responded, accept his response and do your own thing. If he genuinely aint interested he wouldnt have resonded (if you had really fucked up) bear in mind this is a "he" also and the chances of stringing along may also be present.
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What you mean by stringing you along? Like he lost interested and using me?

Posted by liteskingreatness
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by liteskingreatness
Hey I'm new on this website. I'm hoping i can get some advice from my last relationship. I been seeing a libra man for a year and a half now. Everything was going good until he started ignore me. I told him i loved him and i wanted to see him in my future. I don't know if that was the right thing to do. We been in little arguments but our last one was the words that said we were over. I'm trying my best to keep Faith and patience with him. I apologized for my behavior but he said I'm too pushy and he needs his space to focus on him. I write him the other day just to see i would hear from him he did respond but not many words were shared. I think i lost my libra for good. Any good suggestions. I'm really considering moving on for the heartache.
The key sentence is he responded, accept his response and do your own thing. If he genuinely aint interested he wouldnt have resonded (if you had really fucked up) bear in mind this is a "he" also and the chances of stringing along may also be present.

What you mean by stringing you along? Like he lost interested and using me?

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You have to be careful he isnt just keeping you around as an option. You didnt mention who said it's over? Id be weary of a Libra saying this-theyre not so FINAL with their words. What was your behaviour, if you wish to divulge? If not its ok but its difficult to respond to vagueness. Just be prepared if you do give more info, not the most understanding, empathic bunch around here lol
We haven't talked much at all lately not like we used to. Maybe since july. I was busy he was busy but when i confessed my feelings he just got weird out then says I'm too pushy he needs his space. So i gave him his space then he told me he's been in trouble with someone trying to harm him. Also family issues too. So i was being understandable. He told me it was over last month all because i asked him on what happened with the situation. He lied to me his friend told me someone tried to rob him so i confronted him bout it. So i expressed anger. He responded few days ago but really didnt get much out of him. It was like he didn't want to talk at all.
Posted by Plagued
He sounds like one of those Libramon that haven't reached evolution so silence is a cookie, say good riddance fuck you toodaloo, and the dog will come ah sniffin.

Okay it's beem confusing. It's really hard to explain where it all started. I think it was when he asked me what were we i said friends so i think he didn't liked the rejection. We stopped talking so much because we had arguments that were not the greatest. I said things i shouldn't said but its like it was the way he made me feel. He would belittled me for my jobs say things about me and other guys. I haven't seen another guy since him. I can tell he was testing me i never hide nothing but it was like he was diggung for dirt to see what i been up too i got a new job i didn't tell him where because we wasn't in contact. He had his friend show up to my job to see if i worked there i don't know how he find out. He used to ride by my house alot ifi don't talk to him. I lost a male friend so i been going thru stuff and still haven't grief. And every time i try to communicated with him he will always say there's nothing to talk bout. One of his friends bought me dinner one night which we are really cool i think that was to test me to see if i would really go with his friend. One night he saw me out buying drinks with a family friend he said something to him and my family friend hasn't spoken to me ever since. So when i confronted him about it of course he don't know what im talking bout. One night during sex he got so aggressive with me he left hickies on me then trying to play it off he didn't do it when he did. Only got mad for the hickies because of my job setting Its like he was testing me for what? So i played his game back i can tell he didn't like it because he wasn't getting answers. He just doesn't like to communicated i don't think he knows what he wants. His friend said he was seeing his ex for two months that we weren't talking he stayed with her and everything. So i lost his trust i talked to him but not as much. I dont know if it was out of spite because he thought i was trying to make him jealous whichi never tried too. He was the one who told me it was over he said he was done few times and i would be fine with it because i got used to it. So he would try his best to win me back but now he stopped doing it. He thought i was playing games so what does that mean ? I think we are both confused by each others actions so it got us in a lack of understanding and communocation. Any suggestions on that?
Can you all not see that this is that crazy leo chick with another name?

Kinda obvious.
Posted by dolluxe
I think he's seeing his ex again but I could be wrong. Either way he's ignored you several times and that's never good. It's not easy to move on but you have to.
He told me in my last arguement with him. He's done with her. Hes done with me. He just wants to be left alone he needs to get his self together. He wanted sex from the last few months i didn't want it after i heard he still sees his ex here and there. I lost his trust since then. I care for him but i dont know if he ever took me seriously. He used to call me baby boo then he stopped. He stopped saying he cared for me. One night he asked me did i really hate him i was being saracstic like yeah i hate you but no i don't hate him i just hate what we went thru. I have love for him but you right its best to move on. Clearly his mind is made up. I contacted him just a few days ago our Last argument was three weeks ago thats when he said it was over. I asked him how were things. I posted a post about going to the gym. So when he responded he said he has been busy and focusing in the gym. He used to do things like that all the time. Like he would see things i would post then randomly bring it up in a way to bring it to my attention like more like to impress me like we got something in common.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Can you all not see that this is that crazy leo chick with another name?

Kinda obvious.
I'm an Sag. And I'm new to the group. Nice to meet you.
Why did you go and make another name to continue going on about this dude? You're not going to get different answers.

Nice try with the disguised writing, but the story is obviously the same. Your big give away was going on about how he "rode by your house."

After that, the story just kind of falls into place with the same details from your other username.

You have seriously got to stop and go seek some help, dear.
I'm new to this forum. You must got me confused with some one else dear. I'm a sag born on November 23,1991. I'm sorry if my story sounds like someone else's story. But thank you for your response. I'm pretty sure alot of forums sound a like. I don't know anyone. Nice to you @rockyroadicecream i can tell you are blunt honey. I appreciate any feedback We need more people like you. Thank you so much. I been going thru alot with my breakup i dont need negative feedback. I just want to meet new people and express my emotions and get the right advice to move on. I'm really torn right now.

You're gonna make me do it, so be it.

Sweetheart, when you delete topics, you can still see what was said in those topics.

"I had a current situation of some bs drama and non sense for a year and a half now. I was involved with a guy that currently has a girlfriend but was trying to pursue me. I felt like the whole time i was being tested to see if i was a right fit to be with him. Why would someone waste their time to go thru so much bs to test someone they say they don't care about. He always try to find a way to talk to me by social media. He hooked me in with his charm we had sex few times but i tried to brush away because he started making me feel like i was in a relationship with him. He now back with his ex the whole time he would dog her. I'm not mean to try to tell people that i don't like them usually i try to give them hints that i don't so they can push away themselves. He went thru alot like driving by my house , went up to a dude i was with at a public event , asking me bout dudes. Figuring out where i worked and his brother was the one to show up at my job to figure out where i work. He always try to speak to my younger brother. I think its weird that he wasted a year to try to have me to commit to him. He wasn't my type so i tried to let him down easy but i see him more as a friend. There's times i can tell he's trying to win me off with his charm after so long i quit contacting him. Then he always lies saying he is leaving his gf which i don't care. I think he's liking that he can chase me cause i never give too much interest into him. I like him as a person but i couldn't see a long term relationship with him. What should i do to make him really back off he's blocked from every social media he rides by my house trying to talk to me ?"

Posted under your other username on a thread you deleted that was titled "Why do I feel like I'm being tested" about two weeks ago.

You have gone on about this SO much that it's pretty damned easy to tell this is the same story. Go ahead and play dumb and pretend it's not noticeable, but you've been busted.

Seek help.
Libras, seriously, how did you not see this? Tsk tsk.

User Submitted Image
Well people are so nice people warn me from people that's rude and nasty. I don't understand what's going on here i just came on here to express my issue with my boyfriend and you are being snotty claiming me and a leo chick stories sound alike. Well its hard to express your feelings when you are hurt thinking about a break up. I guess some people don't know what to do but be so rude to people.
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by liteskingreatness
Hey I'm new on this website. I'm hoping i can get some advice from my last relationship. I been seeing a libra man for a year and a half now. Everything was going good until he started ignore me. I told him i loved him and i wanted to see him in my future. I don't know if that was the right thing to do. We been in little arguments but our last one was the words that said we were over. I'm trying my best to keep Faith and patience with him. I apologized for my behavior but he said I'm too pushy and he needs his space to focus on him. I write him the other day just to see i would hear from him he did respond but not many words were shared. I think i lost my libra for good. Any good suggestions. I'm really considering moving on for the heartache.
what is your sign?
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Sag with a leo moon.
Why are people so rude? I lost my best friend in a car accident few months ago and i hardly have no one to communicate with. I'm sorry i got you fellas confused on my thread. I'm just trying to move on from a hard break thats emotinally and mentally draining. I don't need negative feedback i already feel down in the hills for what i did.
Why are you insulting our intelligence?
Posted by YasmineMin
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Why did you go and make another name to continue going on about this dude? You're not going to get different answers.

Nice try with the disguised writing, but the story is obviously the same. Your big give away was going on about how he "rode by your house."

After that, the story just kind of falls into place with the same details from your other username.

You have seriously got to stop and go seek some help, dear.
Why are you just assuming things? You make yourself look like a fool. In any case, even if it was the same person, why the hell do you care if they kerp asking the same question? Its not afffecting you in anyway, so dont like it? Ignore it. It seems to me that you are the one that needs help. You need to consider that this is a real person with troubles, asking for advice, not negativity.

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Oh sweetie, if you only knew what was really going on.

But you're 12 and don't know shit about anything, so be gone. Kthx.
Posted by YasmineMin
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by YasmineMin
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Why did you go and make another name to continue going on about this dude? You're not going to get different answers.

Nice try with the disguised writing, but the story is obviously the same. Your big give away was going on about how he "rode by your house."

After that, the story just kind of falls into place with the same details from your other username.

You have seriously got to stop and go seek some help, dear.
Why are you just assuming things? You make yourself look like a fool. In any case, even if it was the same person, why the hell do you care if they kerp asking the same question? Its not afffecting you in anyway, so dont like it? Ignore it. It seems to me that you are the one that needs help. You need to consider that this is a real person with troubles, asking for advice, not negativity.


Oh sweetie, if you only knew what was really going on.

But you're 12 and don't know shit about anything, so be gone. Kthx.
"Sweetie" Im not 12, get your facts right. Age aint nothin but a number, I may be younger than you, but that doesnt make you more mature than me, because clearly you still need to grow up.

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User Submitted Image

Go ahead dear, entertain the troll. She's been talking about this situation for 3 months and will continue to do so until someone tells her "YES HE LOVES YOU AND WANTS YOUR BABIES AND OMG WAIT FOR HIM BECAUSE IT'LL TURN INTO A DISNEY PRINCESS SCENARIO AND ALL WILL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!"

Until then, this story will be flung at us until she hears what she wants. She's been given advice about this topic repeatedly across the forum. She even tried to bring it up third person, as if asking about "a friend." Now, she's changed up usernames to get people to listen to her talk about it again, hoping to get different answers.

Don't walk in on something you know NOTHING about. It makes you look dumber than you already are.
I am going through exact same situation with my libra guy.. yes we had some petty arguments about him not giving relationship time..and every time i told him about my feelings, he would always tell me go be steady and take it easy and i wouldnt understand it. This kept happening until i asked him to bring his real feelings out in the open. He simply told me he needs his space and time to recover from these arguments and started ignoring me. he would respond back but saying that why am i messaging him, even a forward message a day for him (be it a joke or facebook share) was me trying to keep in touch everyday and pretending that everything is fine. trust me, i am spending all my time in pain and hes behaving so heartless. I tried to plead my case with him everyday until he gave me such a nasty response that I just decided to not contact him every again and he can reach out when he wants.

I know its much easier said than done but this is what you gotta do. he wont respect you ever if you see that you dont respect yourself. give him some aloofness and cold-shoulder. if hes really into you, he will take his time but come back, else you would have learnt to live without him (atleast somewhat) by then!
Posted by pana
I am going through exact same situation with my libra guy.. yes we had some petty arguments about him not giving relationship time..and every time i told him about my feelings, he would always tell me go be steady and take it easy and i wouldnt understand it. This kept happening until i asked him to bring his real feelings out in the open. He simply told me he needs his space and time to recover from these arguments and started ignoring me. he would respond back but saying that why am i messaging him, even a forward message a day for him (be it a joke or facebook share) was me trying to keep in touch everyday and pretending that everything is fine. trust me, i am spending all my time in pain and hes behaving so heartless. I tried to plead my case with him everyday until he gave me such a nasty response that I just decided to not contact him every again and he can reach out when he wants.

I know its much easier said than done but this is what you gotta do. he wont respect you ever if you see that you dont respect yourself. give him some aloofness and cold-shoulder. if hes really into you, he will take his time but come back, else you would have learnt to live without him (atleast somewhat) by then!
Your situation is nothing like this! You slept with his boss!
Posted by pana
I am going through exact same situation with my libra guy.. yes we had some petty arguments about him not giving relationship time..and every time i told him about my feelings, he would always tell me go be steady and take it easy and i wouldnt understand it. This kept happening until i asked him to bring his real feelings out in the open. He simply told me he needs his space and time to recover from these arguments and started ignoring me. he would respond back but saying that why am i messaging him, even a forward message a day for him (be it a joke or facebook share) was me trying to keep in touch everyday and pretending that everything is fine. trust me, i am spending all my time in pain and hes behaving so heartless. I tried to plead my case with him everyday until he gave me such a nasty response that I just decided to not contact him every again and he can reach out when he wants.

I know its much easier said than done but this is what you gotta do. he wont respect you ever if you see that you dont respect yourself. give him some aloofness and cold-shoulder. if hes really into you, he will take his time but come back, else you would have learnt to live without him (atleast somewhat) by then!

I'm trying my best to hold my emotions together. People aren't that great to come to for advice on here i see. I'm getting accused of having a story like someone else's thread. My libra manis very sweet and understanding when we can commmuincate. I quit contacting him months ago because of his strange behavior. I love him and i feel so bad what i have done to him i realized all the cause between us was mostly because of my behavior.

Posted by jeane
Posted by pana
I am going through exact same situation with my libra guy.. yes we had some petty arguments about him not giving relationship time..and every time i told him about my feelings, he would always tell me go be steady and take it easy and i wouldnt understand it. This kept happening until i asked him to bring his real feelings out in the open. He simply told me he needs his space and time to recover from these arguments and started ignoring me. he would respond back but saying that why am i messaging him, even a forward message a day for him (be it a joke or facebook share) was me trying to keep in touch everyday and pretending that everything is fine. trust me, i am spending all my time in pain and hes behaving so heartless. I tried to plead my case with him everyday until he gave me such a nasty response that I just decided to not contact him every again and he can reach out when he wants.

I know its much easier said than done but this is what you gotta do. he wont respect you ever if you see that you dont respect yourself. give him some aloofness and cold-shoulder. if hes really into you, he will take his time but come back, else you would have learnt to live without him (atleast somewhat) by then!
Your situation is nothing like this! You slept with his boss!
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These silly bitches just confirm that Libra dudes do seem to be drawn to batshit crazy.
Posted by TheLibraMudra
Fuckin libra men tearing up the fire sign ladies

Like I mentioned before, it's kind of proving they attract some nutters haha.

These Sags and Leos gracing us with their presence lately....

I'm not sure what's worse- the lying about their stories/creating new usernames so they can continue tormenting the internet with their psychotic obsessions, or the fact that they're so oblivious to their own behavior and don't see anything wrong with it. Plus, neither seem to learn their lesson the first 400 million times.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That's these bitches in a nutshell.

I'm still loling at people who continue to give this bitch advice, especially now knowing this username is therealher's.

Everyone picked up on Aylin every single time and she eventually left because people just flat out ignored her posts. I'm guessing this is why therealher made a new username- people weren't paying any attention to her posts anymore or they were just met with "stfu already." OMG A NEW USERNAME MEANS PEOPLE WILL LISTEN AGAIN.

Poor thing isn't very bright...
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by jeane
Posted by pana
I am going through exact same situation with my libra guy.. yes we had some petty arguments about him not giving relationship time..and every time i told him about my feelings, he would always tell me go be steady and take it easy and i wouldnt understand it. This kept happening until i asked him to bring his real feelings out in the open. He simply told me he needs his space and time to recover from these arguments and started ignoring me. he would respond back but saying that why am i messaging him, even a forward message a day for him (be it a joke or facebook share) was me trying to keep in touch everyday and pretending that everything is fine. trust me, i am spending all my time in pain and hes behaving so heartless. I tried to plead my case with him everyday until he gave me such a nasty response that I just decided to not contact him every again and he can reach out when he wants.

I know its much easier said than done but this is what you gotta do. he wont respect you ever if you see that you dont respect yourself. give him some aloofness and cold-shoulder. if hes really into you, he will take his time but come back, else you would have learnt to live without him (atleast somewhat) by then!
Your situation is nothing like this! You slept with his boss!
These silly bitches just confirm that Libra dudes do seem to be drawn to batshit crazy.
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The denial is strong in that one.
Posted by jeane
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by jeane
Posted by pana
I am going through exact same situation with my libra guy.. yes we had some petty arguments about him not giving relationship time..and every time i told him about my feelings, he would always tell me go be steady and take it easy and i wouldnt understand it. This kept happening until i asked him to bring his real feelings out in the open. He simply told me he needs his space and time to recover from these arguments and started ignoring me. he would respond back but saying that why am i messaging him, even a forward message a day for him (be it a joke or facebook share) was me trying to keep in touch everyday and pretending that everything is fine. trust me, i am spending all my time in pain and hes behaving so heartless. I tried to plead my case with him everyday until he gave me such a nasty response that I just decided to not contact him every again and he can reach out when he wants.

I know its much easier said than done but this is what you gotta do. he wont respect you ever if you see that you dont respect yourself. give him some aloofness and cold-shoulder. if hes really into you, he will take his time but come back, else you would have learnt to live without him (atleast somewhat) by then!
Your situation is nothing like this! You slept with his boss!
These silly bitches just confirm that Libra dudes do seem to be drawn to batshit crazy.
The denial is strong in that one.
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And therealher, and sagiluv.

"Fucked her in love" is a silly term I've heard before, but it seems to ring true for these girls.
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by jeane
Posted by pana
I am going through exact same situation with my libra guy.. yes we had some petty arguments about him not giving relationship time..and every time i told him about my feelings, he would always tell me go be steady and take it easy and i wouldnt understand it. This kept happening until i asked him to bring his real feelings out in the open. He simply told me he needs his space and time to recover from these arguments and started ignoring me. he would respond back but saying that why am i messaging him, even a forward message a day for him (be it a joke or facebook share) was me trying to keep in touch everyday and pretending that everything is fine. trust me, i am spending all my time in pain and hes behaving so heartless. I tried to plead my case with him everyday until he gave me such a nasty response that I just decided to not contact him every again and he can reach out when he wants.

I know its much easier said than done but this is what you gotta do. he wont respect you ever if you see that you dont respect yourself. give him some aloofness and cold-shoulder. if hes really into you, he will take his time but come back, else you would have learnt to live without him (atleast somewhat) by then!
Your situation is nothing like this! You slept with his boss!


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Like you said in the other thread, it's a refusal to be accountable. It's not often I say this but I feel sorry for the Libra.
I talked to a few libra men before they are sweet and charming but my libra fella is one of a kind. Thanks for everyone your concerns and positive feedback. I think I'll focus on myself to see where the future is well for me. smile
Posted by rockyroadicecream

Posted by jeane

Like you said in the other thread, it's a refusal to be accountable. It's not often I say this but I feel sorry for the Libra.
I feel sorry for ALL the Libras attached to these crazy chicks' stories.

Aylin, Liza, Sagiluv, Therealher, etc.
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I'm one of the first to admit that libras can be fuckers. We can't make up our mind. We say one thing only to think the complete opposite the next minute. We can be selfish and self interested. For a sign that is supposed to be empathetic we can be completely oblivious or apathetic to other people's feelings. we can be unreliable and we can string people along.

A lot of this shit we bring on ourselves. I am not surprised when we hear yet another tale of woe of a woman getting messed about but goddamn some of these women baffle me.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by jeane
Posted by pana
I am going through exact same situation with my libra guy.. yes we had some petty arguments about him not giving relationship time..and every time i told him about my feelings, he would always tell me go be steady and take it easy and i wouldnt understand it. This kept happening until i asked him to bring his real feelings out in the open. He simply told me he needs his space and time to recover from these arguments and started ignoring me. he would respond back but saying that why am i messaging him, even a forward message a day for him (be it a joke or facebook share) was me trying to keep in touch everyday and pretending that everything is fine. trust me, i am spending all my time in pain and hes behaving so heartless. I tried to plead my case with him everyday until he gave me such a nasty response that I just decided to not contact him every again and he can reach out when he wants.

I know its much easier said than done but this is what you gotta do. he wont respect you ever if you see that you dont respect yourself. give him some aloofness and cold-shoulder. if hes really into you, he will take his time but come back, else you would have learnt to live without him (atleast somewhat) by then!
Your situation is nothing like this! You slept with his boss!
These silly bitches just confirm that Libra dudes do seem to be drawn to batshit crazy.
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You dated a libra
I don't think it's a coincidence he dropped you and started hanging out with his ex. I think you know the answer but want a different, reassuring one.

Sorry to break it to ya, but libra or not, this isn't a behavior of a guy that respects or cares about you really. You really should move on.

Posted by jeane
Posted by rockyroadicecream

Posted by jeane

Like you said in the other thread, it's a refusal to be accountable. It's not often I say this but I feel sorry for the Libra.
I feel sorry for ALL the Libras attached to these crazy chicks' stories.

Aylin, Liza, Sagiluv, Therealher, etc.
I'm one of the first to admit that libras can be fuckers. We can't make up our mind. We say one thing only to think the complete opposite the next minute. We can be selfish and self interested. For a sign that is supposed to be empathetic we can be completely oblivious or apathetic to other people's feelings. we can be unreliable and we can string people along.

A lot of this shit we bring on ourselves. I am not surprised when we hear yet another tale of woe of a woman getting messed about but goddamn some of these women baffle me.
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Same. We've all been caught up in bs and confused by bs behavior (total learning process in dating), but at some point you have to get to that "fuck it point" and want to move on. It seems as some of these girls (and I use that term intentionally) just never get to that point. Some women need to realize that there WILL be better opportunities out there. Don't just fixate on this one dude. They cling to life to these shitty situations because they think that they won't get another one again and it's just... so sad.
Posted by libraqueeen
I don't think it's a coincidence he dropped you and started hanging out with his ex. I think you know the answer but want a different, reassuring one.

Sorry to break it to ya, but libra or not, this isn't a behavior of a guy that respects or cares about you really. You really should move on.


Thank you all that helped me with my process. Me and my libra fella has been chatting it up. I apologized for my behavior. Showed him a little appreciation for his time and patience. There's days i want to chat with him but i give him his space. Now i want him to come to me which he did yesterday. But I'm slowly moving along with my breaking up process. Thank you guys that gave me positive feedback you guys are awesome.
Posted by liteskingreatness
Thank you all that helped me with my process. Me and my libra fella has been chatting it up. I apologized for my behavior. Showed him a little appreciation for his time and patience. There's days i want to chat with him but i give him his space. Now i want him to come to me which he did yesterday. But I'm slowly moving along with my breaking up process. Thank you guys that gave me positive feedback you guys are awesome.
Amazing that your situation was solved by the very thing I told you to do which is stop contacting him and that if he wants to talk he will come to you. I womder if my advice was considered positive? ?
Posted by dontwant2fitinn
Posted by liteskingreatness
Thank you all that helped me with my process. Me and my libra fella has been chatting it up. I apologized for my behavior. Showed him a little appreciation for his time and patience. There's days i want to chat with him but i give him his space. Now i want him to come to me which he did yesterday. But I'm slowly moving along with my breaking up process. Thank you guys that gave me positive feedback you guys are awesome.
Amazing that your situation was solved by the very thing I told you to do which is stop contacting him and that if he wants to talk he will come to you. I womder if my advice was considered positive? ?
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Thank you sweetie. Yes i think we need space. We shared a little what's going on with each other. I'm slowly drifting my emotions towards something positive. I think we are better off friends. I don't know how he feels but I'm keeping the feelings light.
Posted by 2Moon

so euhmmm.... do you have any advice for libra dudes? who should they date? signs? type of person?
Stop being stupid fuck captain save a hoe. That's not how reality works.

The trend I've noticed with this type of Libra dude is that you guys' insecurity is fucking ridiculous and you get off on "saving" some crazy bitch because if validates you and your existence. It makes you feel needed/wanted and therefore you chase after this type, thinking you'll live happily ever after.

These dudes are in line with the women we see here (and generally) who are guilty of chasing after losers and "bad boys."

It also doesn't help that many are typical in the "in love with the idea of love" concept and will cling on to whoever to get you by in the relationship department until something "better" comes along.

Until then, it's woe is you, keeping the crazy, drama around because it makes you feel validated as a human being.

It boils down to that some of you should freaking seek counseling because it's damaging to you and others, tbh. If this is the main motivation of this type, then they shouldn't be dating at all until they know how to be happy with themselves.

Captain Save a Hoe is dating done wrong with selfish and shitty motivations.

Date "normal" girls. I.E. non trainwrecks like the OP. Once you see the red flags, you should be running away, not running to. "Oh, but I can fix her/the sex is good!" No, not really, but if you choose to stick around for these stupid fuck reasons, do not bitch about what a nutter she is or how she makes you miserable. You chose her. It was your choice.

It always makes me lol when I hear dudes go on about how terrible women are, but in the same breath, admit to dating total psychos and trainwrecks. A lot of guys just seem to be THAT ruled by their egos that they cannot take any accountability for their shitty decision making and finger point like a motherfucker.

It's lol.

I don't understand why you even have to ask, let alone most people. It should be pretty straightforward- avoid crazy assholes and try to keep around relatively sane, balanced people. Your internal "fuck this shit" meter must be broken and just choose to be masochists. When I start seeing really questionable behavior/actions from an individual, I start rethinking their place in my life. If it keeps up and continues to harm the dynamics of the relationship/affect me consistently, they start getting cut out. Life's too short to be wasting it on someone who's fucking with your overall wellbeing in a negative way.
Posted by Plagued
He sounds like one of those Libramon that haven't reached evolution so silence is a cookie, say good riddance fuck you toodaloo, and the dog will come ah sniffin.
^5 (high five) other words (for OP), "Don't stay where you're not wanted". I don't. I BOUNCE! (or swim away as I'm Piscean) Drinks

Hug cyber hugs!



Posted by blackphase
Yes, ignoring is not a good sign. I was with a Libra for 2 years and we argued a lot, but he never ignored me (for long.. lol) no matter how bad things got.
that's because you are a gemini our mates.

Posted by liteskingreatness
Thank you all that helped me with my process. Me and my libra fella has been chatting it up. I apologized for my behavior. Showed him a little appreciation for his time and patience. There's days i want to chat with him but i give him his space. Now i want him to come to me which he did yesterday. But I'm slowly moving along with my breaking up process. Thank you guys that gave me positive feedback you guys are awesome.
After a year and half this man still hasn't asked you for an exclusive relationship? After a year and a half you are still fwb.

When he asked you the status of the relationship and you responded 'friends' did he fight for you? Did he say "No baby, I want you as my lover, girlfriend wife?" He broke up with you after you were vulnerable and shared your desire to have a future with him? Sounds like a real catch.

Now you two are FWB again. Basically you have a man who strings you a long, use you for sex, won't commit to you, ignores you if you don't like, sleeps with other women, gives you this bullshit line for needing space, and you apologize to him????????? And you wonder why we think you are stupid?

Chatting it up and accompanying you to functions, playing games like driving by your house, and or food does not equal commitment. It doesn't demonstrate commitment or "in love" feelings. You are something to do, while he waits for the one he will commit but it will never be you.

Thanks everyone. I know it's over and I'm okay with that. It's my fault why he didn't commit so i can deal with my mature ways. We weren't compatible and I'm fine to accept that. I don't need harsh critiscm it's hard for me to even keep interest in someone long but I'm glad I'm back on my path of finding what's best for me. Us sags are a little harsh when it comes to our feelings but we express our feelings different than libras. We wanted to different things and we are on different levels in life. Hes older than me I'm ready to settle down and i dont think he was to scared to commit on what i wanted. I want a family and marriage one day and i thibk that scares him. He tried to chase me after i had to say what i said on how i feel. He hurt me i don't think he ever realized he did. Too late to apologize for all the uncalled behavior but now reality hit me he was right it was all lust. I do feel bad i lead him on but i don't like being manipulative into being demanded or controlled to test my emotions. Sorry i haven't been on here just getting fresh start on a new career and moving around alot clearing my mind on things. Thanks for the support i highly appreciate it. Not every Libra guy is bad on there.