Posted by librawomen7I was unsure of my emotions with him. I string him long too being unsure of my feelings which was wrong. I got confused with where we stand and i showed him and told him how i felt. He started being manipulative towards me belittling me. I don't know why i stayed but i did because i thought i loved him. I was off and on with an ex of mine when me and my libra had our breaks. Now me and the ex are slightly rekindling our situation and i thought i wanted my lib back. We don't have sex. I cut ties off with libra in may he tried to woo me back in and i didnt consider it because how hurt i was. I hit him up few times afterwards just to see how he was doing he still tried to woo me i shrugged it off because of the games being played. I knew i hurt him because i rejected him i can tell by his actions. Now I'm talking to an ex i been seeing my lib riding past my neighborhood alot lately. And now i just think its too late if he wants me back and I'm hurt by the situation and don't want nothing to do with him.Posted by liteskingreatnessAfter a year and half this man still hasn't asked you for an exclusive relationship? After a year and a half you are still fwb.
Thank you all that helped me with my process. Me and my libra fella has been chatting it up. I apologized for my behavior. Showed him a little appreciation for his time and patience. There's days i want to chat with him but i give him his space. Now i want him to come to me which he did yesterday. But I'm slowly moving along with my breaking up process. Thank you guys that gave me positive feedback you guys are awesome.
When he asked you the status of the relationship and you responded 'friends' did he fight for you? Did he say "No baby, I want you as my lover, girlfriend wife?" He broke up with you after you were vulnerable and shared your desire to have a future with him? Sounds like a real catch.
Now you two are FWB again. Basically you have a man who strings you a long, use you for sex, won't commit to you, ignores you if you don't like, sleeps with other women, gives you this bullshit line for needing space, and you apologize to him????????? And you wonder why we think you are stupid?
Chatting it up and accompanying you to functions, playing games like driving by your house, and or food does not equal commitment. It doesn't demonstrate commitment or "in love" feelings. You are something to do, while he waits for the one he will commit but it will never be to expand
Posted by liteskingreatnessYou said this three months ago.
Thanks everyone. I know it's over and I'm okay with that. It's my fault why he didn't commit so i can deal with my mature ways. We weren't compatible and I'm fine to accept that. I don't need harsh critiscm it's hard for me to even keep interest in someone long but I'm glad I'm back on my path of finding what's best for me. Us sags are a little harsh when it comes to our feelings but we express our feelings different than libras. We wanted to different things and we are on different levels in life. Hes older than me I'm ready to settle down and i dont think he was to scared to commit on what i wanted. I want a family and marriage one day and i thibk that scares him. He tried to chase me after i had to say what i said on how i feel. He hurt me i don't think he ever realized he did. Too late to apologize for all the uncalled behavior but now reality hit me he was right it was all lust. I do feel bad i lead him on but i don't like being manipulative into being demanded or controlled to test my emotions. Sorry i haven't been on here just getting fresh start on a new career and moving around alot clearing my mind on things. Thanks for the support i highly appreciate it. Not every Libra guy is bad on there.