Hey Guys what do you think about this match.. do you know any couples together of this sort. Or are you in a relationship with a cancer girl or a libran? ..
I dated a Cancer woman for 4 years. Really really fun relationship, sexiest woman alive but the most boring SEX EVER. So I kept cheating on her only with just one woman but I couldn't help it. So stay sexy.
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Apr 15, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 425 · Topics: 46
cancer and capricorn are the worst matches for a libra
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Apr 15, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 425 · Topics: 46
but then again depends on the moon sign i guess..
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Sep 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 147 · Topics: 14
My dad is a libra and my mom is a cancer. They've known each other since childhood, then dated and married. They've been married for 40 years I think. So it can work. My mom is pretty domineering and likes her space. My dad gives her all the space she needs and wants but is always available to placate her. They rarely show affection to each other but they rarely fight either. From my observations, it is not a passion-filled relationship and hasn't been one as long as I can remember BUT they love and respect each other. Most of the time, neither one will do something without consent of the other. My dad won't even consider a trip unless she can go too. I don't see their relationship as romantic so much as it is a peaceful co-existance of two people who entered a partnership. They respect commitment and intend to see it through until the very end, passion or not.
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Sep 02, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 147 · Topics: 14
"Librans seem cool @ first, but they are horrible. I've met my fair share of them, so I know. If you're not into bullbutter mind games and don't like people who constantly hate on everyone behind their backs, stay away from libra's."
Ok I don't know or have any experience with any female libras, but I know quite a few male libras and they are nothing like this. In my opinion, libra males aim to please, even if it kills them. I kinda think they are pushovers.
I can kinda see the hating on everyone behind their backs though cuz libras seem to keep their unpleasant thoughts and feelings inside and do not let it come out until they are bursting at the seams. Like pisces, libra seems to go out of their way to avoid conflict.
water and air= no..and i dated a libra who is in prison right now for burglary and grand theft.. very selfish and lazy libras are the libras i have met
Not every libra is the same... keep that in mind.
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Oct 24, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 276 · Topics: 49
If the other way round could be better(libra woman and cancer man).i am cancer but usually i get well along with libra and aquarius.i cannot understand gemini well.
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Oct 24, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 276 · Topics: 49
Where are Lolibrave and london libra ? Give good insight into this matter please
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Nov 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 308 · Topics: 46
i'm here, i'm here!
i think this can be a great combo. esp if the cancer has some air planets and the libra has some scorpio (which they often do). they are squared which can be difficult but it creates such a strong attraction and pull that you almost don't know why you like the person.
i'd say if you like them then go for it. libra and cancer is a very sweet, romantic match.
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Mar 03, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 244 · Topics: 29
I am currently in this relationship. Been at it for around 10 months. It has been one of the hardest relationships I have ever been in. The only thing that keeps us going is that we care about each other a great deal. But man - we have had some differences.
Hi Libra fam! I'm normally on the Cancer board. Haven't been on in quite a while though. Naturally I have wondered in here as I'm currently dating a Libra man as well and so far everything you all have mentioned has come to pass in regards to a new relationship. He's incredibly charming and swept me off my feet. And yes he told me that he was in love with me just the third time we went out on a date. Yes I know its crazy even as I type it and whats even more crazy is that I said it back even though I'm don't think I mean it...yet!
As far as our relationship so far its going okay. He calls and texts me everyday to ask me how my day is going. He tells me he misses me and we have great convo overall. We have been seeing each other for a month and he already wants me to move into a new place with him. I told him that he is moving too fast. While I wish that we could move that fast, I naturally still have reservations! Of course I do, but I'm so crazy about him. But judging from what I've been reading on this board, you guys say its a facade?
So far the problem is me and my gloom and doom attitude that us Cancer's are known for. I feel like this feeling really won't last and he's hiding something as if every move is a calculated step. And I go crazy when I don't get him on the phone when I call even though he always calls me back at a reasonable time. He seems to be quite honest as well! Plus he doesn't even look at other women when we are out together! Not even a quick glance! Surprising! He holds my hand, kisses/hugs me in public in front of his friends...Yet I fear that its not real and that is the only problem that I have with this relationship. You would think that since I am aware of this that I can combat this feeling, but I can't help it. It's the way I'm made I guess and it definitely is a Cancer attribute as I know plenty of Cancers with the same problem.
Our first week together I was a bit overwhelmed by all of this and I broke up with him. I cut him completely off. I didn't answer his phone calls and I told him not to call me again. Of course he didn't take heed. This was due to the fact that it seemed as if he was breaking our dates. But then a week later he showed up on my doorstep with roses and a card. It was my birthday. We've been together ever since.
The negative thoughts still manage to creep in and I'm trying to catch myself and keep from being negative around him. I hope he can put up with me.
Or I'll have to break up with him again. Hope this helps you a lil bit! I would like some of my Libra mates to weigh in as well in regard to the Libra's nature when in a relationship. Thank you all!
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Mar 03, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 244 · Topics: 29
Ah yes - it's hard being such a sensitive sign. Not all Cancers are crazy! We are just very in tune with our emotions. I find that the older I get, the more in control I am of how I express my feelings.
My Libra and I get along great. We spend most of our time together, and have a ton of fun when we go out. Libras hold their friendships very dear, and sometimes it feels like you don't know where you stand with them. (my bf's bestfriend comes to mind) My Libra's friends are in their early-mid 20s, none have children, a few grad'd college, and they all like to party. That gets old sometimes; but it's not too frequent.
I try my best to keep an open mind, and let him do what he wants, as Libras are pretty self absorbed as well. For the most part, as soon as you get it right in your heart that he loves you; and don't smother him with worrying or making him feel bad for going out - it can work pretty well.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
* "peaceful co-existance of two people who entered a partnership".....
Let me preface this by saying I could be very wrong. I think tension is what makes sex-sexy. If you are the best of friends and their is no emotional friction of any sort ... the passion dies because the powerplay is gone. The tension is what makes it exciting.
If you really have a loving, stable, happy home it is much harder to find the tension thus the passion.
When I have been passionately in love, I didn't know which way was up. It was filled with tension and lust and never really knowing what was going on.
I am coming to the conclusion that they are just different forms of love. Familiar love and sexual sex.
Not sure about the Libra Female Cancer Male combination. Ive been in the Libra Male Cancer Female and I have to say it was a diasaster. It started out really well, very tender and caring. But after some time she was always thinking I was with other girls just because I didnt call her that day. Was annoying because she wasnt exactly getting a hold of me either. Soon enough every wrong thing in the world was my fault... And once this happenned then she feld just fine resorting to ANY means to get back at me for things she decided I had done (even if they were only in her head). It was over and I felt like I had tried sooooo hard and got nothing but criticism and blame for my attempts. 2 months which felt like 2 horrible years. This is just one example, and maybe the male/female role reversal might be different.
And have to say I think pink ^^ has it pretty spot on. lol I never thought of that until I read your post. I often get thought of as a pushover. The people who really know me say I should be spy, however, because it takes a while to get to know me, and people often think they can get away with anything until I start pushing back. Truth be told is when I see that from someone I lose a lot of respect for them.
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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
Hey, pinklibra... you just quoted Pesca and then got all upset about her "only knowing her Libra parent" and then saying horrible things about Libras.. umm.. but this is a thread from 2009 that got resurrected.. Pesca was actually QUOTING someone who said Libras were horrible (see the quotes?) but the original poster of that statement she quoted is not longer on DXP, so their posts disappeared.
Pesca75 6/28/2009 8:53:26 AM Quote | IP
"Librans seem cool @ first, but they are horrible. I've met my fair share of them, so I know. If you're not into bullbutter mind games and don't like people who constantly hate on everyone behind their backs, stay away from libra's."
Ok I don't know or have any experience with any female libras, but I know quite a few male libras and they are nothing like this. In my opinion, libra males aim to please, even if it kills them. I kinda think they are pushovers.
I can kinda see the hating on everyone behind their backs though cuz libras seem to keep their unpleasant thoughts and feelings inside and do not let it come out until they are bursting at the seams. Like pisces, libra seems to go out of their way to avoid conflict.
Pesca doesn't have a problem with Libras, she was calling out SOMEONE ELSE who was hating on Libras for the sake of them being Libras.
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Dec 29, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 752 · Topics: 45
i like cancer women, they have nice titties and love to cuddle and they dont bitc as much as scoprios and cry as much as pisces and they are easily used they tell u they are done with you but more than likely you can hit that for another 5 years
great sex tho, if a lirba dates any water sign, esp. the men, it should be a cancer. they are more exciting and horny enough to keep our attention for an extra 5 minutes
and they have nice titties