Libra Man And Cancer Female toghether?

Hey, pinklibra... you just quoted Pesca and then got all upset about her "only knowing her Libra parent" and then saying horrible things about Libras.. umm.. but this is a thread from 2009 that got resurrected.. Pesca was actually QUOTING someone who said Libras were horrible (see the quotes?) but the original poster of that statement she quoted is not longer on DXP, so their posts disappeared.
Pesca75 6/28/2009 8:53:26 AM Quote | IP
"Librans seem cool @ first, but they are horrible. I've met my fair share of them, so I know. If you're not into bullbutter mind games and don't like people who constantly hate on everyone behind their backs, stay away from libra's."
Ok I don't know or have any experience with any female libras, but I know quite a few male libras and they are nothing like this. In my opinion, libra males aim to please, even if it kills them. I kinda think they are pushovers.
I can kinda see the hating on everyone behind their backs though cuz libras seem to keep their unpleasant thoughts and feelings inside and do not let it come out until they are bursting at the seams. Like pisces, libra seems to go out of their way to avoid conflict.

Pesca doesn't have a problem with Libras, she was calling out SOMEONE ELSE who was hating on Libras for the sake of them being Libras.