Libra Men

This topic was created in the Libra forum by s4ssyb78 on Saturday, July 31, 2010 and has 35 replies.
You asked him if the song meant something, he said no. Seems pretty straightforward to me. Are you asking us to tell you whether or not he's LYING to you? Libras like to stay friendly with their exes... occasionally to get back together, but often not. Relax a little bit, don't read too much into it. Continue being friendly when he contacts you, but DON'T CHASE HIM and get all wrapped up and hearing wedding bells in your head - if HE hears them, he'll TELL you! Go out and live your life, do things YOU enjoy. Don't spend all this time on worrying and thinking about what did it MEAN??? If he really likes you, he'll be back, and it will be A LOT clearer than some "subtle hint" (like sending you a Chris Brown ring tone.)
I say he was sending you a ring tone he thought you'd like.. and even though he's not talked to you since, you keep analyzing and reanalyzing and picking the whole thing apart to look for something hidden instead of looking at what's staring you in the face. It was a ring tone, a nice gesture is just a nice gesture, not a declaration of undying love. Don't turn it into something it's not and set yourself up for pain and rejection. Men are generally very clear when they're actually pursuing a chick... you'll KNOW. So kick back, relax, don't worry so much, let it flow.
Best of luck to you smile
LOL Classic complaints about Libras, ESP young ones, and ESP before he's truly decided (down to his bones) that you ARE The One for him! That back and forth, hot and cold? Almost non-existent (except for the "normal" occasional need for a little space MEN in general have) once he's FULLY committed to you and only you. If he's still hot and cold, he's still deciding.. pushing won't make it happen any faster, sorry. But it sounds like you're doing okay, not chasing him. Very good indeed.
I am a Libra man with venus, pluto and mercury all in Libra. I'm telling you, i went out with this scorpio girl, she was DAMN SEXY!!! That gaze, im never gonna forget it my whole life, she was pure fire in bed. I really liked here, but she was one obsessed girl, too smoothering. I dont like to admit it, but i am a flirt, its nothng really, just the way i am, its not cheating or anything (not that i believe in the concept of 'cheating', per se), but she would go livid! real bunny boiler, couldnt understand her silent treatment. She went as far as slashing all my Givenchy and Christian Dior ties. That really hurt.
And she said Libra men are the worst, yet i never did anything to harm, hurt or vandalise her or her property. She had no patience whatsoever,im just glad she never cut the strings in my piano. That would have ended my life.
Men, stay away from SCORPIO WOMEN!
Posted by s4ssyb78
I have to clear something up about my topic & why I ask the question.see he recently call me & I talk to him then I wait 2 days to text but he did not response so I left him along & that's when I got the song.that how he plays it he ignores my text or doesn't reply to mines.but once I ignore his it big problem.this is why I distance myself from him because I have notice every time he think im getting to close he will distance his self. Thank u

Girl, it's time to move on. IMO, Yes there is a clear message in the song he sent to you....
not sure how to add videos but:
Thanks Tahlia
That's what's up who sing this song
Hmmm... consider me schooled in Chris Brown ring tones. Having never listened to his music, I did not know the lyrics to the song (until it was posted here) and I guess I assumed it was a love song, probably a sappy one about undying love and missing someone. Now that I have heard the song, fuck 'im.. yep, he was trying to get under your skin in his own douche way. I stand corrected, and have revised my original (erroneous) opinion that he was just sending you a ring tone he thought you'd like, one without hidden meaning. What a craptastic song from a craptastic Libra who likes to play mindfuck games... and soooo passive-aggressive of him to send it then pussy out and play innocent like it meant nothing. Ugh.
^^ That's what I said LOL
Nope, I didn't know the term, obviously I'm not up on the hip hop lingo... thought that was established when I said I didn't even know the song or what it was about? o.O
I guess it never crossed my mind that he'd send her a NASTY ring tone when they were "working on getting back together"... that particular Dick Move has never been in my realm of experience. (And I've seen/heard of a lot of Dick Moves!)
LMAO... That I SAID I assumed? Hmmm.. you mean like I'm backpedaling now because too many people disagreed with me and said he DID mean something by it? Obviously you don't know me very well - I don't give a flying FUCK who agrees with me or not. Re-read my first response to her... clearly I was *completely* off on what the song might "mean" (being that my old and lame ass had never even heard the song, as I admitted) but it was *obvious* that I thought it was a sweet little love song (that he SAID had no hidden meaning) and then he "pulled a Libra" and vanished. What part of.... Oh yeahhhh.. aren't you the one who said I was giving the Libra guy too much credit? Riiiiight. On the contrary.. I wasn't giving him credit at all... thinking it was a love song, I was cautioning s4ssy to go slow and be careful, to not read too much into the situation, because Libras (men of any sign, really) can be slick-ass players who tell you what you want to hear. Everything I posted was for HER benefit, not HIS. Cuz I'm a Show Me The Money kinda girl...
... Even if I grew up on a Michigan pig farm and don't listen to hip hop music. Tongue
Ignore libra's calls and texts. See what happens...he will be like, "whaaaaaaaaaat? where are you? are you ok?" Then I would I just move on and be careful not fall back into his traps smile
Posted by Ravi79
I am a Libra man with venus, pluto and mercury all in Libra. I'm telling you, i went out with this scorpio girl, she was DAMN SEXY!!! That gaze, im never gonna forget it my whole life, she was pure fire in bed. I really liked here, but she was one obsessed girl, too smoothering. I dont like to admit it, but i am a flirt, its nothng really, just the way i am, its not cheating or anything (not that i believe in the concept of 'cheating', per se), but she would go livid! real bunny boiler, couldnt understand her silent treatment. She went as far as slashing all my Givenchy and Christian Dior ties. That really hurt.
And she said Libra men are the worst, yet i never did anything to harm, hurt or vandalise her or her property. She had no patience whatsoever,im just glad she never cut the strings in my piano. That would have ended my life.
Men, stay away from SCORPIO WOMEN!

I knew it no smoke without fire Ravi. I bet if you bump into her again that sexy intensity will send you wild.hahasmile
Posted by capris
Ignore libra's calls and texts. See what happens...he will be like, "whaaaaaaaaaat? where are you? are you ok?" Then I would I just move on and be careful not fall back into his traps smile

Is there a like button on here? I like this
Posted by Tahlia
my post just says that i'm also the one who posted the lyrics
heh :/ weirdo i know

Hey tahlia i remembered ur post. What happened to the libra n those silly girls. Hope you kick him to the curb if he didnt shape
Posted by Tahlia
hey femmescorpion
i am not sure if u are talking about the girl who made the thread? the name i had before was beautifuln9tmare lol...but i def kicked mine to the curb after he flaked on me Sad
still hope to see him again in about 6 months though

Yeah i remember you now. Good move hun,man was getting disrespectful....Properly
Why do you want to see him in 6mths?
Posted by s4ssyb78
For somebody to cut off contact for weeks cause u ask then did they mean it.(show they did)no matter if they said they didn' I said Libra are cold heart matter how much wrong they have done to someone they think u should prove something to them(yeah right).I'm not going to kiss his a** cause I'm not the one who start the sh**I hope I heard the last of Mr
Libra from hell.

Just make sure, you have your back turn whilst he is getting banished to hell..because if he smiles @ you,girl i know you would be begging the good lord to take him into the gates of heaven.haha
Sometimes us ladies neeed to resist that charm.Sad
hahaha yup they are irresitible. However i am through with the rollercoaster,emotional blackmail,going cold,etc.
Tahlia,kind of ignoring him/putting him on the back burner.
Last time he wanted to see me i stood him up. He was proper pissed/angry because he paid for the taxi to come n get me.
I lied and told him am in the taxi parked around the corner,come and get me. At that time i was tucked up in bed listening to john legend "baby when i use to love u" no pun intended.lmao
So from that night things have been frosty,lukewarmish...
He was due back from italy on monday,asked if he could link but i told him i am busy all week.
Last i heard he decided to stay on longer in italy.
Not sure what am going to do/say when i bumped into him.
@ Pigeonpie...he knows whst exactly???
Girl he deserved it plus the other dish he got served
Obviously i felt abit bad and tried to apologised only to be met with the "cold shoulder"
Well he's in italy visiting his parents,hope he dont think he can get back,pop into my work and act as though everything is dandy.
Last time he got back,he landed on sunday eve and called into my work the monday. He was looking all tan and
He was wearing a blue top,when i commented that he looked gr8 in blue...the guy wore that blue top another 5times to see me. And on each occassion,he would remind me,that he his wearing my favourite top.Sad
Arrrgghh he better keep away this heart has frozen as far as he his concern. Cant afford for him to melt it again.Sad
Ermmmm?? mate ur not making any sense. So if ur bored go link tasteofchaos or something.
Posted by pigeonpie
OK.Tahlia posted some Mariah Carey the other day.
As for the indulging part of my reply, if the guy is travelling, you aren't on his mind, he's single right ?
He wears your favourite shirt as you're one of his options and wearing the blue top is a dead cert, surely ?

Haha travelling my ass. uk to italy to see family isnt travelling. But good for him absence makes the heart grow fonder or wander.Sad You decide.
Yup wearing the exact shirt again may work on some girls,the 2nd time i thought it was cute...the 3rd,4th n 5th I was thinking its fading/losing its colour.
And i need to take him shopping n spend some of that
Posted by pigeonpie
link Tasteofchaos ? and you say I'm not making sense ?
Unless you mean link arms and skip through the fields and trees weeeee !smile

It must be a British thing. Link/get intouch. After all she is ur chum. Right?
Posted by pigeonpie
Posted by sdgaf
scorpio woman will never rule a libra..
it's an illusion..
he's just keeping that little flame alive smile

Seriously though, that 'ooh I'm in a taxi but I'm not I'm at home listening to tunes' ?
Unless he's 16, has an extra chromosome or something like that, He knows what's up.
click to expand

Ermmm??? Whats up??? That your getting stood up!! No doubt.lmao
Posted by Tahlia
"Ermmm??? Whats up??? That your getting stood up!! No doubt.lmao"
^^^ LMAO!

U dun know hunny....Men need to watch it!! Oh he was so pissed "Femme,where are you?","Am outside where is the taxi parked?"
Oh i played john legend because he refused to play john legend for me one night,when i was out n requested it. Instead he played some crazy italian tune "i love u,thou u drive me mad" mate and i couldnt stop laughing.
Yes Libras will use song to display their emotions or to prove a point!!
Mmmmm well if i ever need a get out of jail card,the libra will be the
He knows that too-guess he was trying to rush bail.lmao
Hey guys i cant figure out how to post vids from youtube. can one of you kindly go to youtube and search madonna "hung up lyrics" and post it.
Trust me the lyrics from that song sums up the predicament all women face with mr
Awwww thanks hun,what do you think. I reckon she was talking about a
I was browsing youtube for songs to post on facebook n came across this song. Have always like it,so thought ill listen to the lyrics. Then i was like damn!!
I know esp "i know ur still hesitating" Typical libra indecisiveness.
Your welcome chick. Am going to get some zzzzzzzzzzz. Catch u
Novbaby listen to this song and then HANG UP on that libra. Until he wakes up n smell the coffee.
Posted by pigeonpie
^ don't listen to the

What?? why should she wait on him!!