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Feb 25, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 388 · Topics: 50
If i had a dollar for every time i see a flirty, gentlemen-like libra man fall for a cold bitch, i'd be a millionaire. Why do you do this to yourself? I get that a woman throwing herself at you isnt appealing or classy but you gotta draw the line at some point. Libra men and women are lovely people an i like being around them but i feel sad every time it happens...
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Because a lot of Libra men are prone to "white knight" syndrome.
They think they can fix someone's fucked up issues, so they pursue. Being someone's savior does wonders for that fragile, insecure ego of theirs.
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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
I have a question. What is your definition of a bitch? The reason I ask is because my ex libra did so much immature things that it brought out the worst disciplinarian I've ever known. Lol. Like seriously, he needed to be disciplined and my attitude would be considered bitchy by a third person who doesn't know the inner story.
Secondly, one of my really good guy friends was dating a double Pisces chick. Now I've never known a Pisces to be rude and "bitchy"; although I do know that they have a terrible bad side. Initially when my friend told me things she would do and say to him, I'd be like "wow, that's really mean! Why would she do that?!" I do believe that there's two sides to a story. So, lo and behold, I meet her at his party and she ends up confiding in me about the things that my libra friend does, which irks her beyond her tolerance level. And I must say that after knowing both sides, I would be pissed as well if my bf was repeatedly doing the things that my friend was doing. As someone outside of a relationship, you don't know the inner story to call someone a bitch.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
My brother does that when I'm talking to him. He'll just go off on something else, not really paying attention.
I proceed to throw something at him for being a rude asshole. Get some damned manners already. I'd like to meet a Sag who ISN'T a tacky asshole.
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Feb 25, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 388 · Topics: 50
If you KNOW someone likes you but you dont like them, that's perfectly fine. But dont purposely flirt with guys in front of them..and i consider that bitchy. As for walking away like that while hes talking is disrespectful.
Why did i bother posting this thread? I see it happen all the time and no i dont like him, we are childhood friends and i just got out of a serious relationship with a bull
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Feb 25, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 388 · Topics: 50
@raindancer: im curious as to how you came up with that conclusion....from now on pls refrain from posting on my threads
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Oct 30, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 230 · Topics: 12
Maybe they like strength since they're so mushy lol. My boyfriend is like that, so maybe they don't have the white knight syndrome they could just like their opposites. But I know my libra mom would def be considered a "bitch" most of my libra friends really have that strong personality lol. So maybe your libra guy friend just made a mistake or likes to be walked all over
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Feb 25, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 388 · Topics: 50
@fireybunny: that could be it, except she is the only one who gets away with it. He has a leo rising and is rather prideful and is respected. But around her he is her pup (im not exaggerating)
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Bumping considering the topics lately.