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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
I love you Libra guys and your willingness to please definately comes in handy in the bedroom however it seems that finding out what a Libra man wants in bed is like trying to get blood out of a stone. In my experience I find Libra men seem to be very versatile and can easily adapt to being the dominant one or the submisive one depending on their.partner but deep down what do you actually want?!
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Dec 20, 2012Comments: 25 · Posts: 712 · Topics: 11
never dated someone as my sign. i wonder whats it feels like...
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
Interesting. Me and my Libra were stuck in this la la land where neither of us was dominant or submissive , we were both just in this middle weird place. He would always say "whatever turns you on turns me on" .Also being a Libra I am similar but I still have my own preferences.
In the end I told him he either has to "man up" or back down and his response (which I knew it would be) was "which would you prefer" haha told him I didnt care which just pick!!
He picked to man up and I decided he wasnt manly enough to play that role so decided to be the dominant one. And in the end he finally admitted he had always wanted tio be dominated by a woman. So I was like "wtf?! Wjy didnt you just say when I asked?" and he just shrugged lol.
He is a very open person but seems to be really secretive when it comes to sex. He will try anything (and I mean ANYTHING) I suggest but wont say what he actually wants, so frustrating!
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
We both have a lot of scorp in our chart and the sex is amazing I just want to.know what he really really wants even if its something that would make most people run away haha. Im currently working my way through the A-Z of sexual encouters until I find out exactly what it is! He never knows what he's going to walk into when he gets in from work lol
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
We're not dating we are married lol. He's def not down for a threesome even with another woman. he likes ass play but can take or leave it
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
My best friend who is a Libra wont ever date libra guys as she says its like being with her brother! Haha. I have never been able to resist them. Only the venus in scorp ones though venus in libra/virgo just dont do it for me
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Sep 01, 2011Comments: 37 · Posts: 496 · Topics: 28
Well, since you asked an no Libra Men have stepped forward here goes: this here Libra has Mars and Venus in Sag , being domiate is kinda natural but with my partner we switch it up alot.I'm thinking most Libra men would prefer the more sumissive role . or 'you seduce me'' role. I love that myself !. Lingere,high heels,nylons,and a female dressed like a classy whore drive me crazy . (My Virgo wife is good at that ! she has mars in Libra so we just 'click' sexually ) I love dirty talk , it gives me incredible orgasms. Eye contact is a SERIOUS turn-on in bed . I like to give first (it's a Libra thing) but I'm greedy in the end. Anything whith whips and chains is not really necsessary . I think Ive said enough here , can't give away everything . I'm guessing you have to check the man's Mars, Moon, Venus and Eros to get the whole picture.
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
Thanks libragem. Very similar to my Libra so hopefully he does like those things and isnt just.saying he does because I do lol. When we first got.together he saiid he was into underwear and I thought "isnt!" but he is REALLY into it, loves when I put something sexy on for him. He dropped into.the submissive role like a natural but he will still dominate every nowand then. Since I have forced (for lack of a better word lol) him to open up sexually he has started to talk dirty which I love but he seems to have an issue with being."that way" with his wife
Its like he has put me on some purity pedastool and see's me as something he cant be dirty with lol. I always feel him hesitate before he does or says something dirty and ive told him its a turn off and he needs to clear his mind and just be in the moment and not worry about offending me lol
He also isnt into whips and chains but he likesme to spank him, he even leaves a wooden spoon on his pillow for me sometimes because he's too shy to ask for it bless him
I just dont want it to be years down the line and I find out that he's unhappy because theres something we could have been doing that he wouldnt speak up about. I have been like that in past relationships and wasnt happy and should have spoken up.
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
Also def agree about the eye contact. I used go be quite sexually detatched but he likes to have eye contact which I found uncomfortable at first but now just seems natural. Also the one thing he has been forthcoming about is his interest in tantric sex (but once again only after I mentioned it!!) . Apparently this is meant to be something Libra men excel at?? But either way he ordered a book lol
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Jan 06, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1697 · Topics: 71
Think you may be onto something there sid! But dont.most people usually have one thing that tops everything else?! I know some people may want to just keep it as fantasy (like many people fantasize about 3somes but the reality is they dont want to it) but still thought if so.he he would share it with me. Maybe im just too nosey haha