Posted by libra sunPosted by tiziani
Haha, that is pretty much what I imagined a Libra-Libra relationship to be like. Everytime I've met a Libra woman they are fascinating to talk to and share with, but there has never been enough spark (too similar) to take it further.
If he is not telling you then that is probably sure sign that he has fantasised about things that truly have no boundaries or limits. Sometimes things are to be shown rather than told. If you do more of the showing of what you want (without waiting for his permission or the green light but just raw feeling) then you might get the change in him that you desire.
But you know, it must be tough being an Air sign trying to provoke fire out of another Air sign.
He knows what I want and will happily do it. Its what HE wants that us the issue. He insists he doesnt want anything but I accept that lolclick to expand