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Mar 14, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 118 · Topics: 21
If I can't read my libra mothers mind she explodes. It's like she EXPECTS SO MUCH OUT OF YOU.. But she will never be direct about any of it.
Libras are masters at being passive aggressive.
Why? Why? Why?
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Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
Because Because Because.... Your her daughter and if you've been listening to her for all these years you should now! We want you to think for yourselves and be clever like us!! I don't explode at my daughter but I do expect her " to know".. If she doesn't get me I joke in a passive aggressive way.. I admit that.. When is your birth date? I'm a Virgo/libra cusp and my daughter is a Capricorn..
My mother is libra with a Virgo stellium. Her many mistakes constantly point at what i must improve in myself. See it as a blessing in disguise....
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Apr 14, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1077 · Topics: 33
I am a Virgo and my Mom is Libra. Yes, OMG! Controlling is an understatement. I've tried years to understand her but it's like she expects me to read her mind or something. Sorry can't do that. The best way to handle her is to do exactly what she wants me to do and get out of her way. I broke up with friends for her and I broke up with boyfriends for her too.
I am her only daughter and she claimed I am her favorite (Yeah, sure!). Don't get me wrong, I love her, she knows me so well and she annoys me a lot. BUT now that both of us are older and hopefully wiser (me i mean), we get a long pretty good. I used to fight her but now I don't anymore as I grow older and realize she is not getting any younger. I agree with her more and I short-circuited her whenever I see that she is getting into one of those controlling mood.
However, I do learn a lot from her. She taught me how to be swift, how to be ultra discipline, how to lead your life by mind not by sight or feeling, etc.
So, look at the good and the bad and then go from there. Most of all, see it from love point of view. Have you heard a song titled Mama from Spice girls? Find it on youtube.
Maybe she got tired of telling you the same thing over and over but since you're her kid, she can't just give up on you and completely ignore you. Talk to her about your concerns. Tell her being passive aggressive wouldn't get your relationship anywhere. Worst case is it just breeds resentment. Needless to say, conflict is just normal for any parent-child relationship so try to reach out.
As a Libra/Scorpio rising, I must admit that I am a little anal retentive when it comes to organization and detail, but I am in no way a controlling person. I think most,(NOT ALL) Libras just like order and easy flow of things, and yes, like "AesmaDaeva" says, Libra's do not like to keep saying the same thing over and over again.
I only have one child as well, and my son and I have always had a great relationship and he's never once said to me OR about me, THAT I KNOW OF ANYWAY...LOL, that I am controlling.
"Shescomeundone", I don't know about all that cleverness stuff..but yes, my son is 22 years old, so I do expect him GET things when I tell him something..especially when it's for his own good, and to also know a little about me.... as his mother, after 22 years.
"Sugarfoot", I've always been one to speak my mind (tactfully though), so I don't feel that I'm passive agressive at all. As far as talking about my own problems....Well, that I am guilty of NOT DOING. I am a very private and reserved person, so I don't share my issues/problems with anyone, because I don't trust a lot of folks. Most folks for whatever reasons, always come to me for counseling so I know if they talk bad about their friends and love one's with me, they will do the same for my business, so I'm working on getting better at that, but at 48 years old, I don't see it getting any
My mother is also a Libra and I find that she tries to control everyone around her. She even wanted control of my childhood dog. Everyone has to sing from the same hymn sheet as her or they get turned on or bullied.
I have learnt many things from my mum. Some good that I live by and some that I most certainly do not want to pass on to my kids.
I am 33 with 2 kids of my own now and moved out 17 years ago. It's time she let go
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Oct 30, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 230 · Topics: 12
It's funny, 3 out of 5 of my closest friends have Libra moms so we always joke about how they are all the same.
Lots of controlling, which we kind of need since we're of those friends is a Libra guy with a Libra mom and Libra stepdad. It's usually world war one over thurrr.
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Yes we expect a lot from our children, we spend most of your adolescence teaching you right from wrong and nudging you when you are taking the wrong turns through life but at a certain point we feel most of the teaching is done. In fact you make that decision yourself and we recognise it, this is when you no longer get told what to do and how to do it and must think for yourself...and when you do the wrong thing or make the wrong decisions you will feel it from us!!!
This is the way I am with my girls, I've pulled back considerably and trying to cut the apron strings but they keep coming back with the simplest things wanting me to make decisions for them and the complex things they want to be left alone...I don't understand or know what they are going through.. sheesh!
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Jul 23, 2013Comments: 546 · Posts: 6870 · Topics: 474
Sounds exactly like my mom and she's a Libra too. I just Libras expect a lot out of people.